Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 98: 98

Lingbao auction, a farce suddenly ended. In the end, chunshao song Chungui won the organ puppet at the level of danhunjing for 1.5 million yuan.

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"I will take care of this organ puppet first! After the auction, come to Lingbao and ask me for it! " Shangguan Yunque said in a cold voice to the audience without expression.

"Keke, thank you for taking care of me! When the auction is over, be sure to visit! " Chun Shao and song Chungui were obviously a little guilty, so they bravely said two words on the scene.

On the first floor of the auction hall, the warriors in the influence area of the major dynasties. They all felt puzzled, but no one dared to question Shangguan Yunque publicly.

Shangguan Yunque ignored chunshao and song Chungui, turned around and waved his hand. Then he hit the puppet in the rear and put the puppet into the storage ring.

"The third piece, Changhong sword, comes from the sword Pavilion!" Shangguan Yunque said with a faint smile to a group of warriors on the lower floor.

Boom! As soon as the name of the pavilion came out, the crowd below was boiling again. As we all know, among the top eight forces in mainland China today, the sword pavilion has a place.

Only on the auction table, a ray of light reflected the whole audience. As soon as the bright red rainbow sword came out, the whole auction house was shocked.

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A burning gas extinguished, the red glow gradually faded, and the glory returned to the Changhong sword. A long sword, as red as blood, was quietly suspended in the air.

"Keke, as we all know, there are five kinds of weapons in heaven and earth, namely, heaven, earth, Xuan, Huang and fan. This Changhong sword is a medium level spirit sword of Xuan level, which can be used by those who are in the realm of Dan soul, and its level can be naturally improved. He was born in Jiange, one of the eight sects Shangguan Yunque's face was as usual, and he introduced himself to the public.

Jiange, one of the eight top sects in mainland China, all his disciples are sword practitioners. The sword tomb is the most mysterious and ancient secret place of the sword Pavilion.

It is said that there are all kinds of rare swords hidden in the sword grave from ancient times to the present. They are dug for the ten thousand sword grave. Only those who have reached a certain level of cultivation can have a chance to enter the sword grave. Similarly, every swordsman has to enter the tomb once in his life, and can communicate with heaven and earth. With his own luck, he can seek a sword in the tomb.

The sword is the most important. As the saying goes, one person and one sword always accompany each other. After his whole life, he has to go all the way.

This Changhong sword comes from the sword Pavilion, which means that the sword is ownerless. Every sword Pavilion disciple has a chance to get a sword from the tomb with him all his life. Now the rainbow sword is placed in front of the public, and its potential value is self-evident.

"Ha ha, the rules are the same. There is no reserve price, and the one with the highest price gets it, and the auction begins... "As the sharp voice of Shangguan Yunque rings again, the auction house is on fire in an instant.

In the area of the Six Dynasties, the warrior and his eyes were shining at the same time. Staring at the Changhong sword floating quietly on the high platform in front of him, his face was full of greed.

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"A million medium grade Xuanshi!" Under the stage and in the region of the Dayan Dynasty, a tall young woman took the lead in shouting the price. This woman is in a red robe, aggressive and powerful.

"1.1 million medium grade Xuanshi!"

"1.3 million medium grade Xuanshi!"

"1.5 million medium grade Xuanshi!"

Just a few seconds later, the Xuan level medium-grade spirit sword Changhong sword sent out a high price of 1.5 million medium-grade Xuanshi, whose value instantly killed two items that had been put on sale before.

After all, the power of liuxuan thunderbolt fire bomb is limited. And an organ puppet will gradually lose its value with the improvement of the user's realm. However, a spirit sword that can naturally upgrade with the user is undoubtedly a treasure that practitioners of Kendo martial arts dream of.

"1.7 million medium grade basalt."

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"1.8 million medium grade Xuanshi."

"1.9 million medium grade basalt."

"Two million medium grade Xuanshi."

It's another round of crazy price increase, and the atmosphere in the hall on the first floor is boiling to the top. Among them, all the regional warriors in the four dynasties of Dazhou, Jiuli, tianque and Daliang withdrew from the bidding. In the field, only the Dayan Dynasty, which is proud of its thousands of weapons, and the Penglai Dynasty, which is dedicated to the cultivation of kendo, are left. The martial arts courts of the two regions bid.

"Boy, this Rainbow spirit sword, you see not heart?" Demon zunhuoxiao voice quietly, and no trace in the mind quietly ditch channel.

"Ha ha, it's enough for me to have a soft sword. The sword is in the heart, not in the blade. As long as this sword is in touch with my heart, it will come naturally in the future Traceless mouth slightly up, touched the waist shining silver jade belt, low voice smile."There is something wonderful about this soft sword. We can't see the melting material and the grade. It seems weak and powerless. In fact, after you use it, you are very good at it

"Ha ha, this is the only relic left by Liu Wuhen's father. As for its origin, even Liu Wuchen himself can't say clearly. " No trace faint smile, mouth up a touch of bitterness. Recalling Liu Wuhen's life, all kinds of memories about Liu Zongyi's father are as thin as paper.

"Keke, two million Chinese Xuanshi, the first time!" On the auction table, Shangguan Yunque gently cleared his throat and said in a shrill voice to the people below.

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"Boss, look, isn't that your brother?" At this time, Chun Shao and song Chungui gently poked Liu Wuchen, pointed to a closed room on the second floor, and whispered in Wuchen's ear.

"Brush!" No trace suddenly raised his head and saw the door of the airtight room on the second floor move gently. A big figure in white flashed in.

"Oh, no! The nameless Ming Ming Ming is in another courtyard in the south of the Yangtze River. How can he be here? " Only one figure is more than 90% similar to sword nameless. Traceless heart can't help but doubt, can't help looking toward the closed room a few more eyes.

"Two and a half million medium grade Xuanshi. Since it came from the sword Pavilion. Then I'm going to be responsible for the Penglai Dynasty in Northern Zhou! " The sound is like a flood, the Qi is like gall. A powerful voice came from the secret room on the second floor.

"Eh, the Penglai dynasty? It's true that the voice is not nameless, but this chilly tone is somewhat similar to nameless? " No trace heart doubt more aggravating, staring at the second floor airtight room, some slightly stupefied.

"Ha ha, traceless boy. Don't forget that the Penglai Dynasty was controlled by the jianhuang of beizhou. And the royal family of North State, can all be sword surname! The sword nameless boy is born with sword body. I'm afraid the Penglai royal family must have something to do with these evil qualities! " The mysterious laughter of demon zunhuoxiao reverberates in traceless mind.

"I have nothing to do with the old demon, the Penglai dynasty or the northern state sword emperor! I only know that he is my brother without trace. That's enough! As for the rest, it is useless to say more. No matter when, the only thing I can do is believe in my brother Smell speech, no trace body suddenly a quiver, in the heart doubt instant seem clear many. Then, a faint evil smile appeared on the handsome face, and the proud face was full of disdain.

"Ha ha, brother, what a familiar but strange word!" Demon zunhuoxiao smiles faintly, and the rough voice gradually fades, and finally disappears, and there is no life left

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