Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 13: 13

The Spirit Treasure Trading Company was the largest trading company in the Divine Continent. Its influence covered all seventy-two prefectures of the six prefectures of the Divine Continent.

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Whether it was the hegemons of the six great empires in the Six Prefectures or the territories of the families in each prefecture. It could be said that wherever there were people, there would be the banner of the Spiritual Treasure sect!

"Wow, this is the Spirit Treasure Merchant Guild. It truly is impressive!" Wu Hen sincerely praised as he looked at the grand and magnificent pavilion before him.

"Hehe, Brother Wu Hen, this is the first time you've been to the Spirit Treasure Store. Let's go sister, I'll take you to see the world!" Liu Shuang'er snickered as she pulled Wu Hen into the Spiritual Treasure Shop.

As soon as he stepped into the Spirit Treasure Trading Company, Wu Hen felt a sense of freedom, an indescribable feeling of relaxation flooded into Wu Hen's body. It was as if every breath of air here was fresher than the outside. Wu Hen's face was filled with shock as he quickly sucked in a few mouthfuls of air!

"Keke, there is a Mysterious Congregation Formation in the Spiritual Treasure sect. The Sky and Earth aura here was purer than outside. Therefore, the people who were here for the first time, would always embarrass themselves like you, Brother Wu Hen! " Liu Shuang'er mischievously blinked her eyes and reminded Wu Hen in good faith.

The construction of every array didn't require just the formation master to arrange it personally. He also needed a relatively large amount of Profound Stones to maintain his support. As such, every single formation that was assembled here was an existence that burned through money! Especially a large-scale mystical formation like the Spiritual Treasure sect, he didn't know how much low grade Profound Stones it would take.

"Hehe, it's actually a Profound Gathering Formation, this Spirit Treasure Merchant Guild is indeed a big deal!" Wu Hen sighed with emotion as he looked at the endless stream of people around him.

"Keke, first floor is specially prepared for nobles, merchants and merchants. Most of the items displayed here were items used by commoners. As for martial arts practitioners, they will have to go to the second floor or above to reap rewards! " Liu Shuang'er pulled Wu Hen along as she walked quickly, as if she was familiar with the route, towards the second floor of the pavilion.

As soon as he entered the second floor, Wu Hen could feel a strong surge of mystical Qi approaching him. The pure Xuan Energy wrapped around his body felt warm, causing Wu Hen to feel extremely comfortable.

"Whoa, this is only the second floor. If I were to go up, I'm afraid that my cultivation would be half the effort and double the results!" Wu Hen sighed from the bottom of his heart as he looked up at the golden ceiling.

"Hehe, Brother Wu Hen, stop dreaming! This second floor was a trading platform specially prepared for Soul Transformation practitioners. "The interior is divided into several areas, among them are cultivation techniques, pills, divine weapons, formations, and so on …"

"If you want to reach the third floor, you'll need to be at least at the Soul Building Stage!" To the side, Liu Shuang'er said to Wu Hen with a slight shock as she rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Hmph, just a mere Soul Building Stage. Just give me some time, and I'll definitely be able to achieve it easily. " Wu Hen disdainfully snorted, and said with incomparable confidence.

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"Yo, who is this?" "He's actually standing in the Spiritual Treasure sect and talking nonsense?" An extremely ear-piercing voice came from the front.

"Haha, who do I think it is? So it's the little demoness of the Liu Family and the young master of the Liu Family's trash!" A soft and numbing laughter entered the ears of everyone present.

As the voice faded, a young man and a young woman entered Wu Hen's sight. The young man was slightly plump and of medium height. He was dressed in silk and silk, making him look like a rich family's young master. As for the young woman, she had a curvy figure, and was dressed in gold and silver with a domineering and arrogant expression on her face.

"Eh, Yu Yi of the Yu Clan?" Wu Hen, who didn't seem to care, was suddenly startled. He stared at the slightly plump youth in front of him, and a wave of everlasting, dense Qi gathered in his chest. His originally indifferent eyes instantly condensed into a sharp killing intent.

"Yu Ding Yi? It seemed like this brat was the one who had killed Liu Wuhen! "Now that we have met again, as long as we can resolve one issue, I believe that the knot in your heart will naturally be completely resolved!" The voice of Demon Sovereign Huo Xiao echoed in Wu Hen's mind.

"Hehe, I did not take the initiative to look for him. He has actually delivered himself to my doorstep. This is really a narrow path for enemies to cross!" A sneer appeared on Wu Hen's handsome face, and the gaze he used to stare at Yu Ding Yi became even colder.

"Pah! You trash, what are you staring at my servant for?" Beside Yu Ding Yi, that arrogant and despotic female youth coldly snorted, pointing at Wu Hen's nose and reprimanding him.

