Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 100: 100

Lingbao company, auction venue.

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At this time, the auction floor was silent, and the regional forces of the six dynasties all looked on the stage in shock.

On the second floor of the attic, closed rooms stand quietly. The whole attic was still dead and there was no sound.

"Damn it, old demon. I found out for the first time that this Shangguan Yunque was such a man! " Traceless heart is also a burst of excitement, staring at the stage sneer again and again Shangguan Yunque heartfelt praise way.

"Ha ha, that sword you Dao and Yan shisan's behavior just now is disrespectful to Lingbao business! If only by a few polite words from the two families, the Shangguan Yunque would not be investigated. I'm afraid that in the future, the prestige of Shangguan Yunque will be greatly reduced. "

"Well, each of you will produce one million pieces of medium grade basalt. I'll take it as if it never happened. However, if there is another time. No matter who he is, he will be killed! " With a cold hum, Shangguan Yunque glanced at the silent second floor attic and said in a sharp voice.

"Ha ha, I should be punished for being rude! Mr. Shangguan is merciful. This million pieces of Xuanshi are from Dayan dynasty! " On the second floor of the attic, an old voice full of smile, very polite to take down the words.

"Lao, Shangguan, please! I have no objection to the Penglai dynasty! " Another old voice came out, but the tone was obviously low and cold.

"Ha ha, it seems that some people are not very convinced! So good, so good! " On the auction table, Shangguan Yunque obviously also heard the displeasure of Penglai Dynasty people. He suddenly raised his eyebrows and said with a sharp smile.

"Cough, Shangguan misunderstood! I am Penglai Dynasty.... "

"Hum, take out two million medium grade Xuanshi, and I'll take it as if you were farting just now!"

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Gulu, Gulu, in the hall on the first floor, and in the sphere of influence of the major dynasties, all the warriors closed their mouths and stared at the official cloud que on the stage with lingering fear. It seems that people are afraid that if they say one more word, they will burn themselves. Looking up again, the eyes of Shangguan Yunque are full of admiration and fear.

"Ha ha, ha ha. In this matter, the Penglai Dynasty made a mistake first. The two million pieces of medium grade Xuanshi are from Penglai dynasty! " A burst of laughter, very reluctantly resounded. The old voice was obviously more harmonious than before, and returned to the Shangguan cloud que.

"Hum, come on, next auction!" Shangguan Yunque also ignored the words of the people from the Penglai Dynasty on the second floor. He waved his hand and told his subordinates in the rear again.

Hua La, Hua la

The sword Qi is like a rainbow. The Changhong spirit sword suspended in the air suddenly circled in the air. Then, a red awn cut through the auction hall, and the shadow of Changhong sword rushed into the attic on the second floor and the room of Dayan Dynasty.

At the back of the first floor auction shop, a group of employees of Lingbao business firm straightened up. All the people are proud, standing in the same place.

A young woman twists her waist and walks lightly. At this time, in the hands of women. A pair of divinatory symbols, only the size of a finger, made of wood, exuding a rustic flavor, are impressively reflected in the eyes of the public.

"It's called Bu Yao. You can see the future, good or bad! It is the object of Tianyun sect, which contains the treasure of Tianyun sect and the mysterious power of Tianqi. Today, this object can be used three times, and the category of divination lies in the user's own strength. " Shangguan Yunque glanced at all the people in the audience, and his voice was very alluring.

"Er, hexagram? "Tianyunzong?" Under the stage, traceless eyes slightly coagulated, curiously staring at a pair of hexagrams on the stage, which exuded a simple atmosphere, and was secretly surprised.

"Damn, Tianyun sect, one of the eight sects, is the top force in mainland China! The way behind Lingbao business is really wild! " On one side, Chun Shao and song Chungui murmured in a shocked low voice.

"Ha ha, it's said that the disciples of Tianyun sect are always mysterious. It has always been famous for its alchemy, divination and great prophecy. On weekdays, how many royal families and nobles, who want to seek a pill, or even a chance to divine, have no choice! I didn't expect that this divination skill of Tianyun sect would appear in the auction hall of Lingbao firm. It seems that Lingbao firm must have spent many weeks! " Dong Shao's face is full of meditation. He combines some information he knows with his own guess and slowly opens his mouth to Wu Chen and others.

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"Ha ha, it's really extraordinary. It's a pity that the power of Xuanqi in it is almost exhausted. Three times of divination is the limit Demon respect fire Xiao light smile, in front of no trace in the mind light voice mention a way.

