Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 149: 149

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Cracks are clearly visible, and the cracks spread quickly in the blink of an eye. The cold power of the Dharma array quickly dissipated, and the cold Dharma array broke up on the spot as if it had disintegrated.

"Moo!" There was another dull sound, which rang through the safe area in an instant. I saw the fierce spirit of qingniu's hooves surging, running on the traceless chest, and then it hit it like crazy.

"Damn it A rather angry roar, from no trace mouth anxious spit out. I saw the golden awns on Wuchen's whole body in a moment, and his arms ran to the head of qingniu's soul in a flash, and then he stabbed it with a sword.

"Bang!" Continuous sword attack surging, heavy bombardment on the body of qingniu spirit. Qingniu's huge body was slightly stunned, and his reckless figure was obviously slower than before.

"Moo!" Qingniu's martial spirit suddenly raised his head, and his two horns flashed with cold light. Two beams of light, like lightning, burst out in unison, breaking a gap in the artistic conception of continuous sword around. Immediately, the soul of qingniu's martial arts surged again, and rushed out in a tumult.

"Boom!" A earthshaking sound came, and the ground in the array shook violently. The dust on the ground was flying all around, and the violent Xuanli power in the air spread wildly around.

On the empty field of the array, two sharp cold lights were shining above the head of a violent qingniu. In front of qingniu's body, no trace was clenching his hands and holding on to the horns of qingniu's head.

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One man and one cow are at a standoff. The two violent Xuanli surged into the sky, and the two figures were anxiously fighting with each other on the spot.

"Ha ha, you can compete with the spirit of beasts in power. You are the first man in all ages, traceless boy!" Demon zunhuoxiao's voice is rough and wild, and it spreads in traceless mind with a smile.

"Cough, old demon, if it's normal, I'll make qingniu never come back. But now my Xuanli Qi is in serious deficit. I'm afraid I can't spend it with it for a long time! " No trace light cough two, complexion suddenly become a little white. The gas source of Hongmeng chaos in the body is constantly surging up, which quickly fills up the Xuanli gas consumed by no trace.

"Hey, boy, you'd better go back to the college, or don't blame me for killing you!" He had become the chief disciple of Dongbo bieyuan in the state of beast. At this time, he waved his four arms together. The four arms holding the four shouts waved at the same time, and they cut and killed Wuchen who was in confrontation with qingniu's martial spirit.

"The sword cage is in the south of the Yangtze River, and the sword cover is endless!" In a hurry, there is no time for separation. He had no choice but to move his heart and control the silver sword that was waiting for an opportunity around him. He stopped the young man who was like a monster and had four arms.

"Hum!" The silver light rose sharply, and the sound of the sword was loud and clear.

The continuous chill rose in vain when the sword Qi shrouded. With the cooperation of the artistic conception of Jiangnan sword and two successive sword moves, the four armed youth was intercepted on the spot.

"Ha ha, Liu Wuchen, you are really good! However, my soul is not as simple as you think The young man with four arms, entangled by the silver sword, burst out laughing, and his belly suddenly expanded several times. Then, a stream of air surged upward in the body of the four armed youth. A strange soft white silk thread, as light as silk and as thick as an iron bar, quickly shot out of the mouth of the four armed youth.

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Brush, brush, brush

A white soft silk thread lingering, as long as the eyes of the general ran to no trace of the body spray. After a rare sound, the white soft silk, as thick as an iron bar, quickly tied the traceless body, arms and legs together.

Traceless body was tied by the soft and sticky white silk, and the martial spirit of qingniu on the opposite side immediately lost its resistance.

"Moo!" The martial spirit of qingniu was very excited, and there was a flash of cold light on the horns of the two shining spirits. A fury of Xuanli's air swept up, and qingniu's martial spirit hit the traceless chest.

"Bang!" With a dull sound, the earth moved, and the power of terror burst out. Bound by white silk, Wu trace's body was knocked hundreds of meters away.

"Plop!" No trace, a stagger, body shape is obviously unstable. He fell over and hit the ground heavily.

"Brush!" A figure, quietly appeared in the no trace not far behind. Then, there was a streamer in the air, and a shining folding fan quickly opened and closed several times.

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"The repertoire is folding and sweeping the world!" Beibo farewell courtyard, the handsome Xiaosheng burst out laughing, a cold light rushed out of the body, into the middle of the folding fan."Wow The folding fan in mid air trembled slightly, and seven completely different rays flashed on the fan body in a flash. At the same time, it turns into seven streamers and flies down.

Seven different colors of streamer, mixed with seven strong and weak clear Xuanli gas. A head of slant sprinkle and descend, the momentum is fierce, layer upon layer superimpose to bombard and go toward the body shape without mark.

"Shit, it's over this time!" No matter what struggle, no trace on the ground can't get rid of the entanglement of white silk cord. Tujue, no trace only feel the top of the head of the seven colors shining down, a sense of suffocation is about to instantly envelop the whole body.

"Hum, if you have to force the demon master to do it, this kind of small mole ant really makes people not excited!" A cold hum, if there is nothing, as if from the sounds of nature, but also from the heart of traceless.

A mysterious red awn is shining in traceless body at this time, as if it is going to occupy traceless body at any time.

Boom, boom

Seven different colors, strong and weak clear Xuanli's air rushed down, accurately hit on the traceless body.

"Brush brush brush," three figures flash out, quickly gathered in one place.

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In Dongbo farewell courtyard, the walls of the young man are suspended in the air, and each arm is holding a cold knife. In the mouth of the four armed youth, there is still a trace of white silk thread.

On one side, the burly young man of Nanbo bieyuan was laughing wildly. Beside him, a figure of qingniu martial spirit was lying quietly. He could not see the previous fury.

In Beibo farewell courtyard, handsome Xiaosheng stands with a negative hand and stares excitedly into the air, emitting colorful folding fan spirit.

"Hum!" There was a solemn and stirring sound of the sword, and the silver sword circled in the air. Turn a head then ignore, a fierce son plunge into the dark air mass under the attack of the Xia Guang.

"Wu..." is competing with Huacong, the chief disciple of Xibo's other courtyard. Ji Ruxue's figure suddenly trembles. A look of exasperation turned to anger for the first time.

In another battle group, several boundless sword Qi suddenly rose under the magic Qi package. The fierce and terrifying sword Qi is as mad as a madman. He is eager to break through the magic group enveloped by layers of evil Qi< br>

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