"Brother Wu Hen, she is called Xu Yining, the daughter of the City Lord, and also the fiancee of Ding Yi. We can't afford to offend them, so let's leave quickly! " Upon seeing this, Liu Shuang'er hurriedly pulled Wu Hen's sleeves and secretly sent a sound transmission.

"Hehe, I really didn't expect that trash like you actually didn't die! I heard that you've successfully advanced into a Soul Transformation martial artist? How about it? Are you interested in exchanging a few more blows with me? " Yu Dingyi laughed coldly with his hoarse voice, provoking Wu Hen.

"Hehe, you little demon, what are you whispering with this trash? Is there anything between you siblings that is unclear? " Xu Yining arrogantly pointed at Liu Shuang'er and jokingly scolded her while twisting his waist.

"You, you, you shameless!" Hearing this, Liu Shuang'er's face reddened, her entire body trembling in anger, and her full chest heaved up and down.

And at this time, the sounds of argument coming from this side also attracted the attention of the other martial artists on the second floor. Everyone quietly put down the items in their hands and turned to look at the staircase.

Inside the Spiritual Treasure Shop, a few waiters on the second floor saw that the situation was not looking good and quickly rushed to the room where the supervisor was staying to inform him.

"Your name is Xu Yining, right?" I didn't hear what you just said clearly. Can you please repeat it again for me? " In the silent second floor of the pavilion, Wu Hen smiled faintly as he looked at the arrogant Xu Yining in front of him and said humbly.

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"This trash seems to be slightly different from before?" Yu Ding Yi felt a wave of suspicion in his heart, and the gaze he used to look at Wu Hen was even more sinister.

"Hehe, you don't have good words to say about someone who is carrying their back, you don't have bad words to say about someone. "Listen up, I said that the relationship between you and this little demoness is unclear …" With one hand on his waist, Xu Yining pointed at Wu Hen and Liu Shuang'er with his head held high.

Search, slap!

In the second floor of the pavilion, a shadow flashed. Following that, everyone felt a burst of profound energy fluctuation as a crisp slap echoed in the second floor of the pavilion.

Ah!" With a blood-curdling screech, Xu Yining was sent flying backwards. With a muffled thud, Xu Yining fell heavily to the ground. With a loud sound, she had fainted on the spot!

Another cyan shadow flashed once more. Wu Hen lightly clapped his hands and appeared where he was standing before. On the side, Liu Shuang'er was stupefied. She stared at Xu Yining, who was lying on the ground, in disbelief.

On the other side, Yu Ding Yi, who originally had a face full of disdain, now had an extremely gloomy face. The aura of profound energy rippled around his body as he released all of his strength from his middle stage Soul Transformation cultivation.

"Damn, who is this kid?" He actually dares to hit the City Governor's daughter? "

"Eldest Miss Xu is at the early stage of the Soul Transformation stage, how could she be knocked unconscious with a single slap!"

"Holy shit, the Spiritual Treasure sect doesn't allow martial arts. Violators will be killed without mercy."

"Heh heh, you don't even know him? He was once the number one genius of our Tranquil East City, the number one of the Liu Family's younger generation. However, because they couldn't awaken their Martial Spirit, they were treated as abandoned children by the Liu Family. But looking at his current strength, could it be that he has already awakened his Martial Spirit? "

In the second floor of the pavilion, dozens of Soul Movement Stage experts whispered to each other and began discussing with Wu Hen, Yu Ding, and the others.

"Young Master Yu, Young Master Liu, please stop. After all, this was the Spirit Treasure Merchant House. They had the power to kill and kill others outside of the empire. Have you all thought about the consequences if you were to make a move here? " A heavy voice sounded out, and on the staircase that led to the second floor, a skinny young man wearing a grey robe with a sharp and clear angle slowly walked to the second floor.

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"Shi family, Shi Lei?" Seeing the person, he was shocked. He was Shi Lei, the direct descendant of one of the three families of Tranquil East City, and was one of the members the Shi family sent to participate in the competition. Shi Lei's position in the Shi family wasn't any weaker than Yu Ding Yi, the eldest son of the Yu family. He was the next head of the Shi family and was the focus of everyone in the family. As for Wu Hen, he was much worse than Shi Lei and Yu Ding Yi.

"Thank you for your reminder Brother Shi, I, Wu Hen, have learnt it!" Only then did Wu Hen know that the Ling-Bao Hall had authority outside of the empire, and naturally had a good impression of Shi Lei. However, Wu Hen still firmly believed that if he was given a choice, he would not hesitate to slap that slut away.

As the saying goes, the one who insults is insulted, and the person who insults is insulted. As for how much damage he has done to others, naturally, he himself had to be prepared to be retaliated against. Otherwise, if he continued to bully others, even if the other party didn't have the ability to retaliate, there would be people who would fight back for him. As the saying goes, when good and evil come to an end, there will always be retribution. Even if people don't take you in, when the time comes, the heavens will still take you in.

