Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 129: 129

Boom, boom, boom

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Seeing that he was about to reach the end of the valley, the flying crane suddenly became impatient. The speed of pursuit in the rear has obviously doubled, with a long sharp mouth spitting out a number of powerful earthly Xuanli.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah A series of light strange sounds suddenly resounded at the end of the valley. No trace shake body shape as light as a breeze, quickly, in the blink of an eye will catch up to the young Wuji behind.

"Damn, boy, are you a man or a ghost?" Young Wuji, who is running away with all his strength, suddenly realizes the difference behind him. Turn back to the back of the eyes, when you see no trace handsome appearance, it is a surprise in vain! Immediately, young Wuji didn't hesitate at all, and the no trace he was chasing behind him was a blow.

It contains an all-out attack of the later cultivation state of the soul state, and it bombards the traceless body without deviation. No trace, no Dodge, no flash. The body protecting sword rushed out and rushed up against Wuji's fist.

"Boom!" A boxing smashes the body protecting sword Qi, and young Wuji's boxing awn hits heavily on the traceless body. The moment that the young Wuji's fist touched Wuji's chest, he felt numb in his arm, as if he had hit something huge, and his whole body suddenly shivered.

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"Ha ha, there is samsara in the way of heaven, who will be spared by heaven! Master Buji, it's time for you to pay your debts! " A very sarcastic sneer, quietly from Wuji ear across. No trace body shape turns into a green awn, rubs Wu Ji's body to gallop away.

"Chirp!" An angry cry resounded in Wuji's ear in vain. A huge shadow suddenly flew down, and immediately covered Wuji who had not yet had time to react.

"Ah A heartrending scream resounded at the end of the valley. The huge body shape of the Xuan beast flying crane pauses slightly and swallows Wuji's body quickly.

"Ouch!" As soon as his wings trembled, the flying crane leaped up and quickly flew away from the valley. In the middle of the air, the dragon's sharp mouth stirred several times, and then threw down the body of young Wuji.

"Plop!" A dull sound came from the ground. A deep pit appeared strangely, and young Wuji's upper and lower skeletons were all broken, and there was no sound. The cold corpse was in the deep pit.

"Cough, traceless boy, don't you save this guy?" Demon respect fire Xiao light cough two, to continue to run forward of no trace playful asked.

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"Ha ha, it's my code of conduct to cultivate a good heart and break all kinds of evils! As the saying goes, killing the wicked is kindness. Today, if I had saved him. In the future, I don't know how many people will die in his hands. "“ Ha ha, traceless boy, aren't you afraid of going to hell? "

"Hey, you can rest assured, old demon. I'm not such a pedantic person who reads dead books! I have my bottom line and my code of conduct. As the saying goes, if I don't go to hell, who goes to hell! Besides, it's just underground. Our friends have not been there! There, you are clearer than me... "Wu trace, with a bad smile, talks to the demon zunhuo. Said finally, unexpectedly also mood extremely good ridicule.

"Ha ha, you are poor! However, your open-minded state of mind is a rare plastic talent on the way of practice! " Demon respect fire Xiao Lang laugh, obviously for no trace of mind is also quite appreciate.

"Chirp!" In mid air, the flying crane kept waving its wings, opening its long sharp mouth and crying. The expression on the face appears to be excited incomparably, the sharp eye stares at the no trace that has already escaped far away to die not to put.

"Damn, it's troublesome. I'm giving this bird confidence!" No trace heart secret way a bad, catkins misty work to exert. After only a moment's practice, Wu trace rushed to the end of the valley, and the distance between Wu trace and the flying crane, the mysterious beast hovering in the air behind him, became larger.

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Hua La, Hua la

The rapid rushing sound came from not far away from no trace. A river hundreds of meters wide, which can't be seen at both ends, is quietly reflected in the traceless eyes.

"Brush!" A strange red awn rushed out of the body, and the huge shadow of demon zunhuoxiao emerged out of thin air. Looking forward to the endless torrent of duanji River, there was a color of doubt on the fiery face of demon zunhuoxiao.

"Damn, old demon, it seems that we have to cross the river by force. As long as you cross the river, you can successfully escape from the valley! " No trace looked at the end of the river, hard swallow saliva. In the distance behind the body, the flying crane, the mysterious beast, had once again waved its huge wings and headed straight for the direction of no trace.

"It's his grandmother's, it's gone!" No trace face a coagulation, heart immediately made a decision. I saw a sword light rush out of the body and turn into pieces of catkins to protect the whole body. Then, the body shape of no trace suddenly vertical, feet standing steadily on the end of the water. The air of Xuanli in the whole body immediately mobilized and dragged his body to move forward on the water.Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

The body shape of no trace is extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, it rushes to the stop position of the river. The sword Qi of the whole body was so tight that no trace even splashed water all over his body.

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"Chirp!" In the rear of the fierce pursuit of the Xuan beast flying crane, at this time unexpectedly surprised stopped body shape. Not only did he not attack the streaking no trace on the water, but he flew to the void with a wave of his wings. His sharp eyes were full of resentment, but he seemed to stare at duanji river.

"Hey, old demon, do you think the flying crane is afraid of water? Why didn't he take this opportunity to attack me?" No trace full face complacent, at the same time rapid gallop, at the same time quietly to the demon respect fire Xiao asked.

"Idiot, haven't you ever seen cranes fishing? The ordinary flying crane is still like this. How can the flying crane in the realm of mysterious beast be afraid of water? " If there is no red virtual shadow, quietly floating on both sides of no trace. Demon respect fire Xiao mercilessly shook to shake the head of fire red, incomparably disdain of turn over to turn over white eyes stare to have no trace to say.

"Cough, old demon, why doesn't this guy come after me? Is there anything strange in the water?" No trace a face embarrassed light cough two, to the demon respect fire Xiao doubt of ask a way. Then, no trace seemed to react to something, and his body suddenly jumped up, quickly out of the water.

Hula, Hula

At the moment when no trace's feet were out of the water, the water in the river below suddenly rose. A terrible momentum soared into the sky, and immediately enveloped the newly sprung up body without trace. A terrible force of the mysterious beast level pervaded the whole duanji river. The surging river suddenly stopped, just like it was still< br>

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