Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 111: 111

"Bang!" With a light sound, the closed door was suddenly pushed open. A green shadow shook his head and hummed a little song in his mouth. It was obvious that he was in a good mood and appeared in the courtyard.

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"Hee hee, brother no trace, you made a lot of noise last night. Even frost didn't have a good rest!" Liu shuang'er's face was full of smiles, and her face didn't look tired. Listening to the concave convex posture, standing quietly in the courtyard.

"Cough, it's so noisy. I seem to think too much!" No trace a burst of dry cough, brain in a flash of imagination. A series of extremely dirty jokes from the previous life reverberated in Wu trace's mind. Hooligans are not terrible. I'm afraid they will know martial arts!

"Bang!"“ Bang In the courtyard, at the same time of no trace wishful thinking. Two slight sounds came from the left and right rooms. Then, I saw Ji Ruxue, Jian Mingming, and they came out of the room in white.

At this time, the sword is nameless, and the Epee is still on his back. The whole body's breath seems to be integrated with the Epee behind him, standing in the courtyard.

On one side, Ji Ruxue's white clothes are as spotless as snow. Cold as ice on the beautiful face, unexpectedly a strange red glow. Then, I saw Ji Ruxue's momentum again in vain, and the whole person regained the ice beauty's demeanor again.

"Keke, is he in the later stage of soul cultivation?" Wake up like a dream of no trace clear throat, full face looking forward to the opposite two people asked.


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"So it is

Sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, two people speak at the same time. A stern and steady voice, and a cold and soft voice, resounded in the courtyard at the same time.

"Ha ha, you two guys, you are so precious! It's really troublesome to be with you No trace helpless shrugged, to the side of the two people gently shook his head, rolled his eyes.

"Dang!" A mysterious sound suddenly came from the white jade Pavilion surrounded by the distant stream.

On the white jade Pavilion, my tutor Yanyu stood up with his hand in his life. The whole person smiles and nods to the three figures in the distance below.

"A month later, the 108 college of Dazhou University, the comprehensive assessment qualifying competition, you three little guys, all give me to participate, one can not be less!"

Bitter and dry voice, gently reverberate in the warm spring of Jiangnan other courtyard. No trace, sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, three body shape at the same time slightly tremble.

The year-end evaluation of Dazhou college, the inner thirty-six colleges, the outer seventy-two colleges and other colleges will be divided into the inner, outer two colleges and other colleges. The specific contents of the evaluation are different every year. However, the only thing we can be sure of is that the struggle between the various courts must be extremely fierce.

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"Ha ha, a month later! Finally, I can see the top-level talented warrior among the highest universities of the Zhou Dynasty! " Traceless light smile, gently touched his chest whispered.

"Hum, what about genius and evil with me and without double swords?" A cold hum, sword nameless body suddenly rose a fury of sword meaning, fierce momentum instantly surge into the courtyard. The nameless sword makes people feel like an awe inspiring sword standing between heaven and earth.

"Eh, qualifying? It sounds like it's quite interesting... "Ji Ruxue frowned and murmured in a low voice.

"Hee hee, you don't know about qualifying, do you? This news has been spread all over the inner and outer courts for a long time. Shuanger, I heard it when I was in the outer court! And... "Liu shuang'er blinked playfully, staring at the three people on the other side hesitantly.

"Hey hey, shuang'er, come on, what's the gossip with brother traceless?" No trace full face heap smile, rub hand to gather to Liu Shuanger's front, flatter of ask a way.

"Hum, brother no trace. If you promise to go out with me, Shuanger will tell you! " Liu shuang'er's eyes flashed a trace of cunning, in the tone obviously some expectations of looking at traceless said.

"Ha ha, good, good, all according to sister Shuanger! In fact, I'm looking forward to going out with frost sister. After all, every time I go out with frost sister, brother traceless's purse will swell inexplicably! " No trace burst out laughing and knocked Liu Shuanger's cerebellar pouch. Then, the scene of going out with Shuanger several times before suddenly rings back in my mind. It seems that every time I go out, there will be some big money owners who don't open their eyes and take the initiative to send money and heads.

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"Wuwu, brother no trace, shuang'er doesn't go out. Shuang'er doesn't want brother no trace in danger!" Liu Shuanger's face is full of grievances, and a pair of apricot eyes turn red instantly.

"Frost, I'll go with you!" A cold voice came without any emotion. Ji Ruxue steps forward and stands beside Liu Shuanger silently.

"Yes, I'm the one who doesn't take no trace!" Sword nameless cold face squeeze out a smile, softly smile to frost son."Cough, sister Shuanger, speak quickly, or your brother Wuchen will be a sinner forever!" No trace full face helpless, and some distressed touch touch frost son's forehead.

"Hee hee, it's nice to have you!" Liu Shuanger gently wiped the tears in her eyes, revealing a playful smile. Then, Liu shuang'er blinked at the crowd mysteriously and said in a soft voice again: "I'll tell you a good news, the ranking of the external hospital has been set! We pick star other courtyard because of your three big heroes, became the champion! As for the other rankings, they will be produced by duels! "

"Gee, the star picking school has become the winner of the competition. Now, in the next few years, there will be a bright future for other schools to pick up stars! " Traceless eyes light, full of excitement said!

On one side, sword nameless, Ji Ruxue and their eyes all flashed a touch of light, and their breath was completely peaceful.

"Brother no trace, they all say that our other courtyard in Jiangnan is a waste material courtyard. Also said teacher Yanyu, not a man. No trace brother, you must get a good place in the qualifying competition. Revenge for our Jiangnan other courtyard, but also for Yanyu teacher export evil spirit... "Liu Shuanger eyes again with tears, voice extremely choked, whispered.

"Who dares to insult master Yanyu?" Before Wuchen spoke back, the sword on one side was the first to sink his face. A fierce intention of killing sprang up in the sky, and the sword asked in a cold voice.

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"Brother nameless, that's what they say. They all say that there is no clear relationship between teacher Yanyu and Su Ji, and that teacher Yanyu is a waste... "Liu Shuanger nibbles at her vermilion lips, and her voice sounds like a mosquito.

"Hoo A dull breath, slowly spit out from the sword nameless mouth. Then, the sword's nameless waist was straight, and said: "if we can deter, we can stop the rumors! Then let me use my epee and shut him up

"Ha ha, it's good for me to say that! If we dare to insult our Jiangnan other courtyard, our brothers and I will join hands to attack and beat all the demons and ghosts out of their original shape, piss off Traceless burst out laughing, eyes full of fighting spirit toward the sword nameless heavy nodded.

"Qualifying? Count me in Ji such as snow lightly picked to pick eyebrow, voice icy cold disdain of light voice say.

Smell speech, no trace, sword nameless, all show a smile, at the same time toward ice beauty Ji Ruxue's beautiful face.

"Brother Wuchen, brother nameless, sister Ruxue, now the qualifying competition is very interesting! Su Ji's elder sister and Yanyu's tutor, shuang'er's strength is too weak. Now I'm afraid she can only help you... "In the rear, Liu shuang'er's playful face shows a smile, and her white and delicate hands clench her fist tightly. Looking at the three figures who are only one or two years older than themselves, a touch of sincere happiness rises in my heart in vain< br>

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