Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 130: 130

On the end of an unnamed desert island, a silent valley of unknown location.

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"Chirp, chirp!" In the middle of the sky, the flying crane hovered around, and his mouth kept making anxious screams. And just below the location of the flying crane, the swift and violent River, which was always running fast, was frozen on the spot.

In the center of the river where the water flow is still, there is no trace just rising out of the water. I just feel a huge suction coming from my body, and the originally static water below is spinning wildly.

"Click, click..." a crisp crack sound sounded, no trace body like catkins will protect the body, sword gas appeared death crack.

"Poof!" A slight to even aware of the sound, quietly from the bottom of the swirling River vortex. Closely followed, no trace only felt that his ankle was tight in vain, and the sharp chill spread from the foot to the whole body of no trace.

"Brush!" A cold current of, a burst of unprecedented crisp current feeling, instantly surging up, no trace only feel goose bumps all over the body fell to the ground.

"Damn, old demon, I and my Xuanli Qi can't gather up!" The cold air spread all over the body, and the air of Xuanli disappeared in vain. All of a sudden, he lost the trace of Xuanli's protection. He was like a kite with broken line. He was drawn by the huge suction below and fell away from the black hole vortex like an abyss.

"Eh, the talent skill, the spirit of the mysterious beast. No trace boy, there must be a mysterious beast lurking here! " The voice of demon zunhuoxiao is rough and loud, and it echoes in traceless mind.

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"Demon, I depend on you! I'm going to die, and I'm going to fart with you! " With a cry of no trace, the whole body fell rapidly. The spinning black hole below releases a huge suction, just like an open black mouth, which suddenly engulfs the traceless body.

In the dark whirlpool black hole, no trace only feels a sense of suffocation surging around the whole body. Immediately after that, the endless chill came, and the breath of life on Wu Chen's body began to weaken gradually.

"Old demon, I can't gather Xuanli!"

A heart read call out, but didn't get any response of demon zunhuoxiao. Traceless eyelids a strong fight up and down, five senses seem to have begun to gradually out of their own body. There are two red spots in the pupils, and there is a strange red light on the traceless chest.

"Hum, it's just a mysterious beast talent, and I still want to trap my immortal demon..." a cold hum came out from the whirlpool black hole.

A dazzling red awn of terror burst out in a flash. The black whirlpool black hole suddenly stops and stagnates without any sign.

"Sa Sa!" A hustle and bustle of small sound, strange in the bottom of the river. Then, I saw a golden python with a triangular head, strangely appeared beside no trace. As soon as the body of the golden Python was entangled, it wrapped its traceless and strong body around it. Then, the golden Python moved slightly and got out of the control of the black whirlpool.

"Eh, little earthworm?" With a rough sound quietly dispersed, the strange red awn in the whirlpool black hole disappeared in vain.

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Hua La, Hua la

The whirlpool black hole whirled wildly again, and a Golden Shadow rushed away from the river in a flash. The water splashed with golden awns, scattered scattered on both sides below.

"Sa Sa!" Half hanging in the air, the golden BoA's triangular head swayed, and his huge body flew back in the horizontal direction. Just after counting the breath, the golden Python wrapped up in traceless body and returned to the Bank of duanji river.

"Plop!" A clear sound came, and no trace was thrown heavily on the ground by the golden python. Then, the golden Python's triangle head swayed from side to side, curled and nestled beside the traceless.

"Cough, old demon, am I still alive?" A series of heavy coughs came from the mouth of no trace. A large pool of black water was spit out by no trace.

"Sasa, master, you are so weak!" Golden Python dragon shook his triangle head and tilted his head, spitting out his core towards traceless with great disdain.

"Ha ha, Dilong, you saved me! It seems that at this critical moment, you are more reliable than the old demon! " No trace only felt a burst of pain all over, as if the muscles and bones of the whole body had been broken.

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With the movement of mind, heaven and earth will run wildly in the body. The pure and mysterious Qi contained in the surrounding heaven and earth will rush into the body without trace, and the momentum of the later cultivation state of the soul state will slowly gather again.

"Chirp!" A clear and crisp cry reverberates in the valley. In mid air, the fierce flying crane rushed down to the golden Python on the edge of the river bank."Sa Sa!" Below, aware of the fierce momentum of the Xuan beast flying crane, the little earth dragon quickly shakes his head, and the golden awn around him blocks in front of the traceless body.

"The sword cage is in the south of the Yangtze River, and the sword cover is endless!" A silver light slanted out, and no trace used up the Xuanli Qi that had just gathered. He used all his strength, and hundreds of pure sword Qi lingered around him, impressively guarding the front position of the Earth Dragon.


Earth awns, like waterlines, fall from the sky, and they all collide with the continuous sword. Then, with a sharp roar, the mysterious beast, the flying crane, broke through the blockade of Jiangnan's sword mood and went straight to kill the golden python.

"Sa Sa!" Seeing the fierce flying crane, the golden Python below is not afraid. Earthworm triangle head quickly shake, mouth red core back and forth huff and puff several times. Golden saliva, wrapped in the air of Xiao Sha, all sprayed on the huge body of the Xuan beast flying crane.

Boom, boom

A sound of terrible shock sound one after another, Xuan beast flying crane heavy impact on the body of the golden python. The body shape of the golden Python was suddenly knocked out of balance and ran backward. At the same time, the golden Python's abdomen suddenly flashed three rays of essence, and a strange suction instantly absorbed traceless to the golden Python's abdomen shining with golden light.

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"Pa!" When the little earthworm lost its balance and fell back, it threw down its slender tail. A stroke, impartial hit on the back of the Xuan beast flying crane.

Putongtong, putongtong

I could only hear a series of broken bones. The flying crane was attacked by the flying liquid of the Earth Dragon before, and suffered a certain degree of heavy damage on both arms. At this time, the back was hit by the earthworm again, and the huge body suddenly slid towards the edge of the river bank and fell out.

"Sa Sa!" Small earthworm triangle head a strength of shaking, the expression on the face appears extremely painful. The golden awn on his body, which was originally a masterpiece, suddenly faded a lot. It was obvious that when he hit the beast of Xuan beast level head-on, it was also a very serious load on him.

"Little earthworm, come back quickly!" Protected by the earthworm, the body suddenly moves quickly. Mind a flash, a golden mang rushed out of the body, hit the golden Python dragon body above. Then, the golden light flashed again, and the painful earthworm disappeared.

"Hoo A heavy exhalation, no trace in the body of crazy operation from the eternal Heaven and earth, surging turbulent Hongmeng chaotic gas surging up, all rushed to no trace Dantian rush away< br>

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