Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 138: 138

Wang Tianyi, the chief disciple of other academies in Wucheng, confronts with Wu trace alone in the array. On the other side, there were another eight other courtyards, and a total of 40 people who had been practicing martial arts in the later period of he Hun Jing were all surrounded. They all retreated slowly and gave the venue to Wu Chen and Wang Tian.

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"Hum, boy, since you want to die, I will help you today!" I saw Wang Tian a cold hum, the momentum of the whole body suddenly rose. The air of earth awn gathered in front of the body was quickly mobilized. The lines of earth were as strong as sharp blades. They drew beautiful arcs in mid air and went straight to attack and kill the untraceable body on the opposite side.

"Ha ha, with one you? I'm afraid it's not enough! " No trace cold smile, silver soft sword in hand in vain a shake. The pure sword flowers float down and turn into catkins to protect the whole body.

Poop, poop, poop

A series of harsh dull sound, strange echo in the safe area. A fierce soil line, hard hit in the catkins like the protective sword gas above.

At the moment when the fierce earth line touched the sword Qi, it quickly turned into a little yellow sand and disintegrated. However, the sword Qi of no trace's body only slightly trembles, but it is not threatened by any substance.

"Hoo After a simple touch, all the children of the eight major schools watching the battle in the rear were stunned. After all, except for the chief disciples of other schools, the ordinary disciples of other schools are not Wang Tianyi's rivals. But although it was just a trial, Wang Tianyi's attack was totally fruitless. This can not help but shock people, but also make people more deeply realize that traceless is obviously not simple.

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"Ha ha, isn't this your ability as the chief disciple of Wucheng other academy. If so, I'm really disappointed! " Traceless a cold smile, swept an eye, the Wang Tianyi that the facial expression is stern sneers a way contemptuously.

"Bah, boy, don't be wild. I won't tear your mouth today!" With an angry roar, Wang Tianyi was obviously angry. Body shape quickly forward, a terrible momentum, then toward no trace body pressure!

"Ha ha, that's what I want to look like!" With a faint smile, the whole person seems to be oppressed by an invisible mountain. Sweating all over the body quickly drips, even breathing is a little difficult.

"Brush!" No trace heart thought a move, the body of the eternal Heaven and earth will be spread out, the perfect realm of the refining body will be in the body of the whole operation.

A stream of Hongmeng chaotic gas, surging in the body of no trace. A light golden light burst out on the whole body without trace. No trace only felt that his whole body was light in vain, and the Xuanli's power was lightened a lot in an instant.

"Liu style nine swords, sword rain." Then, with a flick of the silver sword in Wu Chen's hand, the bright light of the sword, like the rain covering the sky and the earth, flew out of thin air and smashed it against Wang Tianyi.

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"Hum, a small skill of carving insects!" With a cold hum, Wang Tian burst out all over his body. Innumerable yellow sands are flying around, blocking the sword Qi coming from all over the sky.

"The Dragon crosses the river!" Wang Tianyi, who was moving forward rapidly in mid air, suddenly waved his arms together, and two violent quicksand flew out along Wang Tianyi's arms. The two earthly awns are extremely fierce, circling and twisting, spinning forward in the void and weaving away.

"Oh! Ouch Two terrible dragon chants resound from the two swirling sands. Immediately, I saw two surging momentum full of the power of ten thousand dragons, which quickly merged into a super dragon momentum, and went straight to the strong body not far in front of me.

"Wow." Many lines of soil have sprung up, and countless yellow sands have sprung up. No trace of the place around has been completely covered by the vast Yellow sand, even open your eyes will feel very difficult. The terrible momentum seemed to devour the heaven and earth, mixed with the destructive momentum, it hit the traceless body.

Seeing this, Wu trace quickly closed his eyes, held his breath, and tried his best to release his consciousness and explore the surroundings. The surging air of Hongmeng chaos in the body runs wildly, and two purple mists appear on the arms.

"Super dragon to dragon boxing!"

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"Brush!" Two cold lights burst out from traceless eyes. Wuchen's whole body momentum rose in vain, driving all the yellow sand flying around him out of the range of a few meters around him. With a fist, a force of Xuanqi, which surpasses the power of ten thousand dragons, gallops out from the front of traceless body, wrapped in misty purple Qi.

"Ouch!"“ Roar

In the void, two loud roars resounded deafening. The power of Super Dragon wrapped by Mengmeng Ziqi collides with the destructive power of yellow sand.

Boom, boom, boom

Bursts of terrible turbulence spread quickly around. The ground of the safe area within the array suddenly trembles, and the yellow sand is scattered like a flying line.On one side, in the square array of badaiyuan, which was quietly watching the battle behind, the chief disciples of each courtyard stepped forward one after another, and the air of eight Xuanli surged into the sky. The eight powers turn into invisible masks one after another, destroying all the drifting sand in the sky.

"Poof!" In the half air filled with yellow sand, a strange dull sound came out strangely. The Xuanli breath of super dragon's power rises, and even penetrates the long dragon's attack. Toward the back direction of a figure on the body, not polite impact and go.

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"Boom!" A terrible burst of sound, the terrible power of the super dragon instantly burst open. All over the sky, the smoke rises, and the figure in the air falls slowly.

"Ha ha, it seems that only from the strength comparison, there are few opponents in the same level!" Traceless faint smile, alert to look at the smoke filled in the slowly falling figure. In the hand silver long sword once again inadvertently waved several times, a sword Qi of willow catkins have guarded around the whole body.

"Hey, traceless boy, it's too early to be happy. I seem to feel the breath of martial spirit!" A burst of rough sneer, quietly sounded from traceless mind. Then, a red light of Ruoyouruowu rushed out of the body, and the empty shadow of demon zunhuoxiao quietly appeared on the side of no trace.

"Roar!" A fierce roar, like a wild animal, interrupts the traceless thoughts in a flash.

Not far ahead, the falling shadow suddenly shook. A violent momentum surged out in an instant, and swallowed up the flying smoke.

A huge virtual shadow gradually emerged from the smoke of the ground. A yellow tiger, the size of an adult tiger, with yellow body and a pair of white wings under the ribs, appeared in the eyes of people. On top of the Yellow flying tiger, Wang Tianyi's face is gloomy and full of evil smile. His eyes are like poisonous snakes, and he stares fiercely at Wu trace's body< br>

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