Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 145: 145

In the safe area array, a cold air swept the scene. The cold ice array rises abruptly. The surging cold came out of the Dharma array, freezing the burly youth, the chief disciple of other schools in Yizhou, on the spot.

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"Gollum! Grunt

The nervous gasps came from the chief disciples of the Dabie Academy who watched the battle in the rear. In a short period of time, it can gather and form, and make people imperceptible. The existence of such terror is undoubtedly a great threat to everyone present.

"Jie Jie, you dare to touch him. I'll peel you off and show you on the spot! " A burst of obscene smile, no taboo resounded. Qin Wan, a little black and fat man with blood all over his body, stares at Ji Ruxue and says coldly.

On one side, the old looking man in the other courtyard of Qiantang was trying his best to control the three-story pagoda. The blood awn from the three-story pagoda is also more vigorous, and it is suppressed from top to bottom towards the unknown head of the sword.

"Ice, break!" A voice of indifference without any emotion, cold and piercing. Then, the dazzling blue awn in the cold light array suddenly flashed. The body of the burly man covered by the cold ice suddenly turned into pieces. With the dissipation of the air of the cold light array, he was diffused in the cold wind.

"Damn, this woman is so cruel!"

"Cough, how dare she die! After going out, I'm afraid it will be very troublesome! "

"Ha ha, our martial arts are all about the law of the jungle. How can we tell if we win or lose?"

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"Cluck, Jiangnan other courtyard, it's amazing, it's amazing!"

The chief disciples of Dongbo, Xibo, Nanbo, Beibo and the four Dabieshan were all shocked at the same time. They looked at Ji Ruxue again, and their eyes were full of dignified color. Qianyu, the chief disciple of Xiqi bieyuan, was still indifferent and stood still.

"Ha ha, well done, well done!" In the distance, Qin Wan, a little black and fat man with blood dripping all over his body, stood up wobbly and laughed like a demon,

A trace of strange black gas surged out of Qin Wan's chest, turned into a trace of strange thin thread, and slowly covered Qin Wan's body. The thin Xuan Qi in the array trembled in vain, and there was a disgusting evil spirit in the air around.

"Well, there's so much nonsense!" Ji Ruxue's feet paddled one after another, and a cold ice array quickly gathered. The cold ice Dharma array is full of surging chill, moving forward with Ji Ruxue in white.

"Jie Jie..." a low scream, Qin Wan was wrapped in black air, and his eyes were insidious, confronting Ji Ruxue!

"Epee is unparalleled, unparalleled in the world." the situation is extremely severe, and the war is imminent. At this time, suddenly not far away, a thick, resonant and magnetic voice suddenly came.

The sword was nameless, and the air of Xuanli burst out suddenly. In vain, the shadow of the Epee hovering in front of him suddenly flew towards the three-tier Pagoda with simple temperament.

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Boom, boom

A breath of terror and turbulence was deafening. The horror of the unparalleled sword spirit, artistic conception breath, from the inside of the simple three-story pagoda.

Brush, brush, brush

The pure sword awns are dazzling, and the three-story ancient pagoda is surrounded by sharp sword light.

Click, click

Bursts of subtle sound of fragmentation, exciting like suddenly reverberated. In the middle of the sky, the three-story pagoda became fragments and disappeared.

"Wow A mouthful of blood, suddenly from the bottom of the Qiantang other courtyard, the old man's mouth spray out. The scarlet blood was all over the ground, and the Xuanli Qi of the old man quickly fell and dissipated. The whole person shakes for three times, and then falls heavily on the ground with a plop.

"Hum!" With the sound of a loud sword, dozens of swords and shadows in the void quickly merged into one. A heavy heavy sword, which exudes the sense of terror, slowly flies to the back of the unknown sword.

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"Ha ha, I'll do it!" Sword nameless step forward slowly, and Ji Ruxue stand side by side in a place. The momentum of the whole person is awe inspiring, just like a powerful sword.

On the other side, Qin Wan, who was full of black air, suddenly flashed a fierce color in his blood red and black eyes.

"Poof!" An imperceptible black gas, as if there were nothing, was ejected from Qin Wan's palm. Black air curls up and comes out at a very fast speed. It enters into the body of the old man who has just fallen into fainting.

"Suddenly A strange wind blows, and the old man's body burns instantly. A strange black flame rushed out of the body, and instantly burned the old man to ashes on the spot."Qin Wan, are you crazy?"

"Qin Wan, what are you doing?"

"Qin Wan, are you not afraid of being punished by the college?"

"Qin Wan, it's a felony to deliberately harm his fellow disciples!"

At the same time, the chief disciples of Dongbo, Xibo, Nanbo, Beibo and the four dabiesyuan were shocked. All of them were shocked, and they all looked on guard and moved to their respective rear.

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"Jie Jie, idiot! I'll kill all of you, so I'll be the first person in the University! " Qin finished blood red eyes in the strange black gas is more heavy, swept the eyes, the distance people extremely despise sneer.

"Gee, you've fallen into the evil way Qian Yu, the chief disciple of Xiqi bieyuan, who had been holding his shoulders and looking cold and proud, suddenly burst out a black air all over his body. Black breath is full of magic, just wrapped around the body in case of accidents.

"Jie Jie, I didn't expect that I could meet a demon cultivator in the younger generation! But your cultivation method is too low. Your evil spirit is too weak. It's so weak that I can't even raise my strength! " Qin Wan glanced at Lengleng Qianyu, and the evil spirit of black silk released from his whole body was much more violent than before.

"Hum, it's just the skill of immortality, and you dare to look down on the demons. Today, I'll let you have a taste of the consequences of arrogance! " With a cold hum, Qianyu was obviously enraged by Qin Wan. Qin Wan, who was surrounded by black silk on the other side, attacked and killed him impolitely.

"Jie Jie, I can see the root of my cultivation. It seems that your boy's understanding is extraordinary!" Qin Wan disdainfully glanced at Qianyu in the distance. The evil spirit of black silk on his body was surging wildly, and it collided with the evil spirit of Qianyu.

Poof, poof, after a short stalemate, the two black clouds collided violently in mid air. The strange evil spirit obviously occupied some advantages, and resisted all the evil Qi from the opposite side.

Seeing this, the chief disciples of the four Dabie courtyards, Jianming and Ji Ruxue were all surprised. All of them urged the Xuanli Qi in the body to force the whole body towards Qin Wan's body wrapped in black Qi at the same time.... < br > all of them moved the Xuanli Qi in the body

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