Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 108: 108

The great Zhou Dynasty, the royal capital Chaoge, and the suburbs are thousands of miles away.

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Jihuang Jifa, the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty, stands in the air wearing a golden robe. Ten meters in front of the emperor Ji, the raging flames rose up, and the continuous fire was full of terror, burning on the outskirts of the wilderness.

A few kilometers away from the burning flame, more than a thousand fighters stood still and did not dare to move. They all wriggled their throats and looked nervously at the wall of fire in the distance.

"Hoo A deep exhalation, from the void standing in the mouth of Ji Huang slowly spit out. Immediately, I saw emperor Ji's golden robe in vain.

The golden light seemed to fall from the sky, and fell obliquely with the waving of Ji Huang's hand. Little golden light gradually converged into a bright galaxy, light and soft, without warning, hit the wall of fire surrounded by flames.

Yilala, yilala

A few strange noises came from the blazing fire. Immediately after that, I saw the space filled with the scorching heat wave in the void, suddenly shaking slightly. In an instant, the rising flame unconsciously moved towards the two sides of the chamber.

"Eh!" A light exhortation came from the void. Ji Huang's face was dignified, and the figure in the golden robe moved slightly. Without any Xuanli's gas leaking out, Ji Huang's figure has suddenly entered the open gap of the wall of fire.

"Bata!" A strange noise suddenly came, and the disordered space in the void quickly returned to normal. The flames separated slowly on both sides closed and merged again.

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"Your Majesty?"

"My Lord

In the crowd, a higher than a voice of anxious cry, piercing loud and clear resounding. All the families and powerful people belonging to the Zhou Dynasty quickly gathered together, and all of them were full of worry and sadness.

In addition, those who belong to the category of Five Dynasties, as well as some other mysterious forces, all close themselves to one place. It seems that only when there are so many people can they feel more secure at this time.

The roaring fire covered the sky and the earth, and the scorching air was almost too hot for everyone to breathe. And Ji Huang's figure has completely disappeared in the flames, even a trace has not been left.

"Damn it, old demon, what happened just now? How do I feel that the space around me seems to have changed? And this Ji Huang is indeed worthy of the great power of the soul king in the legend. I dare to be alone, and then I burst into this strange fire No trace's reaction at this time is exactly the same as that of the surrounding warriors. With a big mouth open and staring at his eyes, he was stupefied in the same place.

"Ha ha, it must be the power of space law that can cause the disorder of the surrounding space. After entering the realm of transforming soul, everyone has the opportunity to sense the power of heaven and earth, and grasp the power of space law that is consistent with himself! " Demon zunhuoxiao light smile, the voice of the ethereal into the mind without trace.

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"The spirit of the emperor, the power to control the law of space..." traceless gradually recovered from the state of consternation, and the essence of his sharp eyes kept flashing. The whole man clenched his fists tightly, and an unprecedented sense of war surged up and down the body.

Boom, boom, boom

After about a cup of tea time, the flames of the raging flames suddenly rose madly. In the rising flame, which had been gradually calming down, there was a terrible air of Xuanli.

Fireballs of terror and heat came down from the sky like thunder. The overwhelming fireball of terror scattered wantonly, with a destructive momentum, and then toward the opposite group of more than a thousand fighters.

"Mamma, run away!"

"Damn, it's so hot. Run, I can't breathe!"

"Ah, dead, dead, dead!"

More than a thousand martial arts practitioners also activate the Xuanli Qi in their bodies, but they still can't stop the attack of the flame Qi. Innumerable fireballs, just like death charms, ran straight down to everyone's body for their lives.

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"Damn, I'm sorry! I'm afraid I will be planted here this time! " The terrible heat wave is surging wildly, and the burning breath makes no trace feel a kind of suffocating feeling. No trace had to close his eyes silently, crazy in the body to urge the eternal Heaven and earth to resist.

"Brush!" An invisible strange red awn quietly burst out from the traceless body. I don't know the trace of my green robe. His whole body up and down, unexpectedly a burst of suddenly bright suddenly dark red awn.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong

A sound of terror of the dull ring, strange ring through the top of their heads. The heat wave, which was originally extremely hot and suffocating, was unconsciously weakened. Below the panic of all people together brush open eyes, face can't believe toward the top of the head.I saw the endless void above, all the fireballs stagnated in the air. Immediately after that, the flames quickly weakened, and the terrible heat wave disappeared. At this time, there were two figures standing in the air, and they appeared above the heads of more than a thousand warriors.

An old man in a gold robe, white hair and white temples, wearing a hollowed out gold mask, and a man in a black robe, wearing a gold ghost mask, stand with their hands down. Their breath is cold and peaceful, and their eyes are all bright and sharp. Through the golden masks on their faces, they look into the flaming wall.

"General Jin, Emperor Ji stepped into the strange fire a quarter of an hour ago. At this time, he has not come out yet, and his life and death are uncertain! " A slightly hesitant voice came from the crowd below.

Everyone's eyes turned to a place in the crowd and saw a young man standing quietly in the same place.

"Why, feather turns into dragon? Isn't this golden general from the soul hunting pavilion? " Traceless, who was in the crowd, took a breath of cold air and looked at the figure with the golden ghost mask in the void.

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"Ha ha, it's the commander of Lingbao company?" In the void, Jin Jiang, wearing a golden ghost mask, tilts his head to the old man with a golden mask and asks in a low voice.

"Ha ha, I'm lucky to see you today. It's really fate!" The old man with the golden mask did not deny his identity, but looked at the mysterious golden general with a smile.

"Ha ha, my Lord, this is not the time to be polite. Why don't you and I join hands to break this strange wall of fire. As for the rare treasure in the sky, I'd like to share it with you. What do you think, commander? " In the mask of ghost face, Jin's eyes were shining, staring at the commander of Lingbao business, who was pondering in the opposite direction.

"Ha ha, since the soul hunting Pavilion is interested, it's better for Lingbao to be respectful than obedient!" The commander of Lingbao business laughed, and the old voice seemed to contain endless power. Around the void in the rising flame of a swaying, have unconsciously to retreat.

"Brush!"“ Brush In the void, the commander-in-chief of Lingbao business and the gold medal killer Jin Jiang of soul hunting Pavilion look at each other. Then, the two of them stepped forward slightly. A black, a gold and two virtual shadows draw two rays in the void, causing the surrounding calm void space to shake and vibrate suddenly.

Gulu, Gulu

Below, more than a thousand surviving warriors of the six dynasties all looked up to the void. With the disappearance of the two figures, everyone's eyes turned and ran to the distant terrible flame fire group for the first time< br>

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