"Shi Lei, you have no business here, you'd better leave!" A hint of disgust flashed across Yu Ding's eyes and he said unhappily to Shi Lei at the side.

"Hehe, Young Master Yu sure is impressive!" "Are you the owner of this Spiritual Treasure sect? You actually made a guest for me!" Shi Lei laughed coldly and said as he stared at Yu Ding Yi fearlessly.

"Bullshit, stop butting my hat!" Hurry up and get out of the way, today I will cripple this piece of trash! " Yu Ding stared at Shi Lei angrily, turned around and locked onto Wu Hen with his spirit sense.

"Hehe, thank you Brother Shi for your words, but this matter has nothing to do with you, I hope you can help!" Wu Hen didn't care about the ferocious Yu Ding Yi at all. Instead, he cupped his fist towards Shi Lei with a smile.

"Haha, Brother Liu, you treat me so well. Today is my day to meddle in this matter, I want to see what he, Yu Ding Yi, can do to you! " Shi Lei laughed out loud and released his middle stage Soul Shaking Realm power.

The atmosphere in the second floor of the building suddenly surged and Shi Lei's eyes were filled with determination as he stood face to face with Yu Ding Yi.

"Cough cough, how did this happen!" Wu Hen could only smile wryly as he looked at Shi Lei's unfair appearance. He obviously wanted to use this reason to cripple Yu Dingyi, but he was interrupted by the kind Shi Lei.

"Shi Lei, get out of my way!" He only heard Yu Ding's loud roar as a wave of terrifying profound energy climbed up. Yu Ding threw out two punches with all his might. The two punches carried the force of at least 1000 pounds and fiercely smashed towards Shi Lei who was in front of him.

"Haha, good one!" Seeing this, Shi Lei did not retreat but advanced instead. The aura of the profound energy around his body rose, and his entire body was gradually covered by a layer of faint grey light.

Bang, bang, bang.

The fist shadow that weighed at least a thousand pounds landed heavily on Shi Lei's grey body. As for Shi Lei, he did not have any reaction and just used his body to withstand the two punches from Yu Ding Yi.

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The fist that weighed a thousand pounds landed heavily on Shi Lei's body, but Shi Lei remained motionless like a rock. As for Ding Yi, he unconsciously took a few steps back.

"Shi family, Petrification Martial Spirit?" Yu Ding Yi took a deep breath and stared at Shi Lei who was covered in grey light. His eyes gradually became more serious.

"Haha, you still want to fight me? You have to think of a way to break my Martial Spirit first!" Shi Lei laughed out loud as he looked at Yu Ding's ashen face, feeling a sense of comfort in his heart.

"Eh, Petrification Martial Spirit? It can cover one's own body and increase one's own defense! " At the side, Wu Hen's eyes flashed as he stared at Shi Lei with interest.

"Haha, Yu, Shi, Liu, and the other three families gathering at my Spirit Treasure Trading Company today, it has really brought glory to our humble dwelling!" A wave of clear laughter strangely resounded over the second level of the pavilion.

A gust of cold wind blew past, and a burly man with a full beard appeared in the middle of the crowd without anyone noticing.

Seeing the person who came, both Yu Ding and Shi Lei were shocked at the same time. The two of them quickly retracted the aura they were emitting and obediently stood at the side with their hands by their sides.

"Holy shit, was that female voice sent out by him just now?" How could such a burly man speak like a woman? Old demon, he's going to fight you to the death! " Wu Hen's eyes were wide open as he stared at the bearded man in front of him in a daze.

"If I let Shangguan Yun see you three little bastards within three breaths of time, I'll kill you all!" Another feminine voice came from the burly man in front of him. Wu Hen suddenly shivered as goosebumps rose all over his body.

"Whoosh!" A figure instantly dashed down the stairs. Yu Ding Yi, who was extremely arrogant a moment ago, had already disappeared. Behind him, the mayor's daughter, Xu Yining, was lying unconscious on the ground.

"Shangguan Yunton?" Wu Hen looked at the burly man in front of him and felt a sense of danger that he had never felt before. However, although the other party's aura was extremely terrifying, Wu Hen could not sense any real killing intent from it.

"Senior, please calm down. We're leaving now!" Shi Lei clasped his hands towards Shangguan Yun in front of him, turned around and pulled Wu Hen downstairs quickly.

"Farewell!" Wu Hen cupped his hands and pulled Shuang'er, who was beside him, and quickly followed Shi Lei downstairs.

"What are you looking at? Do you want to get lost too?" Shangguan Yun suddenly gripped his waist and glanced coldly at the martial artists on the second floor who were still watching the show. None of the warriors on the second floor dared to say anything. All of them quickly shut their mouths and quietly moved to the sides.

"Hehe, the trash of the Liu Family? A trash that knocked the City Governor's daughter unconscious with a single slap. Interesting, truly interesting! " A feminine laughter resounded as Shangguan Yunton disappeared from the second floor of the building …

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