Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 99: 99

Lingbao business, the second floor secret room, the voice of indifference resounded, clear into every corner of the auction venue.

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In the hall on the first floor, the regional warriors and Qi Qi of the Six Dynasties kept silent in amazement. After all, this is the first voice of the top power in mainland China. Unexpectedly, it came from the proud Penglai royal family.

"2.5 million medium grade Xuanshi, the second time," on the auction table, Shangguan Yunque still looks like a light cloud. It seems that I have been prepared for a long time, and I have already expected that the royal family of Penglai Dynasty will bid. The sharp voice rang out again, but Shangguan Yunque's eyes inadvertently swept towards the doors of the other airtight rooms on the second floor.

"I'd like to see three million pieces of medium grade Xuanshi. Who dares to compete with the Dayan Dynasty for this?" There was another loud sound coming from another room on the second floor without any sign.

"Boom!" There was a shock in the hall on the lower floor, among which the warriors in Dazhou, tianque, Jiuli, Daliang and the four dynasties looked better. However, in the Penglai Dynasty area of beizhou, the faces of all the powerful warriors were all gloomy in an instant. On one side, all the warriors in the area of the Dayan Dynasty were upright and proud.

"Hum, 3.5 million, medium grade Xuanshi!" Before, the cold voice in the secret room came out again. Represents the Penglai Dynasty imperial family's airtight room, has not politely sent out an invisible sword power.

"Ha ha, beizhou child, you really think that the Dayan Dynasty is scared! Four million pieces of medium quality Xuanshi, this sword, my Dayan Dynasty is about to decide! "

"Boom!" A fierce air of Xiaosha burst out from another room. The Royal people of the Dayan Dynasty were also unwilling to be outdone, and the clamour and domineering voice spread all over the court in an instant.

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"Hum, hubris! Yan shisan, you are very arrogant! "

Bang, in one of the closed rooms, the door was kicked open. A tall white figure flashed out, and a young man with cold looks and proud eyebrows suddenly appeared in the eyes of the public.

"Damn, this guy, how can he be so opposite to the nameless one?" See flying out of the white shadow, traceless heart can not help but for a tremor. No matter from his body shape, clothes or eyebrows, his bearing is more than 80% similar to sword nameless. The only difference is that the bad temper is too heavy. In contrast, sword nameless is more open and aboveboard.

"Hum, there's a way of sword. You think you can't succeed in Penglai Dynasty. I think your highness is really used to domineering!" It is a cold hum to ring out again, before the big Yan Dynasty room of voice inside. The door suddenly pushed, and a young man in a green robe and a long gun appeared on the second floor of the attic.

"Ha ha, Yan shisan, you are willing to come out at last! How about my royal highness? Lao Tzu is the eldest son and the eldest grandson. It's you thirteen princes, Yan thirteen. It must have taken a lot of trouble to become Dayan's first successor all of a sudden His royal highness Jian Youdao of Penglai Dynasty swept Yan shisan with a long gun on his back, and his tone was full of sarcastic sneer.

"Ha ha, my great Yan Dynasty has always respected martial arts! I am superior in strength and deserve to be the crown prince. If one day, I will be among the Yan brothers. If someone can beat me, I'm willing to give up my position as well! " Yan shisan's speech was impassioned and unabashed. His arrogant and upright manner won the favor of most of the warriors in the Six Dynasties below!

"Well, from Yan 1 to Yan 12, they are all defeated by my sword. Even if you don't like it, it's no exception! " Jian Youdao saw that Yan shisan's prestige was gradually rising, and he was obviously extremely upset. A cold hum, the sword has a white eye, Yan 13 says contemptuously.

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"Ha ha, we have to fight before we know whether we can win or lose this kind of thing! Besides, the children of the Dayan Dynasty have always been aboveboard, even if they are fighting for the throne, they dare to be openly in the world. It's not as colorful as your Penglai Dynasty and fraternity! " Yan shisan laughed as if he had heard something funny. Immediately, the words front a turn, point to the sword to have a way of provocation to say.

