Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 146: 146

Boom, boom, boom

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A series of six extraordinary Xuanli Qi rose, and the later level of prestige of the six spirit states surged at the same time. On the other side, Qin Wan's body trembled with blood in his eyes. At the same time, he was oppressed by six kinds of terror, which obviously couldn't resist for a while.

"Brush!" A shadow flashed out, Qin Wan's body moved rapidly, and his strange black spirit protected his whole body, making him escape hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye.

And now, in the void.

In a mass of black thread winding package, a trace of imperceptible evil gas quietly surging out. There was no trace in the black air mass. In front of my eyes, it was completely dark. The air of Xuanli on my whole body was rapidly and gradually, and even my breath began to suddenly become short.

The black thread of the black Qi is all pervasive, but it rushes in along the traceless seven orifices. The terrible black Qi is full of the meaning of evil, and it rushes into the blood of traceless body in an instant.


The eternal Heaven and earth in traceless body will run by itself, and the surging and thick air of Hongmeng chaos is surging and surging. At the moment when the strange black Qi just entered the body touched Hongmeng's chaotic Qi, it quickly turned into ashes and disappeared.

Whoosh, whoosh, the rest of the strange black gas into the body, as if encountering a nemesis in general, quickly in no trace body crazy flow. In a twinkling of an eye, the strange black Qi in Wuchen's body was killed nine times. But even so, there is still a small part of the black gas, running to the spirit of traceless brain destruction.

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"Ha ha, heresy, is it really impossible for me to be an immortal demon?" A thick and rough male voice resounds through the traceless mind. He followed, but a strange fire flashed away. In a flash, he burned all the strange black gas left in Wuchen's body.

"Ah A shrill scream suddenly rang out in the array. In the black air, the temperature rose gradually.

"Bang." After a violent dull sound, the strange black air wrapped in the air all scattered. Every strange black gas is wrapped with a hot flame. After the burning of the flame, the strange black air in the void was completely burned by the flame.

Brush, brush, brush

Jian Mingming, Ji Ruxue, the chief disciple of the four Dabie schools in the East, West, North and south, as well as Qin Wan and Qianyu, all the confrontations scattered back, and they couldn't believe that they were staring at the strange scene in mid air.

"Cough..." a burst of fierce cough, resounded in the silent array. Missing for a long time without trace at this time all red, quietly appeared in the air.

"Brush." Two fiery lights flashed out, and the traceless body seemed to be in flames. The whole person was red, as if he had just jumped out of the alchemy furnace.

"It's, it's impossible. No one can survive if I hit my black tiger spirit! " Qin Wan's body trembled with black air, and the released black air quickly withdrew around his body. Qin Wan's blood red eyes are full of shock, staring at no trace in the air, and his heart is more resentful.

"Brush!"“ Brush

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Sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, two people left and right flash and move, at the same time release the Xuanli Qi in the body, appear on both sides of no trace to protect the Dharma.

In the distance, all the chief disciples of the four Dabie courtyards retreated, hiding from Qin Wanyuan, who was almost crazy. However, Qianyu, the chief disciple of Xiqi bieyuan, was still covered with evil spirit and did not move.

"No trace, can it hold?" Sword nameless expression a tight, cold voice to the side of no trace asked.

"Ha ha, don't worry, it's just a big consumption. That strange black air didn't do me any substantial harm! " No trace heart a warm, facing the cold face of the sword nameless smile back.

"Take a good breath, no one can hurt you with us!" Ji Ruxue, who has always been indifferent and unconcerned, is surprisingly the first to speak.

"Ha ha, this guy has made me so miserable. I have to find a way to get back the place! Otherwise, you two guys will have to laugh me to death from the bottom of your heart in the future! " No trace a smile, step out and then flash to two people in front. Then, the red skin of Wu Chen's whole body gradually recovered as usual, and the light golden awn reflected on Wu Chen's bronze skin again.

See, sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, two eyebrows at the same time a Zou, two people look full of worry, hesitated for a long time, finally chose to shut up.

"Ha ha, isn't Qin Wan! Come on, I'm going to end with you! " No trace looks up at the sky with a long smile, and the cold light in his hand flashes in vain. Holding a long silver sword in hand, the endless artistic conception of the sword is released without reservation."Boy, if I don't kill you today, I will swear not to be human!" Qin Wan, who had just suffered from the collapse of black Qi, was furious. The whole person's body was covered with black gas, which rushed to the no trace not far from the opposite side, and then ferociously rushed away.

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"The soul of the black tiger, change into shape and kill!" A roar, earth shaking. The black air around Qin Wan's body rushed out, and quickly condensed into a dark and bright form of black tiger spirit before Qin Wan's body.

The terrible black tiger is full of monstrous evil spirit. With his mouth wide open, he rushes to the front of traceless.

"Liu style nine swords, sword cage south of the Yangtze River!"

"Liu style nine swords, sword cover is continuous!"

Two moves of sword are waved out, with the endless Jiangnan sword meaning released by no trace. In the void, there seems to be an invisible sword net composed of sword Qi in an instant, which blocks the body shape of the black tiger spirit flying from the opposite side.


Black Qi separated from the soul of black tiger, turned into black Qi, and directly penetrated the invisible sword net composed of continuous sword meaning.

After penetrating the invisible sword net, the black Qi quickly condenses into a whole, and the soul of the black tiger comes out again. With tusks, he raised his claws and ran to the no trace not far from his body. Then he attacked and killed one after another.

"Liu style nine swords, sword from the moon."

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"Liu style nine swords, swords fall in the morning glow."

The sword Qi of Wuchen's whole body rises, and the continuous and cold sword spirit instantly melts into the silver sword. A round moon is composed of endless pure sword meaning.

I saw the soul of the black tiger crashing against the bright moon. And the impeccable bright moon turned into a piece of red in a flash, turning into a little red haze, all slanting on the dark body of the black tiger soul.

Tearing, tearing

A trace of harsh friction sound, leisurely. Within the scope of the red glow, countless evil black Qi turned into smoke and melted away and scattered in the air.

"Wow A mouthful of black blood spurted from Qin Wan's mouth in the distance. Qin Wan's eyes had been completely covered by the black air at this time, and his whole body was as shaky as the leaves in the wind and rain.

"All the methods are empty, one sword has no trace!" I saw, with a cold voice resounding, no trace of the body in mid air in vain disappeared.

It's invisible, invisible, but it's full of strange gold. It was like destroying the wood and pulling the decadent wood. It was wrapped in a simple and plain atmosphere and hit Qin Wan's body silently. Then, the terrible sword Qi rushed out of the body and disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

"I, I'm not reconciled..." a sound of struggle came out slowly from Qin Wan's mouth. Then, the sword in Qin Wan's body was shining at the same time, and the whole person was killed on the spot by the sword Qi in his body< br>

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