Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 150: 150

For a moment, smoke filled the air everywhere. The terrible Xuanli breath is running around, towards the crazy surging around.

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In the original location of no trace, there is a golden light. A fierce and boundless air of Xuanli rises abruptly.

"Sa Sa..." a slight to imperceptible soft sound of huff and puff, very strange, came out quietly from the smoke of Xuanli.

The light of the seven colors gradually dissipated, and the fury of Xuanli in the surrounding air slowly disappeared. A deep pit several meters deep, impressively reflected into the eyes of the public.

"Whoosh!" Just as everyone was concentrating, a golden awn burst out of the pit. A thick and long golden boa constrictor appeared on the edge of the pit with its fiery red core. And in the curly embrace of the golden python, a body with white soft silk thread all around, the front color is red, and the mouth is gasping.

"Damn, this is the soul of that boy!" Nanbo farewell courtyard, the burly young man's face was startled, and the martial spirit of qingniu, lying on his side, quickly stood up on guard. There was a faint fear and uneasiness in the fierce eyes like wild animals.

"Well, we forgot that he never used his soul to fight!" The four armed youths in the East Bo's farewell yard and after the animal's transformation were extremely ugly, and their four cold swords were in front of their chest quickly.

"Ha ha, you can fight the three of us with your own strength without using your martial spirit. Now the martial spirit is summoned, and how much chance can we save..." Beibo farewell courtyard and Junqiao Xiaosheng thought, and the colorful folding fan quickly returned to their hands. The colorful glow gradually faded, and finally there was only one gold, one silver and two-color light lingering around the folding fan.

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"Hoo A mouthful of thick gas, such as released heavy from Ji Ruxue's mouth. Then, Ji Ruxue's cold face was filled with an elegant smile. The beautiful smile of a beautiful country and a beautiful city flashed away, and even the porridge of the same woman on the opposite side was a burst of heartache.

"Hum, those who dare to stop me are not born yet!" Ji Ruxue, with a cold face, throws out a word from her mouth. Then, I saw Ji Ruxue at the foot of the cold ice method array blue awn, quickly along the ground toward the surrounding spread.

However, in the area where the cold ice array diffuses, the hot air that you touch will quickly turn into distillation and rise. And the Xuanli Qi on Ji Ruxue's body also bursts out in vain, locking the Huacong that has not yet had time to react in it.

"Hum!" It's another sword, which rings out of thin air. Under the shadow of the dark evil Qi, the shadow of Epee, which exudes the fierce sword Qi, is looming and looming. Gradually, through the dark evil Qi, it begins to become clear and visible.

"Sa Sa..." while the two sides of the battle groups changed, the golden Python's triangle head at the edge of the pit suddenly shook. Bloody mouth wrapped in a full smell of blood, running body curled up in the no trace is angry roar.

"Poof, poof."

The smell of blood was very diffuse, and the long white silk thread bound around the body quickly turned into white gas and disappeared. For the rest of his life, Wu trace took a long breath of relief and glanced gratefully at the little earthworm.

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"Sasa, don't look at me like this, my face will turn into a red apple!" Blood red core again huff and puff out, a witty male voice resounded in traceless mind. Then, the little earthworm was as shy as before, and his head shook quickly. On the huge body, the golden light was shining. In a moment, he threw away no trace and rushed to the three figures in the distance.

"Ha ha, this little guy is ashamed! I'm so shy and cute, but I'll let it go! " See, no trace a face smile, in the heart of infinite emotion way.

"Bah, fart, it's shameless!" A rough voice reverberated again, and demon zunhuoxiao seemed to be in a very good mood, criticizing Wuchen impolitely.

"Ha ha, little earthworm has really helped me a lot this time. I must treat it well in the future!" When I think of the scene that little Dilong was trying to ask for Xuanshi from himself before, a warm feeling came to my heart.

"Whoosh!" A flash of light, no trace quickly extended his arm to meet. In an instant, the endless sword will surge out, and the silver sword will be held in the hand again.

"Ha ha, traceless boy, you'd better make a quick decision to prevent future trouble while the Xuanli Qi in your body is enough to support several rounds!" A red light flashed out, and the huge shadow of demon zunhuoxiao appeared beside traceless with a laugh.

"Hum, young master, I'm going to kill people everywhere today to let them know that my other courtyard in the south of the Yangtze River is not something to be provoked by!" No trace cold a hum, inside the body Xuan force of the gas crazy vent out. The continuous and cold artistic conception of Jiangnan sword spread rapidly, completely enveloping the area where he was."Sa Sa!"

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At this time, the spirit of the Earth Dragon has already impacted on the position of the three people on the opposite side. A long tail shining with golden light swung quickly and bombarded heavily on the ground in front of it.

Seeing this, after feeling the fury power of the spirit of the Earth Dragon, the three figures quickly fled and scattered. All that was left was a green bull spirit, which was full of fury and fury. It held up a pair of cold horn and carried it to the top of the head with its long golden tail.

"Boom!" A deafening roar came, and the ground where the people lived trembled violently for three times. It seems that the earth in the safe area can't bear the terrible mysterious force, and it may collapse at any time.

"Moo!" An extremely indignant and low roar, extremely unwilling to quietly reverberate. In the puffs of smoke, a strong body of qingniu martial spirit. Now, the four hooves sank into the ground at the same time, and gradually half of the body was also tightly locked in the ground.

At this time, there was a layer of gold and stone covering the surface of qingniu's body. Obviously, while attacking, xiaodilong also used the inflexible talent of turning stone into gold.

"Wow A mouthful of blood gushed from the mouth of the strong man in Nanbo bieyuan. The strong man's body swayed and nearly fell on the ground and fainted. Fortunately, the young man with four arms had a quick eye and two cold knives quickly crossed, which made the strong man's body shape come true.

"Sa Sa!" It was a rare huff and puff again, and the golden awn's claw flashed in vain under the belly of the little earthworm. A gray fog shrouded the silver, gold and two-color folding fan in the air.

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Silver and gold folding fans in the gray fog shrouded in the moment, the original extremely fast speed instantly became dozens of times slower.

"Bang!" The Earth Dragon's shining golden triangle head shook hard and hit the folding fan with slow reaction in midair. With a click, the brilliance on the two-color folding fan quickly disappeared. And the tarnished folding fan also wobbles, slowly falling from the mid air to the ground below.

"Plop!" A figure shakes, and handsome Xiaosheng falls to the ground in vain. The blood in Junqiao Xiaosheng's body is surging, and the whole person seems to fall down and roll in agony.

"Damn, how could it be, how could it be so strong?" The four armed young man's face was extremely ugly. He gently put the strong man on the ground. Then, his eyes fixed on the Earth Dragon not far away, and for the first time, he felt a sense of fear.

"Ha ha, there are stronger ones. Would you like to try them together?" A rather playful laughter, deep from the four armed youth ears resounded.

A cold sword, which was the only one in front of me, was surging up continuously. A blue figure flashed out, and a bright silver sword with cold light came up against the neck of the four armed youth without any sign

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