Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 101: 101

"Wow, it smells good, it really smells good!"

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"Look, look quickly, those fragrance, collected Dan Yun unexpectedly!"

"Well, it's very powerful. It's really worthy of being a super pill. Before the elixir comes out of the world, there will be a cloud of elixir that will not disperse! "

On the auction floor, the jade pendant in Shangguan Yunque's hand was shining. Bursts of fragrance misty overflowing, dark gas gathered from the red cloud slowly swam around the jade bottle.

"Zhuqiao pill and pinjie are super grade pills, which are the legendary elixirs in mainland China. Countless alchemists strive for them all their lives. Now, the reappearance of this super product pill is really a blessing for mainland China! I Lingbao business, lucky to get this super product Shendan, once again openly sell to the whole mainland! "

"In this jade vase, there are only three super quality pills, which are used to build orifices. We will sell them one by one at auction, and the reserve price will be based on the top grade Xuanshi. "

On the auction table, Shangguan Yunque, holding a jade bottle, glanced at the people on the first floor with a smile. Then, his eyes were shining, and he looked indifferently towards the closed rooms on the second floor.

"Ha ha, super quality Shendan builds Qiaodan, with a base price of 10000 high-quality Xuanshi. Those who are destined to get it, and the auction officially begins... "Shangguan Yunque opens his mouth again, and his sharp voice resounds through the audience again.

Full of interest time, the auction floor is still silent. The value of ten thousand high-grade Xuanshi is comparable to all the financial resources of ordinary families.

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Therefore, in the hall on the first floor and in the area of the Six Dynasties, all the warriors basically gave up the bidding for the super product Shendan. After all, the attention of the whole mainland, so God Dan, even if they get away with it, I'm afraid they don't have the ability to keep. As the saying goes, every man is innocent and guilty. Nowadays, the martial artists who can appear in this auction house are all human spirits with certain identities.

There was silence in the dark crowd and silence in the Six Dynasties below. There was no sound coming from the airtight rooms on the second floor.

All of a sudden, the whole auction hall fell into an extremely embarrassing atmosphere. Standing on the auction table, Shangguan Yunque's smiling face gradually became gloomy.

"The bottom price is ten thousand top grade Xuanshi. Is there any bidder?" The sharp voice mixed with a trace of anger, clearly into the ears of everyone in the auction house.

"Damn, old demon, what are these guys doing?" Traceless face depressed, in the mind and demon respect fire Xiao secretly complain.

"Ha ha, there are three super pills. The royal families of the Six Dynasties, together with the alchemist's trade union, those killer organizations, and some mysterious forces in the dark, are all waiting for Lingbao firm to be defeated at this time! " Demon zunhuoxiao laughs and talks to traceless.

"Hum, if it goes on like this, this super product God pill is going to be smashed. His grandmother's, I'll raise the price myself A cold hum, no trace heart secretly calculate a way.

"Ha ha, ten thousand top grade Xuanshi, no one increases the price, right?" On the auction floor, Shangguan Yunque's gloomy face suddenly stretched out and burst out laughing at the crowd below.

"Well, is the chief official crazy?"

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"Ha ha, no one bid. I think it's probably exciting! "

"Hey, hey, I'm afraid it's going to be like this when I give the sign to cilingbao business."

In the hall on the first floor, all the warriors in the Six Dynasties looked at the auction table in confusion.

"Ha ha, since there is no one to increase the price! That's good. It's the first time for ten thousand top grade Xuanshi. " To everyone's surprise, Shangguan Yunque is like no one else. Unexpectedly, he looked up at the second floor attic and called out the price.

"Ten thousand top grade Xuanshi, the second time..." on the auction table, Shangguan Yunque seemed to be in a hurry. Before everyone below could recover, he announced again.

Dada, dada, a slight sound came from several secret rooms in the second floor attic. Obviously, the forces in the secret room of the second floor attic also noticed the abnormal reaction of Shangguan Yunque.

"Cough, chief officer, what do you mean?" An old voice, slightly pondering, came from a secret room in the second floor Pavilion.

"Well, is there any price increase? Is there any price increase? " Shangguan Yunque also ignored the questions coming from the second floor attic. He glanced around and asked in a loud voice.

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The first floor of the hall was silent. All the powerful men held their breath and peeped at the second floor attic.

On the second floor of the attic, since the old question came out without any reply. The closed room on the second floor fell into silence again, without any response.

"Ha ha, I Lingbao company, entrusted by an elder, have the honor to auction super Shendan and Zhuqiao pill here. Since no one bid to shoot, then this super product God Dan, I Lingbao firm will be! Thank you for admitting that the price of cabbage is ten thousand high-quality Xuanshi.... "On the auction floor, Shangguan Yunque, who used to suppress his anger. At this time, suddenly changed a pair of smiling face, in front of the silence of the auction house people, clasping their hands, laughing.

Gulu, Gulu

On the first floor of the auction house, the Six Dynasties' influence areas, all the forces and family warriors all swallowed their saliva at the same time. All the people are covered with black lines, and the expression on each face is wonderful.

"Damn it, ten thousand top grade Xuanshi, this Shangguan Yunque really has the skill! But it's like I've lost a lot of money. " Traceless heart secretly exclaimed, a face of bitter force to demon respect fire Xiao Shan said.

"Jie Jie, there are three magic pills. Lingbao business won one without much effort. Now it's time to talk about the anxiety of some forces! Shangguan Yunque's skill is really beautiful. These people want to make Lingbao look bad. As a result, I'm afraid that cleverness will be misled by cleverness! " Demon zunhuoxiao seems to appreciate Shangguan Yunque's behavior very much, and he starts to praise endlessly in traceless brain.

"Damn, old demon, you'd better save it! Is it time to praise this grandson? Shendan, Shendan, we've only sold ten thousand top grade Xuanshi. We're losing a lot of money! " Listen to the words of demon zunhuoxiao, no trace turned his eyes. In the heart of a while, the look on the face is simply extremely painful.

"Ha ha, I'm afraid it doesn't conform to the rules? How can we have the reason to auction and bid by ourselves? "

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"Ha ha, Shangguan is in charge. Don't joke about it. It can't be counted!"

"Ha ha, Lord, why don't you bid again and let's bid again?"

On the second floor of the attic, there was a clear sound. Then, a few old voices came out with a smile, and you and I talked with each other.

"Ha ha, again? Jokes, big jokes, you really deceive me. Is Lingbao a business Shangguan Yunque's face was cold for a moment, and his voice was gloomy. He said slowly.

In a word, the audience fell into a dead silence again. In front of the attic on the second floor, there was no sound in the airtight room.

"Well, I've called the price three times. Did one of you ever raise the price? " With a cold hum, the momentum of Shangguan Yunque suddenly cooled. An invisible pressure surged out in an instant, and all the warriors in the hall on the first floor were shocked at the same time, and their sweat pores exploded instantly.

"Lingbao business has always been known for its fairness. Since you are here, you are my friends from Lingbao business. However, if anyone wants to sincerely see the joke of Lingbao. I'm sorry. Today I'm going to Shangguan Yunque and I'm going to tell you some ugly things. Not to mention your six dynasties, ten killer organizations, and some other forces. Even the secret supporters behind you should weigh your own weight! " Shangguan Yunque said in a fierce voice. The momentum burst out from the whole person was extremely violent, which immediately shocked the whole audience.

In the auction house, there was another silence. In the hall on the first floor, all the martial artists shut their mouths, and all of them unconsciously drew back. On the other hand, on the second floor of the attic, in the rooms with closed doors, faint gasps came out in a faint hustle and bustle

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