Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 103: 103

Xuan Jing is the product of the essence of heaven and earth, and the essence of Wan Xuan. It is usually contained in the dark veins and can be bred only after thousands of years.

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And every dark vein can move freely along with the changes of the mainland. So for thousands of years, the xuanjing on the mainland of China are extremely rare.

There are thousands of kinds of Xuanshi in the world, and there are three kinds of Xuanshi in circulation: inferior Xuanshi, intermediate Xuanshi and superior Xuanshi.

Among them, the value of one thousand pieces of inferior Xuanshi can be equal to one piece of intermediate Xuanshi. And the value of a thousand pieces of medium grade basalt can be equal to the world price of one piece of high grade basalt.

Only one million pieces of top grade Xuanshi can be equal to one xuanjing at a reasonable price, but it's just worth it. It's more difficult to exchange for one xuanjing than to ascend to heaven. Usually, it is necessary to attach more basaltic stones in exchange, or other treasures as the color head, in order to have a certain chance to obtain the world's basaltic crystals.

As the saying goes, everything is inferior, only xuanjinggao. Heaven, earth, Xuan, Huang, fan, although the value of a Xuan crystal can't compare with that of the heaven level gods in the world, it's also comparable to the value of ordinary earth level spirits!

The alchemists' Guild has always ignored the disputes among the Six Dynasties. The address of the main trade union is unknown, which is the dream place of countless Dan masters in mainland China. There are alchemist branches in the territory of the Six Dynasties, which is not only a force that can not be underestimated in mainland China, but also one of the forces that are extremely obsessed with Dan products.

The value of one xuanjing is enough to explode a million top grade Xuanshi. Besides, there is a promise from the alchemist's Union, which is undoubtedly favorable to the Six Dynasties.

Therefore, after the alchemists' Union bid, the Royal forces of the six dynasties all kept silent. In the other sealed rooms, none of the mysterious forces from all sides was willing to speak again.

"Hehe, the alchemist's Union has offered a xuanjing. Is there any price increase?" Shangguan Yunque smiles and looks around as usual.

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For a long time, the whole auction house was silent, and there was no response for a long time.

Seeing this, Shangguan Yunque had to smile faintly. Langsheng continued to say: "a xuanjing, the first time!"

"A xuanjing, the second time!"

"A xuanjing, a deal. Congratulations to the alchemist's Union for winning the second super product God pill."

There was no procrastination in Shangguan Yunque's words. Lang Lang announced to the audience. When the results were announced, all the people in the first floor hall were relieved.

"Ha ha, thank you very much! In the future, if our alchemist's union produces this super elixir, we will never forget your feelings today! " A burst of hearty laughter can not hide the excitement, clearly into the second floor attic inside each room.

"Ha ha, master Xu is so polite. It really makes me feel ashamed!"

"Ha ha, master Xu, if you have a chance, please come to Penglai for a chat!"

"Ha ha, thank you very much. I wish the alchemists' Union of the Zhou Dynasty to develop this magic pill as soon as possible."

"Ha ha, there's the last super product pill left. I hope master Xu won't be mixing water!"

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"Ha ha, you are so polite. I will come to beg for mercy when I have a chance."

On hearing this, the leaders of various forces responded one after another, some half joking, some pretending to be slightly angry, but on the whole, they were all harmonious and happy.

On the high platform, Shangguan Yunque Lai ignored the polite greetings from the second floor attic, but with a wave of his hand, he looked down at the stage, and his sharp voice was loud and clear again: "Keke, super product God pill, build orifices pill, and the last one. The bottom price is 100000 high-quality Xuanshi. The auction is just the beginning... "

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

A nervous gasp came from the auction hall on the first floor. All the forces in the Six Dynasties held their breath and looked at the stage with wide eyes.

"Hey, old demon, with this xuanjing, is there any hope that my realm will be further developed?" Wu trace, who has entered the middle stage of he soul realm for many days, asks the demon zunhuoxiao in a quiet voice full of excitement.

"Ha ha, traceless boy. With the accumulation of your current foundation, it's not difficult to break through the later stage of the soul state. Although the xuanjing contains a wide range of Xuanli, it is also an external force after all. How can you cultivate the purity and solid of the eternal Heaven and earth Demon respect fire Xiao light smile, to no trace implementation rather than preach.

"Damn, it's the foundation, the foundation! Old demon, won't you say something else? " Traceless turned his eyes, some speechless.

"Ha ha, demon master, I can still talk about your sister!" Demon respect fire Xiao is full of bad smile, to traceless secretly joke up.

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"I'd like to make a bid for half a million first-class Xuanshi.""700000 top grade Xuanshi, I want Daliang!"

"800000 top grade Xuanshi, this thing is from Penglai dynasty!"

"900000 high-quality Xuanshi, our Jiuli Dynasty will surely win!"

"I, tianque Dynasty, would like to bid a million high-quality Xuanshi!"

It's only a blink of an eye that we've just returned the reserve price of 100000 high-grade Xuanshi. They were scrambled by the Six Dynasties, and were once again promoted to a million high-quality Xuanshi pass.

As soon as the price of a million top grade basaltic stones came out, the atmosphere in the auction house fell silent again. In the hall on the first floor and in the area of the Six Dynasties, the warriors looked like they were not afraid of big things. They all looked forward to staring at the attic on the second floor.

"A million top grade Xuanshi, the first time! Everybody, this is the last super pill. If you miss it, I'm afraid you'll miss it all your life! " On the auction floor, Shangguan Yunque said in a sharp voice again.

"Ha ha, 1.1 million, top grade Xuanshi!" Yan Bajin, an old man of the great Yan Dynasty, said softly in a indifferent voice.

"1.2 million, top grade Xuanshi!" The old man of Penglai Dynasty, Jian Nantian, spoke in a deep voice.

"1.3 million, top grade Xuanshi!" Ji GongDan, an old man of the great Zhou Dynasty, did not dare to fall behind.

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"1.4 million, top grade Xuanshi!" Tianque Dynasty Yuehua fairy, voice does not contain any emotional color said.

"1.5 million, top grade Xuanshi!" Chitang, an old man of the Jiuli Dynasty, was extremely aggressive and called for the price.

"1.6 million, top grade Xuanshi!" Zhu Feng, an old man of the Daliang Dynasty, also spoke slowly and made a bid.

For a time, the Six Dynasties bid each other again, and the bid price rose from 1.6 million to 1.9 million.

"Ha ha, the Daliang Dynasty offered 1.9 million high-quality Xuanshi. Ladies and gentlemen, are there any bidders to increase the price again? " Shangguan Yunque said to the surrounding people with a smile. Obviously, the 1.9 million top grade Xuanshi has indeed achieved the expected result of Lingbao.

"Old demon, 1.9 million top grade Xuanshi! Yes, now we are No trace two fists clench, eyes excited stare Dou big. My heart was pounding in my chest, and my face was shaking.

"Ha ha, look at your boy who has never seen the world. It's a shame to the demon lord!" Demon respect fire Xiao rough laughter Lang Lang came out, extremely contemptuous echo in traceless mind.

"Hum, a xuanjing and a million top grade Xuanshi! This super product God pill is a must for the Zhou Dynasty In the attic on the second floor, Ji GongDan, the president of Dazhou college, who was sent by the Zhou Dynasty, trembled slightly.

Gulu, Gulu

One xuanjing, plus one million top grade Xuanshi. As soon as the auction price came out, there was silence on the second floor of the attic. However, in the hall on the first floor, the warriors of the regional forces of the Six Dynasties were all faced with dullness and stupidity, and did not move

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