Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 127: 127

In the silent Valley, beside the flowing silver waterfall.

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A huge and yellow flying crane is opening its mouth and chirping excitedly.

On the Bank of the stream below, the scarred three men and two women, and the three surviving disciples of Wu Cheng's other courtyard were all staring at the same place.

In front of all the people sitting on the ground, a young man in green stands out. Young Junlang's face showed a touch of symbolic faint evil smile, and the golden awn suddenly spread all over his body.

"Hum!" With a loud sound of the sword, a silver light slanted out. The jade belt around the boy's waist suddenly turned into a streamer. A long silver sword with cold light and lingering sword spirit appeared on the palm of the boy's hand.

"Hum, hurry to activate the teleportation array. I'm afraid I can't protect you later!" With a cold hum, I saw a pure sword Qi burst out all over Wu Chen's body. The pure sword Qi was released continuously, and it turned into a soft and powerless light in a moment.

A little bit of pure light scattered in all directions, to dissolve the terror of the people on the ground. A burst of light and smooth feeling surged out, all of them showed an incredible look, and focused their eyes on the traceless body at the same time.

"Chirp!" On the sky, it seems to feel the endless sword meaning released by no trace. The Yellow Crane suddenly circled, and his eyes were cold and staring at the bottom.

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"Brush." Four eyes relative, no trace, just feel the whole body up and down suddenly tremble. A sense of numbness surged to the whole body, forcing the traceless reaction to be dull for a moment.

"Eh, is the spirit attacking?" The air of chaos in Wuchen's body churns and dispels the numbness of the whole body. He regained his freedom with a dignified face. Looking at the mysterious beast in the void, he could not help but be afraid.

"Ha ha, that's not a spirit attack! That's just the talent skill of the mysterious beast. Animals at the level of Xuan beast will conform to the will of heaven and have the chance to understand the talent skills. It's the same truth that those who have the chance to understand the way of heaven and the power of the realm, just like those who are in the realm of Dan and Hun Demon zunhuoxiao's rough voice reverberated again and explained quickly to Wu trace in his mind.

"Ha ha, it can numb my perception and make me slow. Fortunately, I have the spirit of chaos in my body, which has been cultivated by heaven and earth forever. Otherwise, I can't dissolve the talent of flying crane! " Traceless mouth slightly up, in the heart of the very lucky feeling up.

"Chirp!" Another cry rang out, and the flying crane suddenly shook its huge wings in the air. The wind swept up again, like the terrible quicksand splashing under the rain, sweeping the sky again, attacking and killing the traceless below. Not only that, I saw the Xuan beast flying crane's eyes shining continuously, and the numbness rose again. No trace only felt that his reaction was twice as slow as before.

Below, the eternal Heaven and earth will be driven up madly, and a continuous stream of Hongmeng chaotic gas impacts in the traceless body again and again. After several successive attacks of the mysterious beast flying crane, Wu trace quickly releases the artistic conception of the sword from the surrounding light.

"Willow style nine swords, catkins all over the sky!" The light of swords separated from the silver swords in no trace's hands and turned into scattered catkins around his body. And the soft sword meaning in the surrounding air becomes a line, which protects the people who have already looked silly.

"Within ten breath, everyone is sent back to the college. If it's too late, I can't really save you! " A sound, like thunder reverberated in the minds of all. Then, I saw a green shadow wrapped in willow catkins flying into the sky, and it seemed to be a perfect combination with its silver sword. With a soft and powerful sword, he rushed to kill the flying crane, a mysterious beast hovering in the air.

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"Quick, quick, activate the teleportation array!"

"Run, run!"

"Damn, this boy is so fierce. I'm afraid his momentum is even stronger than that of Wuji!"

"Oh, Xinghuang? Boy, I owe you my life! "

"Boy, no matter who you are. As long as I can live to see you again, I will go through fire and water for you

Brush, brush, brush

Three men and two women, as well as three people from other hospitals in Wucheng, rushed out their identity tokens one after another. With the blessing of Xuanli, the Dharma array on the identity token is instantly activated.

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Just a few seconds later, the Dharma array on the identity token is completely activated. All of them trembled, and a breath of Dharma array enveloped them in an instant. After that, I saw a dazzling flash of light, and the figures of the people on the ground disappeared out of thin air.

"Bang!" A heavy dull sound resounded from the sky. The terrible quicksand splashes down and penetrates the endless sword in the void. However, the catkins, which were made of the sword Qi of Wuchen's whole body, broke into pieces in an instant."Chirp, chirp, chirp!" On the other side, the flying crane with a big mouth in the sky suddenly sends out a series of strange calls, and dozens of feathers fall down on its yellow wings.

On the sharp mouth of flying crane, a drop of blood fell down with a bloody smell. The flying crane's wings soared rapidly, raising its huge body to a height of tens of meters.

"Whoosh!" In the middle of the sky, traceless body seemed to lose control all of a sudden. Under the impact of the terrible Xuanli, it immediately turned into a streamer and fell to the ground below.

Boom, boom, boom

A series of terrible sounds reverberated in the valley like the earth shaking. No trace body fell to the ground, straight out tens of meters away, it slowly slowed down and stopped.

A dark pit with a length of tens of meters extends to the valley and suddenly appears. A blue body all over the mess, life and death is not dead on the source of the pit.

"Chirp, chirp!" A series of cries. In the mid air, the flying crane, a mysterious beast, has fierce eyes and a long mouth, which is still bleeding.

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"Cough, traceless boy, you are still alive!" A red awn came out strangely, and the shadow of demon zunhuoxiao was in a flash. Squatting beside the traceless side of the source of the pit, he asked with a bad smile.

"Shh At the bottom, Wu trace, who fell at the source of the pit, blinked suddenly and stretched out a finger to signal the demon zunhuoxiao to silence. Then, the air of chaos in his body surged up again, quietly holding the silver sword in his hand.

"Ha ha, good boy, this is a different body after being determined by heaven and earth and being tempered! It's only a slight injury that he can resist xuanhu's attack Demon respect fire Xiao Lang laugh, to lie on the ground pretending to die, waiting for the opportunity to move without trace praise picked thumb.

"Damn, old demon, get out of here. Even if you don't help, don't disturb me here, I'll use my plan! " Traceless gently frowned, angry in the mind of the demon respect fire Xiao one after another roar bombardment.

"Ha ha, ha ha!" See, one side demon zunhuoxiao empty shadow burst out laughing. The ethereal figure turned into a red awn again. Strange red awn flash away, a head into traceless body disappeared again.

"Chirp!" In the sky, the fierce eyes of the flying crane were full of vigilance, looking coldly at the traceless pit below. The huge yellow winged crane hovers back and forth in the sky for a long time

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