Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 107: 107

Boom, boom

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The terrible Xuanli wave came one after another, and a crazy attack roared in the distance. Surrounded by a continuous flame, in dozens of infant soul can join hands under the attack, suddenly swaying up.


The strange heat wave, and the surrounding turbulent Xuanli breath. In an instant, the more terrifying Xuanli's authority and madness filled the barren field.

"Oh, no, run!"

"Shit, get out of here, or you'll die this time!"

"Your sister, who the hell pushed me forward!"

"You son of a bitch, don't step on my shoes!"

In the open countryside, I feel the terrible pressure from the front. In the rear, no less than a thousand martial arts practitioners in the realm of Dan soul pushed each other and screamed. All of them are like dogs who have lost their families. They are in a hurry to retreat to the empty space in the rear.

"Bah, there's no mistake. I'm 500 meters away from here. Why hasn't this terrible pressure weakened? " Traceless spit hard mouth saliva, extremely embarrassed sneak eyes toward the distance of the fire.

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"Well, no trace boy, don't stop and run!" A burst of rapid shouts, without warning in the mind of no trace exploded.

After hearing the words, Wuhen didn't have time to think much about it. He rushed to stir up the eternal resolution in his body. The magnificent and pure air of Hongmeng chaos lingered in his body. The elusive body method willow catkins and ethereal skills were all exerted by Wuhen.

Brush a green shadow galloping out, in the people have not yet come back to God, then flashed out a hundred meters away.

Hula, Hula

Blink of an eye, a strange sound came. I saw bursts of rising flames, full of burning breath, rising. The red flame, which blocked the sky and the sun, immediately swallowed and melted all the terrible Xuanli offensive in front of us.

Immediately after that, the flame of terror was like swallowing mountains and rivers, like a continuous river flooding out of control. The boundless wall of terror, without any sign of inclined collapse. The terrible air wave instantly submerged the empty field 100 meters away in front, and the original open field instantly melted into a red.

At the front end, headed by Shangguan Yunque and the dean of the Academy of the Six Dynasties, there were more than ten powerful people in the infant soul realm, who were immediately attacked by the flames.

And a little farther away from the front, one hundred strong people in the later stage of Dan's soul realm didn't even have a chance to react, so they were engulfed by the fire. Moreover, it seems that the strange flames are still not satisfied, and continue to spread and burn towards the open wilderness in the rear.

"My God!"

"Run, the fire is burning your ass!"

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"Dear, my master was swallowed by the ghost fire!"

"It's over, it's over, it's bad this time. My family is the only ancestor in the later stage of danhunjing!"

"Oh, hot, hot, hot!"

A burst of howling, one after another in the crowd. In the rear, more than a thousand people who had been practicing martial arts in the later stage of Dan's soul state scattered in a crowd, and each of them flew towards his own back, and they also fled to the wasteland.

"Damn, grandma, come back! Come again, I'm really impatient! " No trace, who has just got a firm foothold, only feels that the hot waves behind him follow. While complaining eagerly, he once again urged the willow catkins ethereal body method, and without looking back, he rushed to the distance.

"Ha ha, the corn is not as big as the ox's! Run, run, run as fast as possible... "Demon zunhuoxiao's voice was very rough, and the extremely poor beat echoed in traceless mind.

"Boom," "boom," the continuous flames in the sky finally stopped in the open space 500 meters away, and the terrible and hot waves continued to blow with the wind.

After a full quarter of an hour, the crazy burning flame trembled slightly. A fire snake like opened a smart general, rapid spread to the rear, like the abyss of continuous pit surging away.

Gulu, Gulu

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A thousand meters away, there are more than a thousand martial artists who are just like a bird in shock. They all swallowed their saliva, and then they all sat on the ground with their legs weak.

Tearing, tearing

The burning and terrifying fire snake gradually faded away, and there was no grass on the open field 500 meters away. The debris disappeared, and now the only thing that caught the eyes of the public was the burning wasteland.

Tengteng, TengtengAfter retreating into the pit, the fire snakes soared up, and the fire walls swayed and blended together again. The continuous wall of fire is airtight, full of hot terror, and the flame floats with the wind again.

