Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 148: 148

Boom, boom

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In the silent array, suddenly came the roar of terror. I saw an Epee across the sky. Dragging a rainbow of sword Qi and shadow, he rushed to the opposite dark evil Qi and stabbed away.

Brush brush brush, epee virtual shadow sharp abnormal, boundless Xiao kill of the gas should sound to break the layers of magic gas package. In the blink of an eye, he rushed to the source of the release of the evil Qi and attacked and stabbed the proud Qianyu.

Poop, poop, poop

A series of slight sound, rather harsh echo. All the empty shadows of the heavy swords had no empty hair, as if they were not hindered at all, so they easily penetrated into Qianyu's body.

"Gee, it's weird!" After the virtual shadow of Epee stabbed Qianyu's body, all of them lost their luster in a moment. In addition, the pure sword Qi released in the shadow of Epee also disappeared and turned into nothingness at the same time.

However, Qianyu's body, which was pierced by the empty shadow of Epee, turned into a kind of evil spirit and floated in the void again. And under the shadow of the black magic, on another location. A mass of dark evil Qi gathered again, and Qianyu's body shape turned out undamaged.

"Ha ha, it's not so easy to kill me!" Qianyu raised his head haughtily, looked at the sword not far away and sneered.

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"Ha ha, you really have two talents. I think this is your martial spirit!"

"Hum." The sound of the sword resounds, and the unique body of Epee hovers around the evil Qi. The fierce sword Qi tears open a gap between the evil Qi layers, and one lingers and falls back to the unknown side of the sword.

"Ha ha, good eyesight! It's OK to tell you. This is my spirit of magic fog. " The cold and arrogant Qianyu laughs, and disdains to pass a voice to the sword.

"Ha ha, so straightforward, you are not afraid that I know your secret?" Sword nameless eyebrow slightly a pick, also toward thousand feather secretly send a voice to return a way.

"Ha ha, you will keep a secret for me!" Thousand feather full face sneer, originally proud eyes suddenly become fierce Xiao kill up.

"Ha ha, only dead people will keep secrets forever. It seems that you have already killed me!" Sword nameless arm gently move, the side of the hovering Epee unparalleled quickly fell on the hand. Then, a more pure and majestic sword Qi was sent out, and the fierce and violent sword Qi pointed to Qianyu's whole body.

"Well, if a man is too clever, he will not live long!" Qianyu hums coldly, and his body shape turns into nihilistic evil Qi again. The pure sword Qi coming from the opposite side suddenly lost its attack target and was swallowed up by the evil Qi surging around.

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"Matchless, fight with me!" I saw that the sword on the opposite side was nameless, and the air of Xuanli was released without reservation. The matchless Epee in his hand trembled slightly, as if in response to the nameless words of the sword. One person and one sword, just like a natural one, rushed into the evil spirit surging in front of him, disappeared and disappeared without any trace.

At this time, on another open space of the array.

Huacong, the chief disciple of Xibo other courtyard, has already played with Ji Ruxue.

See a burst of blue awn dazzling rise, Ji Ruxue's body shape is tightly wrapped up by cold ice method array. But in the air around, the temperature began to rise strangely.

Around the cold ice array centered on Ji Ruxue, it seems to have become a boiling sea of fire. In the scorching heat, the air waves fluctuate layer upon layer and rush to attack one after another on the ice array. In the surging heat wave, it is obvious that there are small bubbles with a destructive smell, which are gradually eroding the surging cold air on the ice array.

"Eh, it's a martial arts practice to practice fire Xuanli! These bubbles seem strange. Is this her soul? " In the cold ice method array, Ji Ruxue quickly urges Xuanli's Qi in her body again. Will just be swallowed by the heat wave bubble consumed by the cold air, once again multiplied up.

"Cluck, it seems that it will take us a long time to decide the outcome! Fortunately, I have nothing else to do, but I am very happy to play with you here! However, I don't know if your little lover can last as long as you Not far away, Hua Cong releases Xuanli's Qi with all his strength. Seeing that the cold ice Dharma array has recovered as before, he is not angry, but smiles. A burst of extremely gentle ridicule, without taboo reverberated in Ji Ruxue's ear.

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"Well, there's a lot of lewd words. How dare you slander nine girls? My aunt will beat you into a pot of porridge today After listening to the words of Hua congee's provocation, Ji Ruxue's face suddenly became colder. The whole body up and down surging cold swept up, the whole person foot cold method array, all of a sudden ran to the distant porridge, indignant rushed in the past.

"Cluck, how, this began to love your little lover!" Huacong burst out laughing, and once again withdrew from the distance. Around the hot air and strange bubbles floating and moving, rushed to just into the heat wave package group of Ji Ruxue, then ruthlessly oppressed.Tearing, tearing

The hot waves and the chilling chill are in the same place. A harsh rising sound rang out, and the alternating waves and water droplets in the surrounding air rose and volatilized out of thin air.

Ji Ruxue and Huacong are just like ice and fire. Two completely different air of Xuanli collide and fight in one place.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong

At the same time when Jian Mingming, Ji Ruxue and Qianyu and Huacong fight together. Dongbo, Nanbo, Beibo and the chief disciples of the three Dabieshan had already started to attack Wuchen at the same time.

The roar of terror was deafening, which made the ground shake violently.

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No trace in the small cold ice array holds a long sword and ignores the fierce attack of the three people outside. He tried his best to promote the eternal Heaven and earth resolution, and madly absorbed the rare heaven and earth Xuanqi to make up for the loss of Xuanli in his body.

"Well, don't delay, make a quick decision! All of them release their spirits and try to win them at one stroke! " Beibo farewell courtyard, handsome Xiaosheng eyebrows a coagulation, hands folded fan quickly high throw, ran in front of the body of small ice array is a fierce hit.

"Boom!" There was a violent roar and a violent shaking of the small ice array. The cold air, which was originally as strong as a rock, is now under the attack of the folding fan, which forces the power of the cold ice to weaken rapidly.

"Brush!" A burst of Xuanli's air rose, and the young man in the East Bobie courtyard suddenly sent out a green light. Immediately after that, the young man's body moved. On both sides of the rib, it was strange to grow out of two arms again. The four armed young man's Xuanli all over his body quickly transformed into four bright cold swords. The young man, with a smile on his face, jumped forward and waved his arms together, only to see the light of the knife rising all around. As the light of the sword came to an end, the small ice array, which was surrounded by cold air, was suddenly destroyed by the young man's attack after he turned into a beast and cut out striking cracks.

"Moo!" A low roar, like a wild animal, came from the leading strong man in Nanbo bieyuan. The strong man's big body expanded rapidly, and his Xuanli Qi increased several times. A virtual shadow of qingniu rushed out quickly, wrapped in the air of Xuanli, and walked in the air.

At the moment of being out of the body, the fierce green ox quickly turned into a solid form. The four hooves rolled up to the sky and roared. The terrible and violent air of Xuanli enveloped the whole body. The two golden horns flashed cold. The fierce green bull was extremely fast, and hit on the small ice array with a large number of cracks

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