With a bang, everyone in the hall on the first floor was shocked. People with a clear eye know that there is something in the thirteen words of the great Yan Dynasty, but obviously they have never heard of this rumor.

After all, as we all know, the sword emperor of Penglai Dynasty in beizhou was in a hurry and was obsessed with kendo. He was closed all the year round, and only his highness Jian Youdao was the heir. Don't mention fratricidal, there is not even a princess in the royal family. How can we fratricidal!

In the first floor, within the Six Dynasties, and within the influence of the major dynasties, all the warriors were puzzled. Some believed that there was something in Yan shisan's words, while others strongly doubted Yan shisan's words."Old demon, what do you think?" Mixed in the crowd of no trace, gently picked pick eyebrows. Sword nameless, a cold figure in white, constantly flashed out in traceless mind.

"Ha ha, there must be something strange about it!" The voice of demon zunhuoxiao echoed gently, but it was only a little more clear and just a little bit more.

"Damn, what do you think at this time? There must be something wrong! Your sister, play with the elder brother Di Renjie Traceless face speechless, self-care turned his eyes. In the heart a burst of depressed unceasingly, once again the vision fell on the second floor attic.

"Yenshan, you have said too much!" The sword has a way, the face of defiant is in vain a coagulate, whole body cold idea slowly release but.

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"Ha ha, if you want to fight, I will be afraid of you, Penglai sword state?" Yan shisan holds the long gun behind him and stares at the sword coldly.

For a time, the tension in the second floor attic was extremely intense. In the hall on the lower floor, the warriors from the region of Dayan Dynasty, the powerful families and two groups of people from Penglai Dynasty also glared at each other, and there was a trend of big fight.

Dazhou, Daliang, tianque, Jiuli and the other four forces retreated one after another. They all looked as if they were watching the excitement and waiting.

"Keke, the royal family of the Dayan Dynasty bid, four million Chinese Xuan stone, the first time!" A few light cough, cold reverberate in the dead of a ranking field. At this time, his face was obviously gloomy to the bottom of the valley. With the sharp voice sounded again quietly, the people in the auction house who were all at daggers' ends came back one after another.

"Ha ha, I don't know, but I'm worried about the chief! On behalf of the Penglai Dynasty, Lao Jiu made amends to the superior officials. As for the rainbow spirit sword, Penglai dynasty would like to be a human being, and give it to Dayan dynasty! " An old voice reverberated in the attic on the second floor. Immediately, a strong wind surged out, and immediately wrapped the sword Youdao outside the door.

"Crack!" There was a sound of the door closing. With the strong wind, his highness Jian Youdao of Penglai Dynasty poured into the airtight room.

When the door of the closed room is closed, there is no sound coming out.

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"Ha ha, thank you for the acceptance of Penglai dynasty! Shangguan, please ask Haihan what happened just now! 13、 Come back soon It was a huge suction force, suddenly rolled on the front of the aggrieved Yan shisan body.

The door of the sealed room of the Dayan Dynasty was also tightly closed. In the attic on the second floor, all the previous breath disappeared, and there was no sound coming out.

"Four million medium grade Xuanshi, the second time!" On the first floor of the auction table, Shangguan Yunque didn't seem to notice what just happened. Eyes still look around a circle, voice cold sharp again resounding.

"Four million Zhongpin Xuanshi, the third time, deal! It belongs to the royal family of the Dayan dynasty! " This is a common relief for all parties. Looking back on the war that was just on the verge of breaking out, people's hearts were still pounding and could not recover their peace for a long time.

Just as everyone thought that the situation had completely subsided and waited for the next auction to come out. On the auction table, Shangguan Yunque's gloomy face cleared up in vain. He raised his head and stared indifferently at the silent second floor attic. A sharp and cold voice, unexpectedly resounded in everyone's ears.

"Ha ha, the auction of Changhong sword is over. Next, Dayan Dynasty, Penglai Dynasty and you two should give me a statement about Lingbao business firm! "

"Boom!" The auction house is full of surprises! All the people were wide eyed, staring at the same place, gaping and in an uproar< br>

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