Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 109: 109

In the endless void, there was a violent disorder in the peaceful space.

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In the distance, the sky was full of flames. It floats and swings in the wind, separating itself to the left and right.

"Whoosh," "whoosh," above the void, a black, a gold, two virtual shadows flashed by, and instantly rushed into the flaming fire.

Boom, boom, boom

Through the flame separated by itself, it was dark and could not be seen. In the blink of an eye, the two figures lost their trace, and the burning flames gathered and closed again.

Tengteng, Tengteng

The scorching flames all over the sky are more exuberant. The flame, which was only a few feet, has climbed to tens of feet at this time, and there is a growing trend.

Gulu, Gulu

All the people who had retreated to a distant position wiped the sweat on their forehead at the same time. An unprecedented sense of fear, once again poured into the hearts of the people.

Boom, boom

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Just less than a quarter of an hour, bursts of terrible waves came again from the blazing fire. In the void, the burning flame quickly separated toward the two sides, and the interior space of a dark fire suddenly flashed three light spots.

"Brush!"“ Brush“ Brush

The three figures flashed out, and the surrounding space between heaven and earth was in disorder again. The flame gap in the void suddenly closed tightly, and the terrible heat wave rose again.

"My Lord

"My Lord!"

"General Jin!"

In the distance, more than a thousand warriors all took a breath at the same time. They were shocked and looked at the three figures in the void.

"Keke..." a quick light cough came from the empty space. Originally, the gold robe was added to Ji Huang's body. At this time, all the gold robes on his body were burned by fire. The whole person looks very sad, and the breath of his body is also extremely ups and downs, where there is a little bit of the virtuous appearance of the sage.

"Wow“ WOW

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With two sounds, the general of soul hunting Pavilion and the commander of Lingbao business firm were all covered with black, and their blood came out from the two people.

"My Lord, just now you are the closest to this thing. What is it?" Hunting soul Pavilion gold will suppress the evil spirit in the chest, low voice toward the same ugly face Ji Huang asked.

"Well, it's so dark inside that I can't see it as it is! Even the divine consciousness that I have released can only explore the scope of a few miles. " Ji Huang's face was waxy yellow and his mouth was full of blood. The whole person looks very weak, strong spirit reluctantly back.

"Ha ha, where is this heaven dropping treasure? I think it's probably the ghost of the dead Lingbao business manager's face was pale as paper, and he spoke slowly with lingering fear.

"Well, you two. I'm afraid we can control this! I think we'd better let it go so as not to cause more casualties! " For a long time, Ji Huangcai sighed faintly and said again.

When this was said, there was a dead silence in the void. The golden general of soul hunting Pavilion and the commander of Lingbao business all showed a trace of reluctance.

"Oh, old, old. It's all as the emperor said With a sigh, the commander of Lingbao business suddenly waved his sleeve, and his whole figure disappeared out of thin air!

"Damn it In the crowd below, no trace was stunned. The cloud que of Shangguan, beside Wu trace, disappeared out of thin air.

"Boy, you're fine. After all this time, it belongs to you. I will send someone to see you off. If you have a chance, you may as well come to our Lingbao firm for a visit! " An old and slightly calm voice echoed quietly in the traceless mind. The original appearance is still a little anxious and traceless. After hearing the old voice, it quickly calms down.

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"Soul hunting Pavilion, everyone, evacuate quickly! No one is allowed to appear here without my order! " Another voice of indifference echoed in the void. Jinjiang, the gold medal killer of soul hunting Pavilion, quickly melted into the void and disappeared.

"We will comply with Jin's orders!" Below, in the dark crowd. The feathered dragon frowned slightly and arched his hand to the empty void. Immediately, Yu Hualong stepped out, and without looking back, he ran to the capital Chaoge city. In the rear, hundreds of black shadows sprang up in an instant and ran away with the back of the feathered dragon.

"I need to shut up for a few days! During this period of time, it's strictly forbidden here! Anyone who intrudes without permission will be killed! " Ji Huang's words were full of prestige, echoed in the public's ears without warning. Then, a golden light flashed in the void, and Ji Huang's figure disappeared in vain."The great Zhou Dynasty, all the people and so on all withdraw to the king's court song! The children of the eight families take turns to patrol again. If anyone dares to disobey the Oracle, he will be killed without mercy and executed immediately! " Ji GongDan, Dean of Dazhou college, who was seriously injured, barely stood up with the help of Ji Yun, the second prince. Then, he quickly spoke to a group of warriors in the area of Zhou Dynasty.

Hua La, Hua la

A group of children from the eight families of Zhang, Li, Zhao, song, Qi, Liang, Chen, and Wang all came out and spread around one after another, blocking a dense human wall between the raging flames and the open field.

Hua La, Hua la

A complex and rapid sound of footsteps spread rapidly from the open space. All the warriors in the influence area of the Zhou Dynasty rushed to Chaoge City, the capital of the king.

"Cough, go back, go back to Daliang!"

"Withdraw, return to my Dayan dynasty!"

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"If you don't want to die, follow me to the Jiuli dynasty!"

"Go, return to tianque quickly!"

"Fast, meet Penglai dynasty!"

In Daliang, Dayan, Penglai, tianque and Jiuli, the remaining five dynasties were all in turmoil. Zhu Feng, Yan shisan, Jian Nantian, Yuehua Xianzi, Chi Tang, and the presidents of the five colleges were all seriously injured. Under the protection of the warriors in their respective spheres of influence, the five people rushed to the territory of their respective dynasties without even entering Chaoge city.

For a while, in the wilderness where more than a thousand martial arts people had gathered, after a tumult of people, there were only eight families of Wangdu, and only a hundred people stood on guard.

"Hey, smelly boy, why don't you go away? Do you want to disobey the order of his majesty Ji Huang?" I don't know is that a middle-aged man, a finger still Leng in situ daze of no trace even color angrily scold a way.

Brush brush brush, everyone's eyes are all attracted by this rebuke. The children of the eight families, who had no place to release their anger, all showed their fierce light and focused their eyes on the traceless body in the distance.

"Cough, I, I'm leaving now!" No trace a burst of fierce cough, the whole body unconsciously hit a cold shiver. Immediately, a light shadow like a ghost general flash away, also disappeared in the naked eyes of the gaze< br>

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