Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 139: 139

Gulu, Gulu

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Bursts of intense breathing, quietly reverberated in the silent array. In the rear, all the people in the eight major courtyards who were watching the battle were full of fear and looked at the flying tiger spirit who appeared in vain.

"Boy, you must die!" With an angry roar, Wang Tianyi on the spirit of flying tiger suddenly strides and falls to the ground. Then, Wang Tian's eyes turned one by one, and the flying tiger spirit on the ground suddenly jumped out.

"Roar!" Roar repeatedly, a beast like nature breath instantly swept the audience. A yellow shadow, like streamer, flew to the traceless body in the blink of an eye.

The spirit of the flying tiger suddenly fell in front of the traceless body, and the upper body was quickly raised. A pair of cold shining claws bow left and right, toward the body without trace, then attack and kill without courtesy.

"Poop, poop, poop!" Only a dull sound came again, and the sword Qi that had originally turned into catkins all over Wu Chen's body disintegrated.

"Liu style nine swords, streamer flying!" A bright silver sword flowers all over the sky, around the barrier in the flying tiger around. After that, I saw no trace body quickly fly back, the whole person turned into a green awn, quickly away from the attack range of the flying tiger spirit.

"Roar!" The spirit of flying tiger roared, and the terrible momentum burst out. In the blink of an eye, the sword Qi that just attacked was swallowed up by the spirit of flying tiger.

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Tear, tear

A face down, flying tiger spirit in situ did not move, long bloody mouth, coldly staring at the opposite, some slightly embarrassed no trace. At this time, on the traceless chest, two bright scratches are clearly visible. Two faint bloodstains emerge as the times require. Wu Chen's body, which Wu Chen has always been proud of, is caught under the claws of the flying tiger's soul and has two shallow scars.

"Eh, I can scratch your body. It seems that the kitten has two brushes!" Demon zunhuoxiao seems to have found a new world. He says with a smile, staring at the scratch that has completely healed.

"Ha ha, old demon, just blow it! Is this a kitten? When did you go blind Traceless face helpless, disdain in the mind and demon respect fire Xiao irony.

"Ha ha, demon master, I was blind after I knew you!" Demon zunhuoxiao burst out laughing. He shook his fiery head and shook his burly shadow, then he hid away from the traceless distance.

"Hey, boy, I'm afraid this time! Kitten, give it to me, bite this guy A low roar burst out from Wang Tian's gloomy face. And the flying tiger spirit standing in front of him flashed two bloodthirsty chills in his eyes. A pair of gloomy white wings under the ribs trembled slightly, and the whole huge body was shrouded in a whirlwind.

"Keke, damn it, old demon, this guy is really a kitten!" No trace a face embarrassed, fierce cough a few. The facial expression on the face is extremely stunned, secretly toward the demon respect fire Xiao to admire of nod.

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"Ha ha, the Xuanqi of the wind and the Xuanqi of the earth are combined with the Xuanli of the twin. No wonder the flying tiger's spirit is so fierce!" The demon respected the fire and smiled, and a murmur of whisper was carefree and content.

"Brush!" Just a breath, the flying tiger spirit wrapped in the whirlwind suddenly appeared in front of the traceless body within one meter.

"Roar!" It's a solemn roar again, and the whirlwind gas wrapped around the flying tiger's body rushes out quickly. The front has no time to avoid the traceless, the whole person is trapped in the whirlwind of gas.

Poop, poop, poop

There was no greeting, no room for negotiation. In a flash, the ghost of flying tiger came to the place behind no trace. Two flashing cold, wrapped in the talons of the monstrous killing intention, casually waving the attack on the back without trace.

"Ah A shrill scream, from no trace mouth suddenly roared out. The cold light and shadow kept flashing, and the sword Qi protected by no trace quickly disintegrated. The bloody scarlet scratches stand out from the traceless and hard flesh.

After a series of claw attacks, no trace on the back has been bright red. Fortunately, the body forged by the body refining decision makes the appearance of traceless look miserable, but it does not cause any substantial damage.

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"Roar!" Seems to be aware of the claw attack, did not play any role. The huge figure of the flying tiger's martial spirit suddenly pounced on him, and then wrapped the power of the whirlwind under the traceless, and the whole body was dead pressed under him.

"Damn it, I'll fight with you!" With a roar of no trace, which was pressed down by the flying tiger's soul, the endless, cold and fierce sword mood of the whole body was released instantly.

The sword Qi, which seemed to be soft and powerless, rushed out of the body and instantly swept away the whirlwind Qi that had been wrapped in Wu Chen's body.

"Roar!" The flying tiger's soul, with its bloody mouth wide open, was about to open its mouth towards the traceless neck. All around the body, he noticed the sudden attack of cold, and the startled flying tiger spirit quickly gave up the attack without trace. The snow-white wings under the ribs tremble slightly again, and the wind turns into a whirlwind, which is wrapped in the flying tiger's spirit. At a high speed, they retreat to the rear."Cough, it stinks!" After a quick cough, traceless spit in disgust. There was a smell all over the body that could not be dispersed for a long time, and the body turned upside down.

"Ha ha, kitten, bite him to death. After you go back, I'll catch some fierce beasts for you to eat..." Wang Tianyi, with a gloomy face, laughs when he sees that the flying tiger spirit has the upper hand. Look arrogantly swept the eyes around, look a little afraid of people. Later, Wang Tianyi yelled as if there were no one else. His expression seemed to be traceless and was in his bag.

"Sasa, what's the smell? Why is it so smelly?" A burst of sparse huff and puff sound, at the same time, resounded in the mind of no trace and demon zunhuoxiao. There was a loud cry of the young man, and he began to shout repeatedly in disgust.

"Cough, little earthworm, have you recovered?" Hear this extremely familiar cry, no trace eyes in an instant bright. While watching the movements of the flying tiger spirit on the opposite side, he quietly communicated and inquired with the earthworm in his heart.

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"Sasa, that injury is a fart! I have recovered long ago! Just swallowed two Xuan beast Dan just now, the body is a little weak just! But what on earth stinks? How dare you disturb my dream The voice of the Earth Dragon echoes again, and complains to no trace with great dissatisfaction.

"Ha ha, little earthworm, you are OK! I'll give the rest to you! " No trace burst out laughing, the mood is obviously extremely good. A burst of hissing pain came from behind, the harm of traceless smile on the face of the moment will become bared teeth.

"Roar!" The roar resounded again, and the spirit of the flying tiger wrapped in the whirlwind fell to the traceless body again in the blink of an eye.

"Hum!" With a cold hum, the upper and lower breath of traceless body and the silver sword in his hand are instantly integrated. The endless artistic conception of sword instantly envelops the flying tiger spirit.

"Bah, I'm really hurt by a kitten! What a shame you are A disdainful spit, from traceless heart leisurely. Then, a golden light flashed out, and a golden Python stood in front of traceless body.

Gulu, Gulu

It was another round of intense huff and puff, which started from the eight squares in the rear. All the people in the rear were stunned and stunned on the spot< br>

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