Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 102: 102

Lingbao business, auction house, a dead silence.

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After glancing at the crowd coldly, the Shangguan Yunque on the auction table said in a cold voice again, "ten thousand top grade Xuanshi, I'll buy you a lesson. This super pill belongs to our Lingbao dealer! "

Gulu, Gulu

There was another sigh from all the people in the auction house, and they all peeped at the second floor attic. The atmosphere in the attic on the second floor is extremely depressing, but no one is willing to offend Lingbao business.

"Hum, next, the second super product Shendan, the low price of 100000 top grade Xuanshi, the auction begins..." Shangguan Yunque snorted coldly, and announced without a trace of good spirit.

"Damn, I heard you right. One hundred thousand top grade Xuanshi, isn't it ten thousand top grade Xuanshi just now? "

"Ha ha, it seems that the chief executive is really angry this time! Now, it's enough for the royal families of the major dynasties to eat one pot! "

"Hey, hey, we'd better behave ourselves in the future. This Lingbao business can't make trouble, can't make trouble!"

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In the hall on the first floor, the powerful warriors in the Six Dynasties began to talk with each other in a low voice.

"Cough, I have a doubt in my heart. Dare to ask Shangguan, is there any discrepancy in the bottom price of the auction An old man's voice came out quietly, but he asked the Shangguan Yunque on the auction table politely.

"If anyone dares to say more, the reserve price will increase ten times. In addition, if there is still no one to bid as before, the remaining two super product God pills don't need to be auctioned. Lingbao will buy all of them at a fair price! " Shangguan Yunque was obviously extremely unhappy, and his sharp voice came out again. The whole body's violent and domineering momentum suddenly retreats back to the body, and the whole person returns to the previous calm state again.

"Ha ha, traceless boy, this guy is ringing the alarm for others, and at the same time, he is giving you a reassurance!" Demon respect fire Xiao's laughter Lang Lang spreads out, to have no trace to explain a way in the dark.

"Ha ha, old demon, it seems that choosing Lingbao business is really the right choice!" Traceless secretly nodded, looking at the auction table of male and female state of Shangguan Yunque, heart can not help but secretly rose a warm current. In front of him, this big man is very feminine. However, no matter from the life or work, it still makes no trace feel the existence of admiration.

"Ha ha, the chief of Shangguan is really pleasant. I'm really convinced. In this case, the royal family of the Zhou Dynasty is willing to increase the price of the second super grade Xuanshi. 200000 top grade Xuanshi. I want it from the royal family of Dazhou! " Inside the attic on the second floor, an old voice came out leisurely. Old voice as if full of confidence, potential in the inevitable export of words.

"Ha ha, the royal family of the great Zhou Dynasty has offered 200000 high-grade Xuanshi, but there is no one who has increased the price yet?" Below, the Shangguan Yunque on the auction table hummed coldly with a smile, and his sharp voice was full of disdain to announce.

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"Ha ha, I want to find such a big bargain for 200000 top grade Xuanshi. You guys of the Ji family are really good at fighting. You are so happy! My Lord, the Dayan Dynasty, is willing to offer 300000 high-quality Xuanshi, just to apologize for returning Lingbao business! " Another old voice came out with a smile. It was the old man of Dayan Dynasty who had conflicts with Penglai Dynasty before.

The old man's pun not only suppressed the Zhou Dynasty, but also brought a high hat to Lingbao business. It was pleasant to hear, but also could not find any other faults.

"Well, Mr. yanlaopifu, don't pretend to be a good man there! If the price of this super quality God pill is high, I'd like to bid 400000 high-quality Xuanshi. " Before waiting for the Shangguan Yunque on the auction table to speak, the old man in the secret room of the Zhou Dynasty spoke again. He did not hide the anger in his words, but pointed at the old man of the Dayan Dynasty and made a sharp voice.

