Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 113: 113

Alchemist Union, in the huge courtyard.

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No trace and others follow Fang Shuo to the front of a quiet flower garden. Looking around, more than a hundred kinds of flowers and herbs are all over the eyes, quietly spreading over a large area of open space in front.

"Ha ha, boy. If you want to join our alchemist Union, you need to know a hundred herbs and a thousand flowers, and these are just the foundation of the foundation! As long as you can name more than 90% of the medicinal materials, you will pass the first level! " With a wave of his hand, Fang Shuo swept more than 100 kinds of herbs in front of him. His face was full of banter, and he said with a smile to traceless.

"Oh No trace lightly Oh, haven't waited for people to come back to God. He walked alone and walked through the flower bed with his hands.

"Ha ha, pretend. As a primary alchemist, I can barely call out the name of this herb. He's a brat, and he's still putting on airs with me! " Fang Shuo's face was full of disdain and glared at Wu trace.

Master Wang and a group of young people in grey robes all stopped and stopped. The expression on each face is full of disdain, obviously no one is optimistic about traceless.

"Brush!" A green shadow flashed by. In only a few decades of time, no trace walked through the flower bed for a week. Immediately, traceless gas does not grow, does not change color, quietly smile back to the side of Fang Shuo again.

"Hey, boy, don't play tricks there! If you can't say it, don't blame me for being cruel! " Fang Shuo's strange smile, eyes extremely sinister staring at the side of no trace scolded.

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"Ha ha, one arrow, one leaf Hagi, one branch of yellow flower, star anise, eight immortals, star anise, brother king, thyme, ginseng."

"Caulis of Verbena, Verbena, purslane, Ma Lan, strychtum, 37, hawthorn, dogwood, yam, Radix Sophorae Tonkin, Herba setae, fennel, Ligustrum lucidum, Rhizoma Chuanxiong, chuanxiong, Sichuan Fritillaria, tuckahoe, and To Sa."

"Rehmannia glutinosa, Sanguisorba officinalis, cortex rehmanniae, Carthamus tinctorius, JUNCAO, Zhuru, Angelica sinensis, Cistanche deserticola, Cassia obtusifolia..." there was no pause from beginning to end. No trace back to shake the head, look leisurely muttered.

"Gulu!"“ Grunt On one side, Fang Shuo and a crowd of young men and women in grey robes, all of them swallowed their saliva, staring at Wu trace in disbelief and rubbing their eyes. And on the gloomy face of the middle-aged man Wang Shi, at this time, he has completely become an iron green.

"Wow, brother no trace, how powerful!" Liu Shuanger clenches a pair of jade hands, pulls Ji Ruxue's sleeve and exclaims softly.

Ji Ruxue, Jian Mingming, and they look at each other and see a touch of surprise in each other's eyes. The color of shock flashed by, and their faces quickly recovered as usual.

"Cough, I'm so tired!" Demon Zun Huoxiao Xuying patted his head hard, and his eyes were extremely sad. He swept his eyes with an unfathomable appearance. Just in order to cooperate with no trace 13, demon respect fire Xiao was forced to say a large section of Guankou. Then, the flashback with no trace and understatement achieves the purpose of deterring people.

"Ha ha, Mr. Fang Shuo, I have passed the first level! I don't know how many more hurdles we need to break down behind this? " Traceless mouth slightly up, eyes full of banter swept eyes, shocked Fang Shuo asked.

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"This..." for a moment, Fang Shuo quickly wiped the sweat on his forehead. Immediately, Fang Shuo stealthily glances at Wang Shi, a middle-aged man beside him. The meaning of asking is self-evident.

"Ha ha, Liu Wuchen, you are really knowledgeable! Fang Shuo, take him to the next assessment! " As soon as Wang Shiyi shook his sleeve, he turned around and ran to another open space in the courtyard.

Hua La, Hua la

A hustle and bustle of footsteps rang out. A group of young men and women in grey robes and Fang Shuo himself all turned around and walked without looking at all the names of herbs just now.

"Ha ha, these guys can't afford to play!" No trace light smile, not anxious, not angry. He took a square step with his hands on his back, with a sword on his head, and no one was walking with him.

In front of us, a Dharma array stands quietly on an empty field.

Before the array, Fang Shuo stopped, pointed to the middle of the array with a smile, and said in a cold voice: "ha ha, boy, we alchemists should not only be knowledgeable, but also coordinate our hands, eyes, body, method, step. The next assessment is your control ability! If you can hold on for half an hour, you have passed the second assessment! "

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"Ha ha, for half an hour?" Looking around at the array, the nine black iron chains on the ground, he turned his eyes in doubt and asked Fang Shuo in front of him.

"Ha ha, yes, half an hour! If you can't do it, get out of here as soon as possible! " Fang shuolang laughed, a kind of dark cool quietly poured into my heart. Originally, it only took a quarter of an hour for the assessment, but it took twice as long by his inspiration. And it seems that Wang Shi on one side did not blame himself, but seemed very satisfied. It seems that I've made the right bet this time. Master Wang really doesn't want this boy to join the alchemist's Union. Thinking of the pride, Fang Shuo's heart blossomed in an instant."Once you enter the Xuanfa array, you will not be able to use Xuanli!" A cold female voice, without any sign into the mind without trace.

In the rear, Ji Ruxue's face is still very cold and gorgeous, like a fairy who doesn't eat fireworks. Sword nameless hands behind, eyes always fierce stare at the opposite Wang Shi's every move.

"Ha ha, idiot, I'm just wasting my time!" Traceless smile, the heart can not help but rise a warm. Then, shaking his green robe, he walked away without fear.

"Brush!" A green shadow enters the Dharma array, and an invisible white light rises from the sky in an instant. Then, it seemed that the array and the other parts of the array were completely separated by some kind of power. The pure air of Xuanli between heaven and earth could not be integrated into the array.

Hua La, Hua la

The dark iron chains around the array were completely suspended. The mysterious power of each dark chain is no less than the full blow of the late master of he Hun Jing. The black iron chains wrapped in Xiao's murderous spirit quickly and straightly attacked the green shadow in the Dharma array.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong

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A series of deafening dull sound, cold echo in the array. In the Dharma array, a burst of smoke and dust rose up, and the blue figure and the black iron chain flying all over the sky could not see clearly.

In such a large courtyard, everyone's eyes were attracted by this amazing sound. A large number of members of the alchemist's trade union were shocked and stupefied.

"Master Wang, is it a bit too big? We haven't found out the details of this boy. He won't just die in it?" Fang Shuo, who was in high spirits, suddenly came back to himself, lying in the ear of Wang Shi with lingering fear, whispered in a low voice.

"Ha ha, Liu Wuhen, the students in Dazhou college, their families and backgrounds are all mediocre, so there's no need to be afraid. What's more, if something goes wrong, it's my Wang family's responsibility, and it's not your turn! " Wang Shi's face is full of light smile, turned an eye in front of Fang Shuo disdain of say.

"Hey, yes, what Master Wang taught me. I was hoodwinked by that boy before. I didn't expect that a young man would dare to break into our alchemist's Union. Fortunately, Mr. Wang, you are wise enough to see through this boy's measurement in time! " Fang Shuo's face was full of smiles and flattery.

Smell speech, see Wang Shi to curl big mouth, back neck, obviously very useful. His fierce eyes were full of scorn, and he looked coldly towards the front Xuanli rising in front of him

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