Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 104: 104

Zhou Dynasty, Lingbao business, auction venue.

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Shangguan Yunque, who was always experienced on the auction table, was stunned for several decades. Then, Shangguan Yunque recovered from his astonishment, and his face full of stubble showed a touch of excitement.

"Keke, a xuanjing, plus a million top grade Xuanshi, the first time. Are there any bidders for price increases? " Shangguan Yunque's voice was sharp, hoarse and clear, and it came into the ears of Every warrior in the auction house.

"Damn, one xuanjing and a million top grade Xuanshi. Ji GongDan, are you going crazy in the Zhou Dynasty On the second floor of the attic, in the room of the Dayan Dynasty. Yan Bajin, Dean of Dayan college, was full of indignation in his voice and asked harshly.

"Ha ha, public auction, high price! Mr. yanlaopifu, if you don't agree with me, you can bid to compete with me! " In the room of the great Zhou Dynasty, Ji GongDan's face is full of light smile, and his heart is dark and cool, and he yells.

"Well, I think you've got water in your head. Your grandfather Yan, I don't have as much money as you! This super product Shendan auction, our Dayan Dynasty announced its withdrawal A cold hum shows that Yan Bajin, Dean of Dayan college, is angry.

"Bang!" A dull sound came from the room of the Dayan Dynasty. It seems that Yan Bajin is really angry. They all start to launch a fire with the items in the room.

In the hall on the first floor, the powerful people from all sides in the area of the Six Dynasties were surprised at the same time. All of them forced to smile and turned to the room of the royal family of the Dayan Dynasty.

"Ha ha, the great Zhou Dynasty is really bold. I think the tianque Dynasty is inferior to itself. The tianque Dynasty is willing to withdraw from this super product Shendan auction! " In the room of tianque Dynasty, the voice of Yuehua fairy was very cold. Although the voice was not big, it was very clear that it came out into the people's ears.

"Ha ha, spend so much Xuanshi to buy this God of bullshit Dan. With these resources, our Jiuli is enough to produce hundreds of martial arts talents in the spirit realm! I don't want to participate in this business. Let's play by yourself! " In the room of the Jiuli Dynasty, Chi Tang, the president of Jiuli college, with disdain on his face, roared with disdain.

"Ha ha, that's not what premier Chi said! Do you know that none of these hundred martial arts practitioners can reach the realm of you and me! However, with this legendary super product God pill, as long as time goes by, there will be a person with the same level as you and me. Besides, I'm afraid this person's potential is even higher than those of us old guys! " In the room of the Daliang Dynasty, Zhu Feng, the dean of Daliang college, laughed strangely, and his voice was full of sarcasm.

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"Hum, since Dean Zhu knows so much about it, it's better for you to continue to increase the price and take this super product God pill!" Chitang, the president of Jiuli academy and the president of Jiuli Dynasty, was full of disdain.

"Ha ha, xuanjing, I don't have such financial strength in the Daliang Dynasty. However, with his great Zhou Dynasty, I'm afraid he's just making wedding clothes for others! I look at the super product God Dan, and it's probably not in their hands. In that case, I'll let elder Ji's prestige be on the surface! " Zhu Feng, the dean of Daliang College of the Daliang Dynasty, burst out laughing and continued to reply sarcastically.

"Ha ha, good you Zhu Fengzi. What you said is really in my heart! I, the Penglai Dynasty, would like to let Dean Ji have a good time! " Penglai Dynasty Penglai institute director Jian Nantian laughter, also began to speak.

Tianque, Dayan, Daliang, Jiuli, Penglai and the Five Dynasties simultaneously announced that they would withdraw from the auction competition of the last super product God pill.

For a moment, all the regional warriors in the auction house were stunned and thought in their hearts. The deep meaning revealed in the words of the Five Dynasties came into being.

"Cough, old demon, why does that sound wrong to me! It seems that behind the great Zhou Dynasty, I'm afraid there are mysterious forces behind it No trace slightly frowned, quietly communicate with the demon zunhuoxiao in the brain.

"Ha ha, it's not just the Zhou Dynasty, I'm afraid there is a force behind the Six Dynasties. Otherwise, you don't think you can have a foothold on the mainland of China by virtue of the way of this hundred year dynasty! " Demon respect fire Xiao light smile, words seem to have seen through everything, general indifferent.

"Ha ha, one xuanjing, one million top grade Xuanshi, the second time. Do you and anyone else bid up? " Shangguan Yunque seems to have given up the rest of the Five Dynasties, but his eyes fell outside the rooms of the Five Dynasties, leaving the rest of the closed rooms behind.

On the second floor, there was silence. In the remaining closed rooms, there was still no interest. It seems that those killer organizations and other secret forces are not very keen on super product God Dan. Most of them are looking at the Lingbao business fair and want to take advantage of the opportunity to make some money.

"Ha ha, since there is no bid. Well, the last super pill belongs to the royal family of the Zhou Dynasty! " With a sharp smile, Shangguan Yunque announced to the crowd again.With the sound of "Hua", the expressions of all forces in the hall on the first floor were all relaxed at the same time. The nerves that had been strained for a day were finally relaxed at this time.

