Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 12: 12

After the Small Competition of the Liu Family, Wu Hen unexpectedly became the number one warrior among the Liu Family's younger generation. The side yard where Mrs Liu usually stayed was suddenly overcrowded and bustling with noise and excitement.

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Because Wu Hen got the qualification to represent the Liu Family in the Large Competition, he also got a series of generous rewards from the Liu Family.

In Wu Hen's room, the Demon Sovereign Huo Xiao quietly set up an array formation. Staring at the large table in front of him with no less than twenty or thirty low-grade mystical stones, Wu Hen's eyes were wide open as he salivated over them.

"Cough cough, brat, can you not embarrass me!" It's just a mere low grade Profound Stone, and the heaven and earth profound energy contained in this kind of thing is not even enough for you to reach the late stage of the Soul Realm! " The illusory figure of the Demon Sovereign Huo Xiao appeared, rolling his eyes as he stared at Wu Hen, who had a stupefied expression on his face.

"Pfft, you old demon, what do you know? This is a Profound Stone that contains the Heaven and Earth profound energy and can be directly absorbed by cultivators!" Even though I have the Myriad Heavens and Earth Art now, the speed at which I absorb the profound energy is even faster than when I absorb profound stones directly. However, even if I were to buy one of these items, it would be enough for ordinary people to live for a generation! " Wu Hen rolled his eyes at Demon Sovereign Huo Xiao and took the piled up Profound Stones on the table into his arms.

"Ai, look at your inexperienced appearance!" Demon Sovereign Huo Xiao let out a long sigh, then said with an expression of disappointment.

Hehe, don't talk about money with me, I am just a common person. Even if I become a warrior, I will still be a martial artist's martial artist! " "Wu Hen grinned with a proud look on his face.

"Swish." A strange red light flashed across Wu Hen's chest without any warning. While Wu Hen and Huo Xiao were still in a daze, a blood-soaked and ugly bug the size of a finger landed on their finger one by one.

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"Hey, boy, isn't this your martial soul? Why did you release him? Didn't I warn you that you shouldn't show your martial soul to others before reaching the peak of the Soul Fusion Realm? If this little fellow is killed now, your cultivation will never advance another half a step in this lifetime! " Demon Sovereign Huo Xiao was stunned, but soon after, he rebutted Wu Hen with a stern tone.

"Fuck, it's not like I called him out, what's the point of scolding me, you old demon! Besides, this fellow was as ugly as a ghost, and he didn't have the slightest bit of fighting prowess. I'm crazy. If there's nothing else, I'll call it out! " Wu Hen's face was full of grievance as he complained to the Demon Lord Huo Xiao.

"Eh, that's true …" Demon Sovereign Huo Xiao looked at Wu Hen, who was on the verge of tears, and then looked at the little bug that had moved from Wu Hen's hand to the low grade Profound Stone. Then, he looked at Wu Hen with great sympathy and nodded his head.

Kacha, kacha.

He wasn't on guard at all, nor did he have any signs. A clear sound was emitted from the quiet room in a strange manner.

"Old demon, did you hear any strange sounds?" Wu Hen's face was filled with shock as he whispered while looking around.

"Cough cough, based on Demon Lord's ten thousand experiences, that little thing is chewing on your Profound Stone!" Demon Sovereign Huo Xiao's eyes were blazing red, and the scarlet red beard that was swaying in front of his chest was shaking as if there was a rhythm to it.

Wu Hen looked in the direction pointed by Demon Sovereign Huo Xiao, and saw a small figure moving recklessly on the profound stones on the table. Furthermore, following the movement of its body, a low-grade mystical stone that was brimming with mystical Qi was shrinking bit by bit.

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In just a few breaths of time, that low-grade profound stone had disappeared without a trace in front of Wu Hen. As if the little fellow had not received its satisfaction, its small and skinny body moved as though nothing had happened as it laid on top of another profound stone that was filled with profound energy.

"Haha, old demon, quickly look. This little thing can actually swallow Profound Stones." The muscles on Wu Hen's face twitched as he rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

"Hehe, kid!" I bet you will want to cry later on! " Supreme Demon God Huo Xiao's face was filled with sympathy. He looked deeply at the little bug that was still moving on the table.

