Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 126: 126

"Click!" A clear sound reverberated in the silence. The strange atmosphere in the open field became more tense. Everyone's eyes, all toward the side of the dense jungle.

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"Who, don't you get out of here?" Next to young Wuji, the short man gave an angry rebuke. Immediately, the figure quickly appeared in front of the overgrown forest.

"Cough, Captain, don't shoot, it's me!" A burst of dry cough, a green shadow hesitated to pace out. At the beginning of Wuchen's whole body and soul state, the momentum of cultivation was suppressed and spread. The whole person appeared in front of the crowd with a nervous and trembling look.

"Eh, at the beginning of the soul state? It's a minion The short man's face is a loose, disdain of curl an eye, have no trace sneer a way.

"Hey, you guys, it's fate to meet you outside. Little brother, I'm a shallow practitioner. I hope you can help me a lot No trace rubbed his hands, with a smile on his face, nodded to the empty field. He nodded as he spoke, ran to the proud boy Wuji, and ran slowly.

"Bah, get out of the way!" A spit, young Wuji proud eyes a horizontal. In the later period of he soul realm, the cultivation realm had no reservation and bombarded the marching body.

"Ouch!" A whine, in the moment when the prestige touched the traceless body. No trace quickly tumbled to the side, fell out of dozens of meters, then slowly settled the body.

"Boy, which other hospital has no eyes! Get out there and show us the way The short man angrily scolded and glared at the traceless one on the ground. One refers to the helpless three men and two women who are isolated from one side, and commands in a cold voice to no trace.

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"Ha ha, yes, my younger brother, ah San, a new disciple of Xinghuang other courtyard, I'll do everything at the command of several elder brothers!" No trace eye drops slip a turn, full face heap smile of climb up body shape. A slap butt, a slip of smoke then ran to three men and two women's side.

"Well, don't play tricks. Otherwise, I will kill you at the first time. I guarantee you don't have that time to activate teleportation array! " Young Wuji snorted coldly, and the invisible pressure immediately covered several people in front of him. The isolated people in front of them trembled in vain, and a sense of being monitored surged up and down the whole body.

"Hey, hey, let's go, listen to boss Wuji, it must be right!" No trace a bared teeth a grin, stride meteor walk in front of the team. Unexpectedly also turned round to wave a hand, to the back Lengshen of three men and two goddesses color not good urge way.

"Shit, what the hell!"

"Bah, what a shame

"Cough, this apricot yellow other courtyard, how everybody accepts!"

The three men and two women, who were full of resentment, were even more ugly as if they had eaten excrement. Five people see to have no mark under make of appearance, is hate tooth root all itch. However, there are a group of experts in Wucheng other courtyard headed by Wuji in the rear. They have to swallow their anger and disperse separately. Reluctantly, they follow Wuchen behind and follow the direction of the array Qi on the identity token and move forward.

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In the boundless rush forest, there are often fierce animals roaring. And along the way, from time to time, there are fierce beasts jumping out to rob, and the people jump in.

Every time before the appearance of the mysterious beast, no trace always finds out all kinds of reasons that people can't refuse. For example, abdominal pain, accidentally sprained feet, inexplicably fell out on the ground 18 roll and so on a series of, in short, will find ways to skillfully avoid to one side. In this way, the task of dealing with the fierce beast fell on the other three men and two women.

Along the way, the three men and two women were all in a mess, and there was no one like them. In Wucheng's other courtyard, dozens of disciples who were in the middle stage of spiritual cultivation also lost a few places along the way. Even the short man, who is also hung on the color. In addition to young Wuji, now there are only nine people left in the other courtyard of Wucheng.

And no trace through their own small lucky, again and again defuse the crisis skillfully. In addition to young Wuji, he became the only one who didn't get hurt.

Ahead, at the end of the endless forest. The bright sunshine refracted out, and the birds on the trees scattered in all directions.

Hua La, Hua la

Bursts of murmuring stream sound, clear and gentle floating into the ears of the people. A refreshing fragrance came from the end of the dense forest.

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"Ha ha, finally out of this ghost place!"

"Cluck, there's water. It's so dirty, you can wash it! "

"Go, go and have a look!"

The remaining seven disciples in the rear area and Wucheng other courtyard were all in the same spirit. Seven figures rushed to the front of no trace and others with a jump, and rushed to the end of the dense forest.Seeing this, the three men and two women who had been leading the battle were not willing to be outdone. They quickly urged Xuanli all over their bodies and ran to the seven bodies that disappeared in front of them.

"Ha ha, wait for me!" Traceless divine consciousness has already covered the surrounding, after confirming that there is no crisis. This is a big step again, all the way running away.

"Wow Just out of the woods of no trace, the moment was in front of the scene shocked. At the end of the dense forest, there are three open and flat meadows. In the middle of the mountain, a quiet valley with a concave shape, which is as large as a thousand li, is vividly reflected.

Exuberant breath of life floated out from the silent and empty valley. Bursts of flowers overflowing, colorful birds flying out of thin air.

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A magnificent waterfall, slanting down the side of the valley. Bursts of fog rise and curl up, the magnificent beauty is no longer impacting the heart of traceless all the time.

"Young master Wuji, do you see?" The short man also came with Wuji and was surprised to see the scenery in front of him. Then, looking down at Wuji, he asked in a low voice.

"Ha ha, it's extraordinary here. Maybe there will be some treasure! Come on, let's go down and have a look. Let them go for the dead! " Young Wu Ji's eyes kept flashing. He couldn't wait to tell the short man.

"Hey, hey, Deling, master Wuji!" The short man, with a bad smile on his face, harshly urged the three men and two women who were stagnant around him and Wu Chen.

Just relieved a few tired people, rise again full of resentment. Helpless, people dare not from, had to follow the staggering and rugged slope, carefully toward the empty valley ran.

"Why, there are three mountains and one mountain, and the dragon and the tiger are crouching. This place is the place where the spirit pulse of pregnant and raising Xuan beast lies! No trace boy, you should be more careful! " Demon zunhuoxiao rough voice quietly rang out, in the traceless mind to remind said.

"Hey, hey, the place where the mysterious beasts are bred? That's just right. I'd like to see how good this Wuji is... "Walking in the front of the crowd, without any trace, his eyes suddenly flashed a trace of cunning, and his handsome face showed an imperceptible bad smile< br>

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