"Alas, tianyunzong, the art of Apocalypse! It seems that my vision of cultivation is still too low! " There was a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth, and he shook his head bitterly. Wu Chen thought he had a comprehensive understanding of mainland China, but he didn't expect to pull out a top sect secretly. For today's no trace, it's just two eyes with a touch of black. I don't know much about it."Ha ha, you should not aim too high and belittle yourself. You should lay a good foundation for your life and practice. The existence you want to look up to now may become the floating cloud mustard in your heart in the future Demon respect fire Xiao tone profound, in the mind to no trace light voice up.

Smell speech, no trace quickly and forcefully shook head. The heart of the future road at a loss to forget, dedicated to the enjoyment of the present precious time.

"One million, medium grade Xuanshi!"

"1.5 million, medium grade Xuanshi!"

"Two million medium grade Xuanshi!"

"2.2 million, medium grade Xuanshi!"

For a while, in the area of the Six Dynasties, many families and forces all over the world were shouting and competing for the price.

In the blink of an eye, a pair of Bu Yao, who came from Tianyun sect and could do divination for three times, were called out a high price of three million medium grade Xuan Shi.

"Three and a half million medium grade Xuanshi, this thing, I want it in the Zhou Dynasty!" A very aggressive call came from the airtight room on the second floor.

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"Eh, it sounds like Ji Yun, the second prince!" Spring little tiny a Leng, staring at the top of the head of the second floor attic, one of the rooms whispered.

"Gee, the National Games will last forever. In the great Zhou Dynasty, the second prince Ji Yun On the one hand, he had a certain understanding of the royal family of the Da Zhou Dynasty, but he was surprised in vain. Hasten to secretly the second floor attic, the room before the voice quickly engraved in my mind.

"3.7 million, medium grade Xuanshi!" Before all the forces in the hall below reacted, a very soft female voice, like the sound of nature, began to ring from another room in the attic on the second floor.

"Four million, medium grade Xuanshi!" Second prince Ji Yun's voice rang out again, and he added the price directly.

The price of four million medium grade Xuanshi is one place, and the soft female voice in another room is obviously silent. The people in the hall on the lower floor also sighed, but no one dared to raise the price again.

"Four million, the first time of Zhongpin Xuanshi."

"Four million, the second time of Zhongpin Xuanshi."

"Four million, the third time of Zhongpin Xuanshi, deal!"

After three bids, the object finally fell into the hands of the Zhou Dynasty. However, the price of 4 million pieces of medium grade Xuanshi is worth the price for the chance of three divinations.

Then, Shangguan Yunque waved his hand, and another piece was taken out from behind. There was another uproar in the auction house, and people began to bid again.

For a moment, the auction house was full of people, and everyone was immersed in the lively atmosphere. Shangguan Yunque was also happy to see this scene and began to shout again and again.

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The whole auction lasted nearly a day. During this period, several auction pieces were sold. And the origin and nature of each piece are extremely extraordinary. However, most of these products are useless to traceless, so traceless has to mix in the crowd to make a scene.

Outside, the sunset rose gradually, and the color in the sky became dim gradually. One by one, the auction items were all sold out, and people's expectations became more and more intense.

Lingbao company, auction house.

Shangguan Yunque glanced at the whole audience, with a smile on his face full of stubble. Immediately, hands in vain a shake, carefully took out a crystal clear jade from the arms.

As soon as the jade bottle came out, it was full of brilliance. The fragrance of a hundred herbs, which could not be concealed, spread all over the store in an instant. The invisible aroma of his heart and spleen, void in the original quiet Xuanqi suddenly shaking. It seems that he was led by the jade pendant and surrounded the top of the bottle mouth. The natural red clouds formed by the flow of Xuanqi are naturally reflected in the eyes of the public.

"Ha ha, I've been waiting for a day, and finally I'm talking about my super product God pill Traceless eyes are shining, staring at the jade pendant in the hands of Guan Yunque on the stage, and his heart is jumping wildly.

"Ha ha, traceless boy, calm down, calm down!" Demon respect fire Xiao Lang laugh, although it is in the words to comfort traceless I, but his tone, also inadvertently revealed the excitement.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong

A slight sound, at the same time from the second floor of the attic around the airtight room resounded. At the same time, several powerful divine senses were released from the attic on the second floor.

In the hall on the first floor, all the eyes of the Six Dynasties, the regional power areas, the major families, and the various forces, all gathered together. On the auction table, the jade bottle in Shangguan Yunque's hand was extremely burning and fanatical< br>

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