Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 114: 114

Boom, boom, boom

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The terrible waves swept up, and the black chains rattled. A dark virtual shadow was beating and pounding towards the Jiexuan Dharma array.

After a long time, the invisible white awn in the juxuan array gradually dissipated. Several black chains were all straight at the same time, and the air waves around them gradually diffused and dissipated.

"Damn, it's over so soon. Is that boy dead?"

"Well, it's a pity to be young!"

"Shh, keep your voice down. Don't talk nonsense. If it comes out, Master Wang will have to punish us! "

Around, all the grey robed warriors, attracted by the sound of the earthquake, were hiding in the distance in twos and threes, looking fearfully into the Dharma array, and whispering to each other.

"Look, Master Wang?" Fang Shuo's face was full of embarrassment. He came to master Wang in a low voice and asked. On both sides, a number of young men and women in grey robes were all silent, standing behind Wang Shi with no movement.

"Well, clean up here. All the people who have nothing to do with it will be thrown out! " Wang Shi didn't care a cold hum, took the corner of his eyes and disdained to sweep his eyes, sword nameless and so on.

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"Ha ha, Master Wang, don't worry. I'll do it now!" Hearing the words, Fang Shuo's eyes lit up in vain, and he had the backbone again in his heart. Then, Fang Shuo gently nuzui, with several young people in grey robes. The face color is not good, aggressive then toward sword nameless etc. walk.

"Sister Ruxue..." Liu Shuanger's face was worried, and her hands were in a cold sweat. Tightly pulling Ji Ruxue's sleeve, refuse to spread easily again.

"To die!" Ji Ruxue eyebrows pick, cold spit out two words. Then, Ji Ruxue, who was already very cold, became even colder.

Ji Ruxue's feet flashed two blue lights, and her steps moved left and right. A simple ice array with cold air appeared at Liu Shuanger's feet just after a few breath.

"Hum, if you dare to step forward again, you will be killed!" Brush, a sword light soars to the sky, the sword is nameless, and the whole body's sword Qi flies out fiercely. His eyes are like two sharp blades, staring at Fang Shuo and others.

"Gulu!" Fang Shuo, the leader, felt a chill surge on his neck and stopped in a hurry. The whole body cultivation breath is released, and the cultivation realm in the early stage of soul state is exposed.

"Ha ha, dare to make trouble with our alchemist Union, boy, are you tired of living?" Wang Shi, a middle-aged man, sneers and releases his whole breath in vain. A fierce air of Xuanli rustled and collided with the sword air released by the nameless sword in the void.

"Bang!" A heavy dull sound came from the void where Xuanli gathered. The fury of Xuanli suddenly let out, and the face of Wang Shi suddenly turned red.

"Hum!" A cold hum, all over the sky, the sword Qi slowly closed in the body. Sword nameless face as usual, cold extraordinary, cold swept Wang Shi one eye, silent.

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"Wow A mouthful of blood sprayed out, Wang Shi only felt that his body was full of water. Looking up at the sword nameless people's eyes again, there was a faint color of fear.

"Master Wang, you are injured!"

"Master Wang, are you ok?"

"Mr. Wang, no, let's call some people to come!"

A group of young men and women in grey robes were shocked. All stepped forward, staring at the middle-aged man, Wang Shi asked in a low voice.

"Click, click!"

At this time, a clear sound came out of the front juxuan Dharma array, and clearly came into everyone's ears.

Within the Xuanfa array, the rising invisible white awn gradually dissipated. The pure Xuanqi of heaven and earth in the void flows smoothly again.

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Around, a black straight chain, suddenly at the same time a tremor. Immediately, all of them broke into several pieces out of thin air and scattered all over the ground.

"Oh, boring, I'm just wasting my time!" With a breath of breath, the smoke of the Jiexuan array gradually dissipated. No trace a body of green clothes intact, stride square step lazily appeared in front of the public.

"Damn, this kid didn't die?"

"Mom, is this guy a human or a ghost?"

"I went. I'm not dazed. How could he not have any scars?"

"My God, it's strange, it's really strange!"

In the distance, many of the grey robed warriors were full of panic. As if they had seen a ghost, they pointed to the light cloud without trace one after another and began to talk about it."You, how can you be ok?" Fang Shuo's face is livid, stammering and asking in a loud voice to no trace.

"Ha ha, this small method is not enough to tickle me." No trace extremely disdained to cast a glance at Fang Shuo, turned his face and looked at the middle-aged man Wang Shi, who was also extremely ugly. He asked, "hurry up, what else can I do for the examination?"

"Cough, there is one final assessment. Is by an intermediate Dan division, according to the performance of your previous two assessment, give the final comprehensive evaluation. As long as you can get the approval of the intermediate alchemist, you can really become a member of our alchemist trade union and get the title of trainee alchemist! " Fang Shuo coughed two times and said in front of many grey robed warriors in the courtyard.

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"Ha ha, I have passed both examinations, but I still need an intermediate Dan master to make the final assessment? It seems that the assessment of the alchemist's trade union is really strict. Please send out the intermediate alchemist to give me a comment Traceless light smile, do not care about staring at Fang Shuo Lang Sheng said.

"Ha ha, what a coincidence! The Master Wang in front of you just passed the Dan Master examination a few days ago and became an intermediate Dan master. " Fang Shuo's eyes are full of envy, and his voice is slightly flattering. He looks at Wang Shi and says softly.

"He? Intermediate Dan Shi Smell speech, no trace ruthlessly turned a white eye, looking at the corner of the mouth is still hanging a trace of blood, the heart is full of disdain.

"Well, he is impetuous and doesn't know how to respect his teacher. Such a rash person is really not suitable for practicing all the way of Dan Dao. And I look at this person's face, there is anti bone behind his head. In the future, it's inevitable that we can't serve our alchemist union wholeheartedly. Therefore, the comprehensive evaluation result of the Alchemist is unqualified, and this person is not allowed to join our alchemist union! " With a cold sound, Master Wang looked at Wu's eyes full of hatred. Immediately, a high sounding routine echoed coldly in the courtyard.

With this remark, there was a complete silence in the huge courtyard. No matter Jian Mingming and others, Fang Shuo and a gang of grey robed warriors, all of them widened their eyes, and their faces changed constantly. It seems that there are ten thousand horses galloping and surging in all people's hearts at the same time, trampling on their own strong hearts.

"Ha ha, to the point, this guy's comments are very to the point, really, really laugh to death demon master," demon zunhuoxiao Xuying covered his stomach, looked at the gloomy traceless face and burst out laughing.

"Cough, look at my face, and you can see that there is anti bone in the back of my head? Damn it, your sister. He can give such a farfetched reason, thanks to him! " Traceless turned his eyes hard and gave Wang Shiyi a very sad glance.

On the other side, the middle-aged man Wang Shi raised his head and turned his mouth, without scruple to the strange eyes of the crowd around him. But the eyes flashed malicious light, cold stare to no trace no longer speak< br>

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