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"Ha ha, you've come all the way here. Tonight, our Lingbao company will hold a banquet in wangduzuixianlou. We'll treat the heroes of the Six Dynasties for free. I hope you can have a drink today On the auction floor, Shangguan Yunque showed a smile and said to the people in the area of Six Dynasties on the lower floor.

"Boom." In one place, except for some of the most influential and older warriors in the Six Dynasties. Some of the young warriors, as well as the warriors of the small power families, looked around with their eyes burning with excitement on their faces.

"Hey, no trace boss, zuixianlou is the biggest and best restaurant in wangchaoge. The food there is unique in the world. How about having a good drink at night? " Chun Shao, song Chungui, with a smile on his face, said softly in no trace ear.

"Hey, no trace boss, maybe we are not as good as you. But when I drink, I'm not afraid of anyone! " Xia Shaoqi summer a face proud, eyes cunning look to no trace said.

"Ha ha, no trace boss, drink with him, drink with him!"

"Ha ha, no trace boss, drink them to death, drink them to death, our brothers support you!"

Qiu Shao, Liang Qiusheng and Dong Shao, Chen Dongzang, both look like they can't be too busy. While pretending to rub one's fists and hands, he snickered and poked without trace.

"Ha ha, I haven't been to zuixianlou. I hope I can have a taste of the good wine there! But I'm afraid you four brothers can't accompany me tonight! " No trace roared with laughter, did not put four little words in mind. Junlang's face showed an evil smile and blinked at the four people around him.

"Why? What do you mean, Mr. Wu trace? "

"Damn, who dares not let me drink today, I'll scold his eight generation ancestors!"

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"Hey, no trace boss, you are not afraid!"

"Ha ha, no trace boss, just tell me when you've counselled. Can you still laugh at me?"

Spring, summer, autumn and winter four little each face bad smile, extremely disdainful toward no trace body look.

On the other side, Wu trace shrugged his shoulders gently, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly on his handsome face. Facing the four people with disdain on the opposite side, he said in a low voice: "Hey, I'm the four of you. Now take advantage of the crowd, quickly find a place where there is no one to hide! Otherwise, if the elders of your four families come here for a while, you four guys will be unable to eat and walk away! "

"Damn it, no trace boss, you're killing me! Why didn't you say such an important thing earlier? "

"Mom, it's bad food. How can we explain this? You've done us a lot of harm this time, boss no trace!"

"Cough, you can continue to play with no trace boss! I have something to do with your family, so I'll go first! "

In summer, autumn and winter, they look at each other at the same time. Three people a fierce son then rushed into the crowd, the Shan Shan's direction works properly the treasure business outside to slip away.

"Eh, chunshao, why are you still here? Do you want to have a drink with me Traceless face bad smile, staring at the only spring less song Chun GUI puzzled asked.

"No trace, don't play with me! I want to go now, but I can't stop working! When I think of the 1.5 million medium grade Xuanshi, my heart bursts out! " Chun Shao's face was in mourning, and his voice was full of begging. He looked at Wu trace.

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"Ha ha, you can't even bring out so many Xuanshi. I'm a child of a small family in a remote area. Where can I get you 1.5 million medium grade basalt stones? " No trace cover belly happy laugh up, patted spring little shoulder, speak to appease a way.

"No trace boss, we don't take this to play! If this Lingbao business wants money from my song family, I'm afraid I'll be killed by my father on the spot! " Spring less song Chungui this time is really afraid, pull the traceless clothes almost scared to cry out on the spot.

"Well, chunshao's spirit at that time is unforgettable! But this Xuanshi, I'm really sorry for you. I can only wish you many blessings for yourself No trace pretended to sigh with regret, turned around and turned away, no longer looking at spring less.

"Damn, no trace, you're playing with me!" Chun Shao's face is full of indignation. He points to the back of his mind and shouts loudly!

In the distance, Qi Qi, the warrior in the front area of the great Zhou Dynasty, heard the cry and looked at Chun Shao and song Chungui. Among them, this time to come to the head of the Song family, one can see the clamour of spring less. Then, a crowd, full of indignation strided over.

"Boy, if you don't give me an explanation today, I have to pull off your skin!""Damn it, uncle! I don't know you. You've got the wrong person! " With a cry, Chun Shao and song Chungui immediately put aside the no trace in front of them, quickly separated the crowd and sped away towards Lingbao business.

"Hum, smelly boy, don't step into my song family in the future!" The middle-aged man in charge of the Song family, with a very gloomy face, harshly reprimanded the young song Chungui.

"Ha ha, it's time to eat and drink. Once something happens, it's on Guan Yunque, the principal of Lingbao business. I have no trace and never pit my friends! "

"Brush!" A secret sound, quietly floating into the front of the disappearing spring less mind. In front of the front door of Lingbao business, Chun Shao and song Chun's body suddenly became stunned. Then, Chun Shao and song Chungui's mouth rose slightly, revealing a knowing smile< br>

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