"Damn it, a hundred late warriors of Dan soul realm. I'm dead. I'm dead! " No trace hard swallow saliva, staring at the front of a red bare space. In the later stage of Dan's soul realm, the former position of the hundred warriors was not even a trace of dust left at this time.

"Well, this flame can not only block out the sun, but also devour and burn everything. How can it suddenly come out of this world without any reason! What's more, how can this strange flame of fire always give me a very familiar feeling? This feeling of blood connection is really strange and strange... "Demon zunhuoxiao said softly, and the murmuring voice of Ruoyouruowu floated in traceless mind very indistinctly.

"Hey, old demon, what do you say? Can you say it more clearly? I don't hear it very clearly!" No trace sitting on the ground turned his eyes hard, not angry in the brain and demon respect fire Xiao ditch channel.

Plop, plop

In the time of no trace's wishful thinking, the air around him was in a sudden disorder. In the sky set off by the sky fire in the distance, a gap was suddenly torn open.

There are dozens of figures in a row, and they are thrown out from the crack of space by a terrible mysterious force. After that, more than a dozen of them were very weak, and there was not a complete place in their bodies. They suddenly appeared in the front of the rear, beside more than a thousand of them.

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"Damn, Shangguan Yunque? President Ji GongDan? What's more, there are the other five college presidents, as well as the previous several infant soul realm martial arts talents? " No trace just calm down mood, with the void was thrown out of more than ten figures have landed. Again began to become nervous, as if his heart has been raised to the throat.

"Shangguan Yunque, you can't die!" The traceless figure moves and rushes to the side of Shangguan Yunque for the first time.

"Hoo, hoo," a faint gasp came, and Shangguan Yunque in traceless's arms was still breathing. Although the appearance of Guan Yunque on the surface can't bear to see, it seems that the injury is not as serious as imagined.

"Cough, good, good boy! I can't die, you don't have to worry... "Shangguan Yunque coughed fiercely, and the blood burst out from Shangguan Yunque's wounded body. Shangguan Yunque slowly opens his eyes and stares at the no trace beside him unexpectedly and says softly.

"Don't talk. Take good care of yourself! As long as I'm here, I will send you back to Lingbao firm safely! " No trace brow tight wrinkly, hastily secretly will in the body Xuan Qi mobilization but rise. Several pure and surging Qi of Hongmeng chaos were quietly penetrated into Shangguan Yunque.

"Brush." In Wu Chen's arms, Shangguan Yunque's body shape was obviously trembling, and the whole person was shocked. Then, Shangguan Yunque's eyes were full of shock, and he glanced at Wuchen quietly. When he saw that there was a big sweat oozing out on Wu Chen's forehead, he stopped talking, slowly closed his eyes, quietly operated the internal skill, absorbed the mysterious power of heaven and earth, adjusted his breath and healed his wounds.

At this time, the warriors of the six dynasties had already rushed to the deans of the colleges who had fallen to the ground. Meanwhile, the presidents of the six colleges and a group of strong souls who were thrown out of the space crack together also struggled to open their eyes, secretly operated their own skills and recovered their injuries under layers of protection.

"Alas, it's a natural treasure. It's not a blessing. I don't know what the fate of the Zhou Dynasty will be... "In the distance, the space crack that had been torn apart before was completely closed at this time. And in the void, a Golden Shadow looms. At this time is quietly standing in the air, quietly looking at the burning wall below, muttering.

"Oh, tear the void and walk in the air. On the field, the power of space law? This, this is the symbol of the strong one in the soul state... "The voice of demon zunhuoxiao exploded again, just like a burst in the traceless mind, which could not be dispersed for a long time.

"Oh, my God, the legendary soul king! If you look at the great Zhou Dynasty, I'm afraid there is only one person who can reach the level of the legendary soul realm and the soul emperor realm! That is the emperor of the contemporary Zhou Dynasty, Ji Huang Ji Fa... "No trace Lengleng Leng sitting in place, the whole person's body will be inexplicably shaking up. In the distant void, the figure in the golden robe, just like the king on the nine heavens, stood in the air with a calm expression. His eyes were like two sharp flashes, two cold lights were as majestic as the whole world, and he went down to explore in the continuous and burning fire

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