Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 110: 110

In the mainland of China and the territory of the Zhou Dynasty, abnormal fire came from the sky. According to witnesses, Ji Huang, the king of the Zhou Dynasty, Jin Jiang, the gold medal killer of the soul hunting Pavilion, and the commander of Lingbao business. After entering the strange fire, the three soul emperors were all seriously injured and defeated. It's said that those who practice martial arts under the soul state will die if they enter the strange fire.

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For a while, the news spread through various channels. In the realm of the Six Dynasties, all the families and forces were shocked. All the forces in mainland China gathered their eyes outside Chaoge City, the capital of the Zhou Dynasty

After several days in a row, now the king's capital Chaoge city has regained its former calm. The families of various forces have returned to their respective dynasties. The eight families of the capital of kings are stationed in the suburbs of the city every day to guard the place where the fire suddenly appears.

The great Zhou Dynasty, the great Zhou academy, the inner academy, the other academies in Jiangnan

Boom, boom, boom

In the silent night, a series of terrible tumultuous sounds came out one after another.

In the other courtyard where the brook is murmuring and the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, in a very humble room.

At this time, the air of Xuanli between heaven and earth slowly gathered together, and there was a burning breath in the room.

At the same time, adjacent to the left and right sides of the room. In the other two rooms, there were two rising air of Xuanli.

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"Ah A light exhort, gently spit out from no trace mouth. Inside the room, the air of Xuanli all over the body rose crazily. The pure Xuanqi between heaven and earth seemed to rush into the room from all directions. No trace all around the golden light flashing, the whole person like bottomless whirlpool general, crazy absorb the room around the influx of heaven and earth Xuanqi.

"Ha ha, traceless boy, are you going to break through at last?" A red light flashed out, a virtual shadow appeared out of thin air. See demon respect fire Xiao full face smile, light Yi wear fiery red hair beard, stare at the no trace light nod on the bed.

"Heaven and earth will never die!" No trace, clench teeth, nose depression, temples cold sweat DC. Hongmeng's chaotic Qi surges in the body, and instantly penetrates every meridian in the body. The air in the room became extremely hot. At the same time, it was accompanied by the sound of the sword.

Boom, boom, boom

In the other courtyard in the south of the Yangtze River, there are two mysterious forces on both sides.

The bright golden light is dazzling, accompanied by bursts of Xiaosha gas surging. In the left room, the sword is nameless. At this time, his eyes are closed. The breath of the whole person and the sword released by the hovering Epee are perfectly integrated.

Inside the room on the right side, the blue awn of cold shade was everywhere. A layer of cold frost creeps out of the room, and the house turns into an igloo in the twinkling of an eye.

Dangdang, Dangdang

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Bursts of bitter, dry sound of the piano, no sign of resounding. Three connected rooms, climbing up the three terrible breath, in the harsh music shrouded, gradually tend to ease calm.

In the void, the mysterious Qi of heaven and earth is instantly divided into three parts. They were facing three different rooms, surging wildly.

The dark night is fleeting. The pure air of Xuanli between heaven and earth is under the influence of juxuan formation in other academies in the south of the Yangtze River. All night long, the three turbulent rooms gradually stabilized under the light of dawn.

"Roar!" A low roar came out of the traceless room. There was no trace on the bed, the whole body was covered with sweat, and the whole person's handsome face was full of veins.

"Brush!" Two sharp flashes cut through the silent room, and the pure light of traceless eyes flickered continuously. The air of Xuanli gathered in the room rose in an instant, and was inhaled into the body without trace.

"Ha ha, he soul realm, the realm of later cultivation! Traceless boy, I'm afraid you are proud of the inner courtyard of Dazhou college with your current fighting power! " Demon respect fire Xiao eyes in vain a bright, staring at just wake up from the breakthrough of no trace, smile praise way.

"Cough, old demon, you can't be so full! Low key, low key to live long! So how old is the boss? How can he talk carelessly and impertinently? " Traceless mouth slightly up, cast an eye in front of the demon respect fire Xiao virtual shadow disdain joke way.

"Ha ha, you traceless boy, you even picked up the demon master to make fun of him! But you have a saying that is very right, words really can't say too full! After all, there are no fewer people who practice martial arts in the inner courtyard of Dazhou! Far apart, just the two dolls in your courtyard. If you fight with it, you may not win it all! " Demon respect fire Xiao slightly squinted, not willing to suffer the loss of hope to no trace said.

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"Why, nameless? Like snow? Hard or not, they have also successfully promoted to breakthrough Smell speech, no trace double eyes essence light once more twinkle, stare at demon Zun fire Xiao joyful ask a way."Ha ha, the thirty-six courtyards in the inner courtyard, the soul realm, and the martial arts realm in the later period are no less than 100 people. You'd better consolidate stability and cultivate yourself first. Don't be arrogant and ambitious. " Demon zunhuoxiao nodded gently, and admonished Wu trace again.

"Hiss!" A clear huff and puff, quietly resounded in the room. Then, I saw a golden python, tens of feet thick, curling up and floating out of thin air.

With a dull bang, the hard square bricks on the ground cracked. The golden Python spits out the blood red core, shakes the golden triangle head, blinks a pair of blood red round eyes, looks left and right, and looks at the empty shadow in the room, no trace and demon zunhuoxiao.

"Damn, old demon, this, this motherfucker can't be a little earthworm!" No trace a exclamation, hard swallow swallow saliva. Then, staring at a pair of handsome eyes, full of shock turned his eyes, beside the demon zunhuoxiao.

"Cough, this little guy, didn't he have the size of a snake before? How can I wake up so huge that my head has grown into a triangle. I'm afraid my body is almost the size of an adult Python! Strange, strange, this is really incredible, unheard of.... "

"Well, old demon. This little earthworm's abdomen seems to have three strange feet... "Wu Chen tilted his head, shocked, staring at the golden Python's abdomen.

On the belly of the golden python, there were three sharp golden claws. With the continuous twisting of the golden Python's body, the three golden claws, which were just glittering, immediately melted into the body of the golden Python and disappeared.

"Hiss, hungry, I'm so hungry! Master, eat, eat, I want to eat! What are you looking at that red haired monster? Haven't you ever seen such a handsome guy? " Two more huff and puff came. In the mind of Wu Chen and Yao Zun Huoxiao, there came a loud and clear male voice at the same time.

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"Cough, little earthworm, is that you?" Wu trace opened his mouth and asked softly to the golden Python on the ground.

"Hiss, master, I'm hungry!" On the ground, the golden python, with tears in his eyes, stared innocently and nodded. The heart of blood red stammered, before that loud male voice echoed in traceless mind again.

"Shit, asshole, no big or small, who do you call red haired monster?" Demon zunhuoxiao's fiery red beard suddenly explodes and stares at the golden Python on the ground.

"Hiss, ugliness, ah, ah, ah, ah!" The golden Python on the ground spits out the blood red core in its mouth, and stares at the entrenched body and turns into nothingness instantly.

Swish of a golden light, the ground of the golden Python suddenly soared. Then, the golden Python's body flashed away, a streamer slanted out, smashed into the traceless body and disappeared.

"Wow, old demon, what a earthworm! This guy has grown into such a big one. Who dares to stab me again in the future? Believe it or not, I will release the earthworm at the first time, and promise to scare him to death! " No trace full face excited incomparable, gently touched his chest, vowed arrogant laugh.

"Bah, monster, you are the monster, your whole family are monsters..." at the same time, a rough voice roared angrily. Demon respect fire Xiao Xu shadow a strength of tremble ceaselessly, the fire red beard that the root explodes to stand ceaselessly cocks up< br>

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