Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 152: 152

Within the safe area, the afterwave of the transmission array gradually dissipates.

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"Well, haven't you seen enough?" A cold hum, Ji Ruxue cold voice is full of resentment. Traceless only feel the whole body up and down in vain a cold, quite surprised to see Ji Ruxue beautiful face, bursts of stupefaction.

"Hum!" Ji such as snow white no trace one eye, surprisingly did not blame no trace staring at himself. Later, Ji Ruxue's cold ice power gradually retreated, and looked away from the other evil atmosphere shrouded battle group in the distance.

"Why, strange, why is this woman abnormal today?" No trace dry open mouth, in the heart of random thinking way.

"Ha ha, you little brat, you know nothing! This is called the feeling is not so, one to deep love. What's important about men and women is... "

"Bah, stop, you old rascal. Young master, I'll listen to your nonsense! " The rough voice of demon zunhuoxiao rings out again. No trace ruthlessly frowned, in the heart to the demon respect fire Xiao indignant fight back.

Boom, boom

At this time, the distant dark evil spirit shrouded in. A fierce sword Qi of Xiao Sha breaks the shackles of evil Qi and soars to the sky.

The shadow of a strong Epee suddenly radiates the golden light. The scattered Qi of the sword empties into thick shadow of the Epee, and these shadow of the Epee gradually condenses into solid form. Hundreds of Epee's brushes point down in the evil air mass, and a terrible Xiao Sha sword will connect hundreds of Epee's closely in a moment.

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"Unparalleled sword meaning!"

"Unparalleled in the world, unparalleled in the world!"

Brush, brush, brush

Hundreds of golden swords, full of killing intention, all galloped down. Under the cover of the horror of the sword, the golden Epee with the momentum of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, is sweeping down.

Poop, poop, poop

A strange light sound came from the dark magic air. More than a hundred golden Epee stab into the evil air mass, all of them detonate their endless sword meaning at the first time.

"Boom boom," deafening roar, bombarding in the air mass of magic. The golden awn is dazzling, and it reflects the dark evil spirit,

"Bang!" At the same time that more than a hundred Epee detonated, all over the sky, the evil spirit quickly retreated to a certain position. In addition to most of the magic Qi destroyed by the sword intention, there is still a small part of the magic Qi returning to the essence of Qianyu.

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"Keke..." a burst of rapid and fierce cough, the place where the evil Qi of Taoism gathered. Qianyu's cold and arrogant appearance is quietly transformed into shape again.

"Brush!" A white shadow, like a divine general, flashed from the stab. An Epee with the intention of killing is unique. It is now inserted into the magic air mass. The tip of the Epee is less than one centimeter away from Qianyu's chest.

"Do you want to fight again?" The white figure moved slightly, holding it on the handle of epee. The whole body of Epee quivers slightly, and the sword power is obviously increased.

"Hum, if you can break my magic, you have won!" Qianyu is still proud, bright eyes flash a trace of unwilling. The whole body surging, the demon Qi was slightly moved, and all of them were taken back into the body.

"Hum!" With a loud sword sound, the Epee suddenly took off from the unknown palm of the sword. After circling in mid air, he quietly fell back on the back of the sword's nameless body.

"Brush!"“ Brush Traceless and Ji Ruxue fly forward one after another and come to the side of the sword nameless in silence.

"Hum, they are defeated in Huacong?" Thousand feather cold proud face flashed a touch of surprise, staring at no trace and Ji Ruxue stunned asked.

"So it is Traceless look proud, toward the thousand feather gently nodded, pulled the sentence should be way. And Ji Ruxue is still a cold appearance, did not make any response to Qianyu's question.

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"Ha ha, sure enough, don't underestimate any opponent. I have written down the name of Jiangnan other courtyard! As for you, I will defeat you next time we meet! " Qianyu looks up at the sky and smiles like he's mad. His eyes are fixed on Wuchen and others and murmurs in a low voice.

Wu Chen, Jian Ming, Ji Ruxue, and the three of them looked at each other, but they didn't know what to say for a moment. Fortunately, Qianyu did not pay attention to the reaction of the three, but still took out his own identity token from his arms.

"Brush!" Inspired by a mysterious force, the identity token suddenly became black. A power of transmitting the array came slowly, and wrapped Qianyu's body firmly in it.

"Poof!" A slight dull sound reverberated in the safe area, and Qianyu disappeared. Now there are only three people, no trace, no sword and Ji Ruxue, on the huge empty space."Ha ha, no trace, what shall we do next?" The sword nameless, with a cold face, had a faint smile. He turned to look at Wu trace and asked softly.

One side, Ji Ruxue also slowly turned his head, staring at no trace speechless look.

"Ha ha, the three of us adjusted our interest rates separately, and one of us took turns to guard. When the time comes, the array in the safe area will be opened automatically. At that time, we will be able to return to Dazhou College as a winner Traceless looking around the empty security area, bright eyes flashed a touch of light. Thinking of this Jiangnan other courtyard can be ranked first, my heart is a burst of inexplicable excitement.

Pedal, pedal, pedal

Just as Wu Chen and others are talking, they are listening to the far end of the safe area. A terrible sound came one after another, followed by a cloud of smoke.

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Looking into the distance, you can see vaguely. At this time, a road as strong as a cow's terror figure is coming.

Hundreds of ferocious beasts gathered together, as if they were going to walk all over the world. The momentum of terror spread, and it was about to engulf no trace and others in it.

"Damn, the herd is scared! No trace boy, run A strange red awn flash away, demon respect fire Xiao again "no righteousness" in the first time choose to play the missing.

"Shit, quick, quick, trigger identity token, return to college immediately!" In confusion, no trace makes wisdom in haste. While taking out his identity token, he hastily urged the sword nameless and Ji Ruxue.

"Cough, traceless, didn't you say we want glory back? Let's go back like this. It's a bit awkward! " Sword nameless light cough twice, palm a kind of identity token impressively. A pure sword Qi rises, and the identity token in sword nameless's hand lights up quickly.

"Hum, idiot!" Ji Ruxue snorted coldly, and glared at Wu trace. The air of Xuanli on the body is triggered for the first time, and the transmission array in the identity token in the arms is quickly stimulated.

"Damn it, you two guys who have no sense of loyalty run faster than me!" No trace a exclamation, feel two figures on both sides together a flash. Within the safe area, you are left with yourself, as well as the more and more fierce and fierce beasts nearby

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