Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 147: 147

"Suddenly." A sharp cold wind, cold blowing on the spot. After Qin's corpse fell to the ground, the black silk threads on his body quickly turned into bursts of black air, rose into the air and disappeared.

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"Hoo A dull gasp, slowly spit out from the traceless mouth. Then, the whole person felt that his body was going to be hollowed out, and a sense of drowsiness and tiredness rushed to his whole body.

Plop, no trace a buttock sitting on the ground. On the one hand, he madly urged the eternal Heaven and earth resolution in his body, and on the other hand, he tried his best to absorb the rare and mysterious Qi in the array.

"Eh, old demon, how do I feel that guy just now is strange? It seems that the martial spirit is controlling him, not him! "

"Ha ha, according to my experience. This guy must be some evil things into the body, so he lost his mind, willing to become a demon. Fortunately, it seems that Hongmeng's chaotic Qi, which was practiced by the eternal Heaven and earth, can specifically restrain these evil things. Strange to say, how can this evil spirit make me feel very familiar with Zhong! " No trace demon zunhuoxiao and no trace are quietly communicating in his mind. At this time, the chief disciple of the four Dabie colleges, East, West, North and south, and Qianyu, the chief disciple of Xiqi college, all recovered from the shock.

"Cough, now we are the only ones left. What are you going to do next?" The Wu trace that cross knee meditates fiercely a few, pick eyebrow cold eye to look to opposite 5 people ponder of ask a way.

"Well, boy, don't be wild. If you hadn't killed the devil just now, I would have killed you! Do you think you are still qualified to fight with us? " The young man in the East Bo's farewell courtyard was disdainful and white eyed, and the ground was slowly recovering its mysterious and scornful way.

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"Ha ha, we don't want to take advantage of others' danger. If you are wise, you'd better trigger the teleportation array yourself to escape!" The leading strong man of Nanbo farewell courtyard gave a cold smile and advised Wu trace with some pity.

"Well, if you are in your heyday, I'm afraid we can't help you! At least just that sword, I was not sure how to deal with it. But now, it seems that I'm not so optimistic about you! " Beibo farewell courtyard, handsome Xiaosheng hands a folding fan, looking at the ground without trace, gently shaking his head and sighing.

"Ha ha, just because you want to kill me, I'm afraid it's not qualified enough!" Sitting on the ground, Wu trace looks up at the sky and laughs. His tone is full of pride and disdain. Indeed, it is not without a trace to boast. With the body of Wu Chen's present perfect state, he who has no special magic power can't kill him. After all, physical combat is enough for other warriors to drink a pot, or a mind to escape. The strength of traceless physical body is enough to support him to touch the teleportation array for several times.

"Cluck, although I don't want to take advantage of others' danger, this is the annual ranking assessment after all, which is related to the future resource allocation of our various hospitals, so I can only say sorry to you!" Xibo other courtyard, the young woman named Huacong, with a faint smile, nodded apologetically toward no trace.

"Understand No trace struggled to force himself to stand up and walk, and the air of Xuanli in his whole body was reluctantly mobilized again. The tip of the silver long sword pokes down on the ground, supporting the traceless body and preventing it from falling down.

"Brush!"“ Brush Two white awns, one on the left and one on the right, cross the front two sides of Wuchen's body.

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"Those who dare to step forward will die!" Cold and piercing low voice, cold echo. The unique Epee turns into the virtual shadow of the Dao Dao Epee, which always hovers around the unknown body of the sword. At this time, the sword is nameless, and the whole body's intention to kill is released without reservation. The whole person feels like a God who has been fighting for a long time.

"Ice, get up!" Draw formation, Ji Ruxue feet move one after another. A small ice array, only about three meters long, was released steadily from his traceless feet.

"Hum, stay inside. No matter what happens, don't go out of the array. We can handle it. You can recover at ease! " With a snort, Ji Ruxue's face covered with ice for thousands of years showed a touch of ease. A sound is transmitted to Wu trace's mind secretly, and what makes Wu trace's heart unfounded is a burst of warmth.

"Hey, traceless boy, this little girl seems to be good for you! How about, consider, whether or not to take her to press room! Demon master, I have the code of picking up girls in the ancient demon world. I can lend it to you at any time to read it... "Demon zunhuoxiao's words are full of bad smiles, and he teases at no trace.

"Bah, old demon, if you dare to eavesdrop on my voice again, I'll kill myself on the spot, and you'll be dead at once!" Traceless complexion a burst of red a burst of white, angry in the heart and demon respect fire Xiao raised a way.

"He's mine. You can deal with the others." Qianyu, the chief disciple of Xiqi bieyuan, who has never finished speaking, strides forward and blocks the sword's nameless face.

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The evil Qi surged up, and the guard was around Qianyu. The dark evil spirit rolled and rolled, and forced the sword nameless on the opposite side."Hum!" There was a loud sword sound.

Sword nameless body is straight, as if with the body circled in front of the Epee unparalleled integration in general. The pure and natural sword Qi is just and upright, and the evil Qi that comes from bullying towards the opposite side is pushed up.

Pop, pop, pop

The pure and incomparable sword Qi collides with the evil Qi surging in the undercurrent. At this time, Jian Mingming and Qian Yu were opposite and looked at each other, and the two waves of fierce fighting rose up in a flash, and there was a fierce spark in the air.

"Cluck, little girl's porridge, please give me some advice!" A burst of laughter, like a silver bell, rang sweetly.

In the East, West, north, South and four Dabie courtyards, Miaoling women's porridge, the chief disciple of Xibo, was the leader. Slowly lift jade foot slowly, the posture is extremely elegant came to Ji Ruxue's opposite.

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"Jiangnan other courtyard, Ji Ruxue!" Ji Ruxue's cold face didn't show any waves, and her tone still refused to be heard from people thousands of miles away. Immediately, another array of power, from Ji Ruxue body faintly.

The dazzling blue awn rose slowly, and the piercing chill surged out again. The temperature in the surrounding air is much colder in vain, and Ji, like snow and ice beauty, stands proudly in the blue light.

"Cluck, save his life and send him back to the college!" Huacong smiles and waves his hand to the chief disciple of the three major schools behind him. At the same time, I saw the red awn all over Huacong, and a hot wave rose out of my body. A hot Xuanli pressure, the moment will be opposite Ji Ruxue body up and down locked up.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, three figures swarmed up. In the later period of the three spirit States, the air of super Xuanli rises out of thin air. In a triangle, the three trapped the traceless sword in the small ice array.

"Ha ha, cangyingbo rabbit, do your best! Traceless boy, sometimes the more crisis, the more hidden vitality Demon zunhuoxiao's rough voice, full of smile, reverberates in traceless mind.

"Ha ha, useless old demon, if you can't help me, don't cook chicken soup there! Brother is an old Chinese medicine, specializing in brag than! " No trace a face indifferent, heart under a burst of funny, Turks think of again before that world. An old Chinese medicine doctor also named Huazhou said a wise saying.... < br > this is a famous saying

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