Kacha, kacha. Before Wu Hen could regain his senses, the little fellow had already chewed on dozens of low-grade mystical stones. Seeing that Wu Hen and Demon Sovereign Huo Xiao didn't stop them, the little fellow started sweeping the low grade Profound Stones on the table even more recklessly.

This time, the little guy used up even more of the remaining ten low-grade Profound Stones on the table.

"Ugh!" A large burp sounded out, and the little guy's body moved, leaving a blood-red afterimage in the air. Soon after, the little fellow dove into Wu Hen's embrace, disappearing from Wu Hen's chest in a strange manner.

"Eh, the aura emitted by this little guy's body seems a little familiar …" Demon Sovereign Huo Xiao knitted his brows, his expression solemn as he sank into his thoughts.

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Ah!" Wu Hen, who had finally recovered from his shock, howled miserably at the empty room with a loud voice. "My profound stones, profound stones! "You should f * cking leave a piece for me, you scum, scum, moth …

Perhaps the little fellow fell asleep after eating, or perhaps it was because Wu Hen was too angry that the little fellow refused to come out. No matter how Wu Hen summoned it, the little guy did not respond at all.

A low-grade Profound Stone that had previously escaped death by falling to the ground while being distracted, was clearly reflected in Wu Hen's eyes.

"Flower Screw it, you really f * cking gave me a piece!"

After an hour, waves of pain came from his chest, causing Wu Hen to finally regain some rationality from his frenzied state.

"Damn you, if I catch you next time and run out, I'll roast you alive!" Wu Hen spat out a few harsh words before storming out of the room. Wu Hen, who was previously immersed in the joy of cultivating with profound stones, could not even muster the slightest thought of cultivating!

After leaving the room, Wu Hen walked out of the yard. In three loops, they arrived at the courtyard Mrs Liu lived in.

"Eh, why is it so noisy?" Before he could enter the yard, Wu Hen was stopped by a series of laughter. Releasing his spiritual sense into the courtyard, he discovered that it was filled with many female members that he had never seen before.

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"Hehe, Brother Wu Hen, these are the families of the branch families and subsidiary families. For one thing, they came here to congratulate Aunt, and for another reason, they came here to curry favor with you and establish a good relationship with you! " A melodious laughter rang out from behind Wu Hen. Without even looking back, Wu Hen knew that it was Liu Shuang'er's voice.

"Haha, Little Sister Shuang'er, it seems that your Liu Xu's Misty Technique is quite good!" When Wu Hen saw Liu Shuang'er, his mood improved significantly. As he slowly retreated out of the courtyard, he reached out his hand to pat Liu Shuang'er on the head affectionately.

"Hehe, Brother Wu Hen, I am just not willing to practice cultivation techniques. As for this movement technique, I am very confident! " Liu Shuang'er puffed out her chest confidently. A youthful and alluring aura appeared in front of Wu Hen, shaking him several times. Wu Hen nearly spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Cough cough, what a little demoness!" Wu Hen's face reddened slightly. He quickly turned around and walked towards his own yard with even greater speed.

"Hehe, I heard that Big Brother Wu Hen made a huge fortune today, so the Patriarch specially sent someone to give you a lot of Profound Stones! Now that you see me running, aren't you a little too stingy! " Liu Shuang'er's figure flashed as she gracefully stood in front of Wu Hen.

"Hehe, Little Sister Shuang'er, you're joking. Isn't it just some profound stones? If you like Big Brother, I can give them to you." The horses galloped in Wu Hen's heart. He silently scolded the little fellow several hundred times in his heart.

"Hehe, I knew Brother Wu Hen was the best! "Sister, it's not hard for you. I happened to take a fancy to a jade hairpin at the Spirit Treasure Trading Company. I only need a low grade profound stone!" Liu Shuang'er playfully blinked her eyes and adorably nodded at Wu Hen.

"Haha, just a low grade mystical stone? Great, this is great! Let's go to the Spiritual Treasure sect now, Shuang'er! " Wu Hen's eyes lit up as he confidently touched the last low-grade mystical stone in his pocket. Thereafter, Wu Hen pulled Liu Shuang'er's hand as if he was afraid that she would go back on her word. A slight wave of Xuan Energy fluctuated, and Wu Hen dashed out of the Liu Family Mansion with Liu Shuang'er without looking back.

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