"Hum, half a million high-grade Xuanshi, will the Dayan Dynasty be afraid that you will not succeed?" It was also a cold hum without anger. Obviously, the relationship between the Dayan Dynasty and the Dazhou Dynasty was not as harmonious as expected. They didn't care about their respective identities, and they were red faced in front of all forces.

"Ha ha, Ji GongDan and Yan Bajin, you two old guys are also calm down. Let me be a peacemaker for your two families. I am willing to bid 600000 yuan for the first grade Xuanshi. I hope you can make peace with Da Zhou and Da Yan An old voice with some voices came from another airtight room without any sign.

"Boom!" When the old man of the Daliang Dynasty said this, the names of Ji GongDan, Yan Bajin and Yan Bajin burst out in the hall on the first floor.

In the hall on the first floor, all the powerful people in the Six Dynasties area were shocked at the same time. When they looked at the attic on the second floor, they were full of awe."Why, Ji GongDan? Shit, isn't that the dean of my university? As for Yan Bajin, he is the leader of Dayan college today No trace mixed in the crowd, at this time is also full of shock. The two names of Ji GongDan and Yan Bajin are still echoing in my ears. I can't recover from the shock for a long time.

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"Ha ha, Zhu lunatic, when is your turn to be a good man? 600000 top grade Xuanshi, what a joke! I, the tianque Dynasty, would like to offer 700000 high-quality Xuanshi! " A fierce female voice, some cold and low suddenly spread out.

The whole auction house fell into silence again, and everyone guessed the identity of the speaker of the Daliang Dynasty for the first time.

"Zhu Feng, President of Daliang University!" No trace deeply out of breath, some can't believe secretly suspect a way.

"Ha ha, Yuehua fairy is still so hot tempered! The Penglai Dynasty is also willing to come here. It's a great honor for all of you! " Another fierce voice came out. It was the old man of Penglai Dynasty who had friction with Yan Bajin, the old man of Dayan Dynasty.

Rixia fairy and Yuehua fairy are brothers and sisters. It has been famous in mainland China for a long time. At one time, the two presidents are in the same rank, regardless of you and me. Both of them are the presidents of the tianque Dynasty, which is the legendary existence of Meitan in mainland China. "

"Ha ha, I haven't been so busy for a long time! Jiannantian, it seems that you, the dean of Penglai college, can't sit down! In that case, I, the Jiuli Dynasty, will also take part! Nine hundred thousand top grade Xuanshi, I decided to go to this muddy water! " A thick voice came out, which made people's eardrums roar in the hall on the first floor. All the warriors in all forces covered their ears at the same time, and frowned in pain.

"Well, a sword comes from the south to mount Tianshan, jiannantian, President of Penglai college in beizhou. Chi Tang, President of Jiuli college In the shocked eyes of the Dean without trace, bursts of light suddenly. After getting the main speakers sent by the major dynasties this time, I couldn't help beating in my heart.

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"Ha ha, the Jiuli Dynasty offered 900000 high-quality Xuanshi. Ladies and gentlemen, is there anyone else to raise the price again? " The Shangguan Yunque in the auction house, at this time, showed a knowing smile on his rough face. Then, Shangguan Yunque looked up again to the second floor attic and asked with great interest.

The whole auction house was silent for ten minutes. All the rooms in the second floor attic were dumb, as if they were thinking about something.

"Ha ha, good! 900000 top grade Xuanshi, the first time Shangguan cloud que eyebrow head a pick, again sharp voice says.

The voice fell, and there was still silence around. No one dares to interrupt, all eyes are gathered on the second floor attic.

"Cough, 900000 top grade Xuanshi, second time!" Shangguan Yunque gently cleared his throat and said again slowly. In the tone of voice, the speaking speed has obviously slowed down a lot, which seems to give people more time to think.

"Ha ha, a xuanjing, this super elixir, I want it from the alchemist's Union! I hope you'll give me a thin face. I'll be the alchemist's Union. I owe our six colleges a favor! " Another proud voice came out, which made everyone in the auction hall tremble. The name of the alchemist's trade union was immediately printed into the minds of all the people present< br>

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