Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 106: 106

The great Zhou Dynasty, the king's capital Chaoge, thousands of miles away from the south of the city, Buzhou Shenshan, one of the nine forbidden areas, and an open and uninhabited wilderness.

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There are more than a thousand warriors from different families and forces in the Six Dynasties. Among them, the vast majority of people have reached the realm of Dan soul, which is known as the soul sect. Occasionally, a few of the leaders have reached the level of the soul king. Of course, there are also a few of them, which are only at the level of soul state.

And at this point, right in front of everyone. A continuous ring around the strange wall of fire rising, raging flames pan hot, rising tens of feet high.


A strong wind blows, and the originally terrible flames dance with the help of the wind. The flames of terror puffed and puffed the hot waves, like an invincible abyss. It is also like a wild beast, roaring and shouting.

Hua La, Hua la

The crowd, who had been hundreds of meters away from the boundless flame wall, looked at the roaring hot flame retreating again.

More than thousands of fighters have retreated 200 meters away. The blazing flame in the distance seems to have a spirit in general. I can see that people have retreated, and the blazing flame has gradually become more stable.

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"Damn, what the hell is this? How come it suddenly comes out of the ground?" In the dark crowd, a strong man roared in terror with a loud voice.

"Eh, is it the ghost fire in the legend?" In another crowd, a short man murmured thoughtfully.

"Well, his grandmother's is really evil. My medium-term cultivation realm of Dan's soul state is oppressive, but it can't resist the terrible flame erosion. " Another big man's face was strange, and he grinned with fear.

"Well, don't talk about the middle cultivation state of Dan soul state! Don't you see that when the ghost fire just rose up, several masters of the later cultivation realm of Dan's spirit realm were all involved in the heat wave, and they haven't come out of the flame yet. In my opinion, they are more likely to be bad than good! " An old man looked scornful and shook his head with a sigh.

"Oh, my God, all the elites of Dan's spirit realm, who are known as the ghost sect, can't resist the ghost fire!" A young man with shallow cultivation had a frightened look on his face and stepped back a few steps unconsciously.

For a moment, I heard a lot of comments around me. All the practitioners in the spirit realm, and even some of the early and mid-term practitioners in the spirit realm of Dan, all fell back tens of meters.

In the twinkling of an eye, the original team of more than 1000 people is now divided into two squares. The dark crowd retreated in the rear. Only a hundred strong men in the later stage of Dan's soul realm, and more than a dozen powerful men in the infant's soul realm, stood 200 meters away.

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"Ha ha, everyone, this mysterious flame is very strange. Why don't we join hands to see if we can break it up?" A sharp cold laughter, clear echo in the open space above. The cloud que of Shangguan, which is five big and three thick, twists its waist and legs lightly, appears in front of the powerful body of the soul realm of more than ten babies.

"Eh, the soul clan, the soul realm of Dan! Soul king, baby soul! I didn't expect that this Shangguan Yunque was the soul king of the infant soul realm! " Has clearly seen the strength of the people without trace, can not help but secretly exclaimed in the heart.

"Ha ha, moving the soul, building the soul for the body. The soul is like a pill. Melt the soul into a baby, transform the soul into the Emperor... "A faint smile, demon zunhuoxiao's rough voice, once again echoed in traceless mind without any sign.

"Ha ha, since Shangguan is willing to take the lead, I'm willing to serve the Daliang Dynasty." An old man with short stature, small white beard and shining eyes, was the first to step out and say in a loud voice.

"Eh, Zhu Feng, President of Daliang university? What's your nickname, Zhu lunatic No trace in front of a clear light, listen to the voice will immediately identify the identity of the old man.

"Ha ha, I said Zhu lunatic, you old boy will be a good man! Mr. Shangguan, since he spoke, I have absolutely nothing to say to Dayan dynasty! " Another burly old man in a long robe walked up with a bright cold gun in his hand.

"Keke, Dean of Dayan college, Yan, Bajin!" Behind the crowd, no trace forced to bear a smile and hastened to cough a few times. While peeping at the old man in front of him, he secretly laughed at the name of Yan Bajin.

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"Ha ha, I'm willing to contribute to the Zhou Dynasty." An old man with square appearance, gentle demeanor and fairyland style spoke softly.

"Gee, Ji GongDan, Dean of Dazhou University, this is my first time to see the Dean himself!" Looking at the peaceful old man in the distance, Wu Chen couldn't help looking at him more secretly."I, the tianque Dynasty, would like to make a contribution." A beautiful woman like a fairy walked out of the crowd slowly. This person seems to be about 40 years old, but his voice sounds, but it gives people a sense of maturity.

"Eh, is this Yuehua fairy, the dean of tianque college? How come it doesn't look as old as you think it is! " No trace secretly exclaimed, staring at the beautiful face of Yuehua fairy, suspecting in his mind.

"Ha ha, the soul is like a pill. Once a warrior becomes a pill soul, he can stay young. And the fusion of soul into a baby, can lead the martial arts in the body to cultivate a yuan baby, thus reborn. All the faces you see now are just the flowers in the mirror, the moon in the water, and the clouds in the past. " Demon respect fire Xiao a burst of sneer, toward no trace splashed basin cold water way.

"Ha ha, it's such a busy thing. How can I be inferior to others in the Jiuli dynasty? " A strong old man with round arms and waist, red hair and ugly appearance roared like a bell.

"Ha ha, I Penglai Dynasty, also wish to join hands with you to have a try!" Another wise old man with a straight waist and bright eyes came to the front of the crowd.

"Chitang, President of Jiuli college, jiannantian, President of Penglai College..." in Wu Chen's eyes, there was a flash of light, looking at the two old men with different temperament. Quickly two people's appearance and breath, deeply engraved in the mind.

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Brush, brush, brush

As the leaders of the Six Dynasties agreed with each other one after another, all the remaining forces, the old men of the cultivation of infant soul realm, stepped out together and stood side by side with Shangguan Yunque and others.

"Ha ha, good! Now that you are willing to take the next try, we don't have to leave behind! " The sharp voice came out again, and Shangguan Yunque burst out laughing. Then, Shangguan Yunque, the dean of the Six Dynasties college, and the remaining several infant spirits in various forces.

A group of more than ten celebrities and babies, with great ability at the soul level, rose up together. The air of the mysterious force of terror roared up, and many colorful lights were released from the front of the human body.

In the blink of an eye, the bright light is dazzling, and the terrible air of Xuanli is surging. In the rear, a group of popular warriors all unconsciously retreated one after another. They all stretched out their hands to cover the assassins. Almost all of them could not open their eyes.

Boom, boom, boom

More than ten terrible Xuanli Qi burst out of the body, and the violent Xuanqi rolled the power of heaven and earth. It's like the roaring of the tiger and the singing of the dragon, and it's like swallowing the sky and covering the earth. In the blink of an eye, they rushed to the strange wall of fire in front of them, and attacked madly and continuously... < br > all the time

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