Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 112: 112

The great Zhou Dynasty, the king's capital Chaoge and the alchemist's guild.

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At this time, the flow of traffic in the crowd. Two men and two women, four heroic, cool and playful young girls, were standing in front of the alchemist Union.

In front of the door, a few members of the alchemist's trade union quickly approached. One of them, a proud middle-aged man, stepped forward and looked at Sixiao in a bad tone and asked, "cough, I dare to ask you, what's the matter here? Our alchemists' Union is not open to the outside world! "

"Ha ha, this gentleman misunderstood. I want to join the alchemists Association. I don't know what conditions are required? " A young man in green stepped out of the four. Looking at the proud middle-aged man, he asked.

In the rear, Jianming, Ji Ruxue, Liu Shuanger and the three were all slightly stunned, and unexpectedly looked at the green shadow in front of him.

"Ha ha, boy, do you want to join our alchemist Union? The condition is very simple. As long as you have the recommendation of your family or the oral instruction of a certain alchemist, you can become a member of our alchemist union! " The middle-aged man's eyes flashed, and he asked with interest.

"Cough, I don't have any recommendation from my family, and I don't know any alchemists! However, I heard that our alchemists association can assess and admit students. I wonder if the news is true? " No trace embarrassed cough two, some guilty look to the middle-aged man, again open mouth to ask.

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"Ha ha, you know a lot. Yes, my alchemists association does have this rule. But you'll have to ask for the benefit first! " Middle aged man skin smile meat don't smile, slant an eye to sweep next have no mark to say. Around the middle-aged man, several members of the alchemist's trade union gathered one after another, with a look of disdain on their faces. They didn't pay any attention to Wu Chen, a suckling boy.

"Hehe, what are the benefits? It seems that you really think of yourself as a character. I don't care about the alchemist's Union! " Traceless mouth slightly upturned, voice extremely indifferent said. His bright eyes were like two sharp swords, which swept the middle-aged man in an instant.

"Gulu!" On the other side, the middle-aged man's body trembled in vain, and an invisible chill came out of his heart. The playful color on the middle-aged man's face suddenly disappeared, replaced by the color of vigilance.

"Ha ha, I'm in the alchemists' Union. I'm Fang Shuo, a junior alchemist. I'm just joking with you, little brother. Since little brother is willing to vote, let's invite him in! " The middle-aged man named Fang Shuo had a sly look in his eyes. Immediately, the middle-aged man's face quickly showed a smile, as if extremely familiar with the warm greeting traceless way.

"Ha ha, Mr. Fang Shuo, thank you Traceless cold smile, step with the middle-aged man's pace, fearless toward the alchemist trade union.

"Haha, traceless boy, I think this guy is probably the son of you and some big families who went out to walk and train on the spot, so that he changed his attitude to you so quickly!" A strange red awn slants out, and the shadow of demon zunhuoxiao is like a ghost, which is tightly attached to the traceless back.

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"Ha ha, anyway, I'm also a student in Dazhou college. Even if you really tear your face, with this identity, this guy doesn't dare to do too much! What's more, a junior Alchemist is only a junior alchemist. It must be the bottom of the alchemist trade union! In that case, why am I afraid of him Traceless handsome face gently spread a smile, at the foot of the gentle pace quietly accelerated a few minutes.

"Ha ha, primary alchemist, intermediate alchemist, senior alchemist, great alchemist and later alchemist. The alchemists' Union does not only value the strength of the realm of practice. It's more about the achievements of Dan Dao. " Yao Zun's empty shadow of Huoxiao follows Wu trace closely, and his rough voice is constantly whispering in Wu trace's mind.

In the rear, Jianming, Ji Ruxue and Liu Shuanger, as well as several members of the alchemist's trade union on one side, quickly stepped into the alchemist's guild.

As soon as I joined the alchemist's Union, the huge courtyard, which can accommodate thousands of people, was suddenly reflected in the eyes of Wu Chen and others. There were more than 100 men and women scattered in the courtyard, all dressed in gray alchemy robes, busy with their own affairs.

After admission, the middle-aged man scanned the courtyard for several eyes. Then he set his eyes on a middle-aged man in a yellow robe in the distance. Fang Shuo quickly stepped forward and gave a deep salute to the man in the yellow robe. He whispered in a very weak voice: "Master Wang, this young man wants to join our alchemist Union. However, he had no recommendation from his family and no recommendation from Dan Shi. But I want to join our alchemist's trade union after passing the examination. My subordinates really can't make up their minds and dare not make decisions without authorization. Please ask Master Wang to decide everything! "

"Oh, what a big tone! Fang Shuo, bring him here and let me have a look! " The middle-aged man frowned slightly, swept his eyes, followed by no trace, and said softly.

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"Ha ha, Xiao shengliu has no trace. I've met you, sir!" No trace embraces fist arched hand, not timid generous talk laughs."Eh, Liu Wuchen, why does this name seem to have been heard somewhere?" The middle-aged man, who was called Wang Shi, was stunned. He stared at the traceless figure dressed in green clothes, up and down, left and right, and carefully observed.

On one side, among the dozens of grey robes behind Wang Shi, a young man stepped forward and murmured in his ear.

"Brush!" For a moment, Wang Shi, who had a little smile before, was gloomy in an instant. Looking at the no trace and others in front of him again, the corners of his mouth suddenly felt a chill.

On one side, after seeing the reaction of the middle-aged man, Fang Shuo showed a look of surprise for the first time. Then, without saying a word, the whole person hid behind Wang Shi. Because he knows that once the smiling tiger master sneers, it means that he will start to be a Yin man!

"Ha ha, I know you, sir?" No trace also obviously aware of the opposite Wang Shi's strange, not in a hurry to take the lead to ask.

"Well, I don't know!" The gloomy Wang Shi snorted coldly and turned his eyes without any trace. Then, he gently put his mouth to Fang Shuo Nu at the back of the body, and said in a very arrogant tone: "do according to the old rules, take him for the first examination..."

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"Hey, boy, come with me!" Smell speech, Fang Shuo look suddenly a shock, cunning eyes in the light straight flash. That look is almost like seeing the prey general, greedy stare at no trace cold voice to say.

"Hey, no trace boy. It seems that the other party is not good at it! " Demon respect fire Xiao full face heap smile, lie prone in no trace ear softly remind a way.

"Ha ha, I'm not scared! come with evil intent? Young master, the good will not come! " Traceless mouth with a sneer, very proud in the mind to traceless back. Then, no trace full face proud, follow Fang Shuo's steps quickly forward.

In the rear, sword nameless, Ji Ruxue and Liu Wuchen follow Wuchen in silence.

Wang Shi's face was calm, and a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. With a wave of his big hand, the young men and women with many grey robes behind him also followed Wu Chen and others slowly forward< br>

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