Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 125: 125

"Hoo A mouthful of turbid gas, slowly spit out. No trace complexion dignified, slowly stand up line. Heart read a move, on the ground in the pool of blood flying up a thing, it is a symbol of Daoge Xinghuang other college students identity token.

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"Alas, the soul of the martial arts has been damaged and the spirit of the gods has been severely damaged. There is nothing intact in the whole body. It seems that it is difficult for a single person to recover for ten years! Even if you want to cultivate, I'm afraid it will cost a lot of natural resources. But fortunately, I've got my life back! " Demon respect fire Xiao lightly sighed a tone, looking at a pool of blood in the breath weak, faint way elder brother you voice to say.

"Sometimes, living may make people feel more painful!" Traceless eyes full of remorse, low voice murmured.

"Ha ha, traceless boy, only when you live can you have hope. If people don't live, it's really nothing! Look at the demon master. I'm an immortal demon master. Now I'm almost broken. I'm still with hope every day, and I'm happy to follow you around! " Demon respect fire Xiao Lang voice a smile, to no trace half joke of open solution way.

"Ha ha, look at you, old demon. It seems that there is no one worse than you in the six realms!" Traceless show a helpless smile, in front of the demon respect fire Xiao disdain of the pie mouth. Then, the air of Xuanli rose from Wuchen's whole body, holding the identity token of Taoist brother tightly in his hand, and a blue light quickly appeared.

"Brush!" A blue awn slanted down and hit the dazed Taoist brother in the pool of blood in a flash. Then, a violent array wave came, and the identity token in Wuhen's hand and brother Dao's weak body on the ground disappeared together with the array wave.

"I hope you don't blame me!" No trace sighed gently, turned back and kept silent. Running in front of a desolate jungle, stride body bleak away.

"Alas, the world is greedy, always looking for both. But in this world, there is no perfect solution. But I don't know that a hundred years of life is just to teach people how to make choices... "The demon zunhuoxiao sighed and flashed his ethereal figure. Quickly turned into a strange red awn, ran with no trace of the disappearance of the body to follow.

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After a quarter of an hour, the endless dense forest was silent. Traceless low mood finally eased a lot, look alert to continue to explore forward.

While no trace is on guard to explore, it is on the other remote locations of the nameless desert island.

"Matchless, cut!" A cold voice, quietly reverberated in a silent valley. All over the sky, the sword Qi and shadow spread out at the same time. In front of him, a powerful and huge snake was cut off by the waist on the spot.

"Brush!" A beast's core of the later cultivation level of the fierce beast is attracted by a mysterious force and falls into the hands of the sword nameless. Epee unique in the air to draw a silver, extremely accurate fell into the back of the sword nameless.

"Well, this guy is really difficult! I don't know how they are now. It seems that I have to hurry to the safe area to join them! " Sword nameless takes out the identity token, and a light array Xuanli waves out. The light Xuanqi turns into a streamer in the void, straight to the north.

"Ha ha, due north is the safe area!" Sword nameless eyes in vain a light, again put the identity token into his arms.

"Brush!" The sword is nameless and the Epee is unparalleled. It looks like a ghost. Turn into a white awn, disappear in a moment in the empty valley of silence.

"Ice, fierce!" On the boundless grassland of Qingchuan, the ice freezes out. With the sound of nature as a female voice resounding, dozens of body shape are all together, into a piece of ice.

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"Hum, you scum dare to attack my nine girls!" With a cold hum, Ji Ruxue, who was dressed in white, gathered up the air of Xuanli and turned his eyes to dozens of corpses on the ground. After that, he quickly started to move forward towards the direction guided by his identity token.

The same scenes are staged one after another on the nameless desert island. Whether it's the tit for tat between the disciples of the Dabie academy or the fierce animals on the desert island. All of them are due to the silence of the desert island in the past. At this time, Turks become very lively.

Boom, boom, boom

A turbulent sound came, followed by the air of Taoist Xuanli. Is wary of the forward without trace suddenly a Zheng, carefully toward the front of an open space above the hidden look.

Through the dense forest, there is only a clear space ahead. There were ten students in the inner courtyard lying in all directions, and there were several ferocious looking corpses on the ground around them.

"Boss, they are all dead! Now it's just the two of us. Let's go back to college! " Above the empty field, there are dozens of standing figures. In a small crowd isolated by more than ten people, two young men were talking in a low voice.Beside the two men, there were three men and two women. All of them were scarred, and they were on alert.

"Ha ha, it's fate to meet each other. Why do you rush to leave! Besides, it was our boss Wuji who just saved your lives! You are going to leave now. It's hard to say! " Dozens of figures, a short man's imposing roar.

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Wen Yan, including the two people who had talked in a low voice before, and the three men and two women who were isolated, all looked tight at the same time, and were wary of looking at the short man and others with high toes.

"Ha ha, when we get to the safe area, we will let you go! But now, you must give us a way to repay us for saving your life Short man a strange smile, extremely disdain of turn an eye in front of five men and two women said.

Brush, brush, brush

Dozens of figures flashed out, and the momentum of the mid-term cultivation of the spirit realm oppressed the seven people who were isolated in the field.

The short man, who had been domineering before, was smiling and fawning at a proud young man beside him.

"Hum, we are inferior to others. Let's give up! We automatically give up the examination qualification, only hope to be able to return to the college. Is it difficult for you to become the people of other academies and kill us all? " Before the bow to discuss the two men, one of them was the boss of the man a frown, cold voice staring at the opposite arrogant young angry roar.

"That's right. You people in Wucheng are unreasonable!" The youth beside the man also echoed with courage.

The other three men and two women, apparently from different hospitals, kept a certain safe distance from each other and focused their eyes on the arrogant teenagers.

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"Ha ha, it's not as good as others. There's so much waste! It's a shame for my university to have people like you Haughty youth a cold smile, incomparably disdain of swept an eye to present public. Then, the arrogant boy suddenly raised his hand, and two cold lights flashed in vain. There was a wave of Xuanli in the air, and two cold lights flashed into the two men's bodies.

"Plop!"“ Plop

Two dull sounds came, and two men fell to the ground. One side, three men and two women look at the same time surprised, have unconsciously back a few steps.

"Ha ha, either lead us or die now! I'm Buji. If you want to get to the safe area alive, I'll let you live! " The proud young man gave a cold smile and glanced at the remaining three men and two women.

"Hehe, our Wuji boss is the top ten in the inner court! As long as you are obedient, boss Buji will keep his promise and let you live The short young man, with a flattering face, boasted loudly beside the proud young man Wuji.

Smell speech, opposite three men and two women figure Qi Qi Yi Zhan, a chill from head to foot. The five people's faces were as pale as ashes. Facing the powerful Wuji, they gave up their resistance to survive.

"Ha ha, Wucheng other courtyard? I don't know what's the relationship between Wuji and his master's martial arts! However, since they are from Wucheng other hospital, I will take good care of them! " Behind, hidden in the grass in the traceless, the heart of a moment of joy bloom. Staring at dozens of figures in front of him, the proud young man showed a faint evil smile on his handsome face

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