Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 105: 105

Da Zhou Dynasty, Wang Du Chao Ge, Lingbao business.

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The auction, the hall on the first floor, and the warriors in the six dynasties have flocked to the outside of Lingbao business in an orderly manner.

No trace alone, repeatedly confirmed that no one pays attention to themselves. Also quietly mixed in the crowd, along with many of the warriors quietly left.

On the auction table, the figure of Shangguan Yunque has long disappeared. And inside the airtight room of the second floor attic, each closed door also vaguely has a little sound.

Boom, boom

Many warriors in the six dynasties have just stepped out of the main gate of Lingbao business. Just listen to a burst of thunder like roar, earth shaking general roar resounding in the sky outside Chaoge city. Immediately after that, a violent shaking came from the ground, and many warriors felt a tremor at their feet. All of them were shocked at the same time, and almost fell to the ground.

In the distance, the king's capital turned to the outside of the city, and the void was filled with black clouds. The thunder and lightning of terror are red, and they attack the void again and again, which is extremely strange. The shaking of the earth and mountains lasted for nearly ten minutes, which gradually became quieter.

"Oh, my God! Old demon, what's the situation? Isn't it a great God who's here to rob No trace looked at the red sky in the distance, could not help but take a breath of cold air. At the foot of the brick paved square to a shake, the ground even faintly exposed a trace of irregular cracks.

"Ha ha, do you want to go through the robbery? Save your sister! As the saying goes, there must be a great treasure in natural vision. This time, I'm afraid there will be another treasure in the world! " Demon zunhuoxiao light smile, the voice in the mind of no trace very rough faint.

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Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

Over the boundary of Lingbao business, there are several breath of terror rising up. No trace just felt dizzy in front of his eyes, and the wind was whistling in his ears.

Bata, Bata, at the same time, in the second floor attic of Lingbao business, the door of each closed room is open.

They came from the royal families of the Six Dynasties, killer organizations and other secret forces. They all turned into streamers and rushed out of Lingbao business for the first time. Running outside Chaoge City, the place where lightning and thunder gather still flies away.

"Gulu!"“ Grunt It is also the rapid response of various forces in Lingbao business. Making just out of Lingbao business, all the dynasty forces and warriors can't help but be stunned.

"Damn it, there must be a treasure! The royal families of the Six Dynasties, as well as those mysterious forces, have gone to find their treasures! Let's go and have a look! Although we may not be able to get the treasure, if we can get a mouthful of hot water, it will be worthwhile for us to come all the way to the Zhou Dynasty! " No trace mixed in the crowd at the first time will react, and then yelled loudly.

With this remark, the families of the Six Dynasties, as well as many powerful warriors, were all surprised at the same time. Everyone's eyes are all out of the glory, a very excited, have unconsciously clenched the fists.

"Ha ha, come on! Let's go together! This treasure in this world is a ownerless thing. As the saying goes, those who are predestined to get it, even the royal families of the six dynasties can't seize our treasure. Do you think so

"Roar, that's right! The baby didn't write a name, so it's natural that the person who sees it has a share! Looking at the posture, I'm afraid this baby must be indispensable. Guys, follow me! If anyone dares to stop Laozi from getting rich, Laozi will destroy his eight generations of ancestors! "

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"Yes, this baby should have our share! Let's go. I'm afraid we'll be late, but we won't have any good things! "

There were bursts of shouts and shouts, all the powerful family warriors in the Six Dynasties. All face show the color of greed, talk about each other to cheer up.

Hua La, Hua la

In the twinkling of an eye, the Six Dynasties were all the fighters in the field of power. No less than a thousand people rushed to the outskirts of Chaoge, the capital of the king.

"Hey, hey, good boy. It's a trick to fish in troubled waters. It's quite the way I used to be! " Among the crowd, the demon zunhuoxiao is full of smiles, praising the way to no trace praise.

"Ha ha, with my strength now, let alone my baby, I'm afraid I'll be killed even when I get to the place where I live. In this case, it's better to thoroughly muddle up the muddy water. Maybe there will be some unexpected harvest! " I saw no trace of Jun Lang's face is full of bad smile, silent mixed in the last side of the crowd.

For a moment, the air of terrible Xuanli rose. All the warriors released their accomplishments without any scruples and increased their speed to the fastest possible.At the same time, Wangdu Chaoge was on the streets of the city. Countless civilians all stop in amazement, looking at the terrible figures around them.

All over the sky, the air of Xuanli is surging up, which makes the juxuan formation in the city of Wangdu Chaoge tremble slightly. The direction of Dazhou college, the direction of Dazhou royal family, and a breath of terror came one after another. Countless figures raced to the same direction.

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Brush, brush, brush

Out of the royal capital Chaoge, a road figure Qi force, from no trace around the body disappeared. Originally also wanted to hide some real strength of no trace, unexpectedly in the first time was the vast majority of people left behind.

"Damn, your sister! You are waiting for me. I remind you of this baby Traceless turned his eyes hard, and his head was in disorder in the dust.

After half an hour, no trace madly urged the body to make a decision. Along with the sound of thunder flashing in the distance, we rushed for more than a thousand kilometers, and then came breathlessly to the place where the great treasure of natural vision was born.

In the distance, the air of Xuanli floated around the figures, and countless warriors stopped. A scorching breath came to my face, and all the soldiers who were not invaded by cold and heat were sweating.

"Damn, what's going on? My God, what is that? " An emergency stop, no trace quickly stabilize the body. Looking at the front of the black crowd of all forces of the Six Dynasties, can not help but doubt the four looked up.

I saw, in front of the dense crowd, a hundred meters away. A deep and bottomless, continuous and boundless. Full of hundreds of meters wide circular pit, strange appeared in the traceless eyes.

Hua Hua, Hua Hua

A slight stirring sound came from the deep pit 100 meters away. Then, Teng's sound, countless burning flames suddenly rose from the pit.

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One after another, the flames of the sky and the earth burst into the sky, and the roaring heat wave became one after another. In the blink of an eye, the whole void was red.

"Ah“ Ah“ Ah

The roars of heartrending and cracking, just like the startling sound of a silly pig. Some of the warriors who were close to the pit were drawn into the pit by the terrible heat wave for the first time. There are also some powerful warriors who are far away and quick to react. They quickly retreat when the flame rises. Only then can they escape. Even so, there are still a small number of those who are in the spirit realm, even in the early, middle and cultivation realm of Dan spirit realm, who are devoured by the terrible flame fire snake.

Hua La, Hua la

Six dynasties belong to the scope of power, all the families, power of martial arts, all the baby soul realm of martial arts, all the same Qi Qi Qi retreat. Even some of the later warriors in Dan's soul realm couldn't withstand the heat wave. They rushed to the rear to escape.

No trace, who had just stood firm and was panting, was surprised when he looked at the crowd in front of him.

"Damn, get a ball! Young master, I haven't seen this baby for a moment. Why do you all turn around! " With a roar, he was drowned by the crowd in Wuyang. A green shadow fled in a hurry and quickly retreated towards the flat space behind< br>

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