Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 153: 153

There are three parts in this book: the great Zhou Dynasty, the king's capital song and the great Zhou academy.

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At this time, in the martial arts field of the inner courtyard of Dazhou college. The inner courtyard Tiangang 36 courtyard, regardless of is the teacher or the student all includes.

This time, in addition to the returning disciples from each courtyard, the he Hun Jing disciples who participated in the inner courtyard's annual qualifying assessment. It is roughly estimated that nearly half of the elite disciples were lost in all the academies. As a result, Ji wubing, the dean of the inner College of Dazhou University, was also deeply regretted.

"Brush!" In the martial arts field, a transmission array lights up in vain. Closely followed, I saw a fuzzy figure gradually began to become clear.

All around, the tutors and students of the universities held their breath and looked into the teleportation array.

"Kick!" Step out, Xiqi other courtyard chief disciple Qianyu proud face, impressively exposed in everyone's eyes.

"Hoo Seeing this, Qi Qi, the tutor of Xiqi other hospital, was secretly relieved. And in the other major courtyard, all the people were in consternation, and some of them couldn't believe their eyes fell on Qianyu.

The most obvious reaction is that it belongs to the people of the eight major hospitals. After all, the previous news has been sent back. Liu Wuchen, the other hospital in the south of the Yangtze River, is very famous. Everyone places their hopes on the East, West, South, north, four major hospitals and Qianyu, the other hospital in the West.

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Not long ago, the chief disciples of the four Dabie schools were defeated and returned. Liu Wuchen, Jian Mingming, Ji Ruxue and their fame has reached an unprecedented height. As a result, people's hope for Qianyu has become more and more serious. They all hope that Qianyu can recover the reputation of the old school.

"Master Jiang, I'm defeated!" The arrogant Qianyu didn't pay attention to people's astonished eyes, but went straight to Xiqi other courtyard team. As soon as he bowed his body and raised his hand, he gave another salute to Jiang Shangzhong, the tutor of Xiqi college.

"Ha ha, no harm. Come back, just come back! Moreover, at the critical moment, you can make a quick decision, these disciples who can live can all read your kindness! In a word, Xiqi hospital has not suffered any loss this time. After all, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. " The tutor Jiang Shang burst out laughing and patted Qian Yu on the shoulder without any taboo.

Smell speech, thousand feather didn't reply, but in the West Qi don't the courtyard everybody appreciate of vision, full face dignified of retreat to one side of corner.

This time, the eight big bieyuan came out, and the four big bieyuan's chief disciples were still alive. Besides, Wucheng, Chonghou, Yizhou, Qiantang and so on were almost destroyed. I believe that if everyone recovers ten years of cultivation, it will be very difficult to return to the peak period of the four universities.

As a result, Xiqi bieyuan did not lose too many disciples, but became the most profitable one.

After all, as long as the chief disciple is still alive, it's only a matter of time for the other disciples to add up. As long as there are their tutors and chief disciples, their four schools will still be standing.

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The tutors of the four universities have learned about the general situation in the safe area from their disciples. For these martial arts masters, their skills are inferior to those of others. Of course, they have nothing to say. Not only that, the four of them also showed a little gratitude for being able to show mercy at the critical moment of no trace.

However, the tutors and disciples in Wucheng, Chonghou, Yizhou and Qiantang were all dead at this time, and the four teams were dead. There was no arrogance in the past.

In particular, Wu Yi, the tutor of Wu Cheng's other academy, was trembling with anger at the moment. There was no cover up for his intention to kill. He fixed his eyes on the most humble corner on one side, on the other side of Jiangnan, on the figure of his mentor Yanyu.

"Ha ha, if the martial arts tutor doesn't agree, you and I can decide later! However, if you dare to stumble on my disciples in the future, I promise to kill you in other schools in Wucheng and stab you personally to ask for a statement! "

An extremely cold voice, as if without any emotional color. The threat is not expressed in words, but is heard in the ears of the martial arts tutor of Wucheng other Academy.

"Brush!" The martial arts body of the tutor in Wucheng other college trembled in vain, and his whole body was bathed in cold sweat. Wu Yi angrily glanced at the distant and calm misty rain. The murderous intention exposed on the body gradually retreated, and some of them moved their eyes away from Yanyu's life.

Just now, the secret voice of Yanyu's life is quite different from his usual gentle appearance. In the memory of the older tutors in the universities, he was the master of this indifferent voice. With his own strength, he made the Jiangnan University become the invincible existence in the universities in Dazhou University.It is precisely because of this that Su, a student of that year, changed from worship to deep love. Most of them fell in love with each other, but they were boycotted by the major schools.

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In the end, the eight family forces intervened, forcing the northern Marquis of Jiangsu and Shanghai not to go out in person. In the end, Yanyu was hurt by the northern Hou Suhu himself, which also led to a rift between Suji and Suhu's father and daughter. Since then, Su, the tutor, has severed all relations with Suhu, the Marquis of northern earthquake. Yanyu has been disheartened all his life, and has no time to pay attention to other trivial matters. From then on, the name of other academies in the south of the Yangtze River has been reduced to the existence of Dazhou's courtyard mat.

"Teacher Yanyu, are you ok?" A beautiful female voice, like a silver bell, quietly reverberates in the ear of Yanyu's life.

"Ha ha, Shuanger, don't worry, I'm ok!" Yan Yu's anger gradually dissipated in his life, and he was once again separated from the memories of that year. Turning around, he patted Liu Shuanger's cerebellar pouch, and his breath became extremely peaceful again.

"Oh, it's OK!" Liu shuang'er blinked two smart big eyes and nodded his head. Later, he focused his eyes on the various transmission arrays in the martial arts training ground again, and prayed silently with worried but full of expectation.

"Brush!"“ Brush Only a quarter of an hour later, in the teleportation array of the martial arts field. Then there are two more teleportation arrays shining, two teleportation arrays of Qi power swept up.

The two white figures gradually gathered and formed. The sword nameless and Ji Ruxue's body shape were transmitted at the same time.

"Brush!" At the same time when they just appeared, there was a transmission array beside them. The array power of the teleportation array rises again, and a fuzzy virtual shadow staggers down from the sky.

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"Plop!" A dull sound, cold echo. Immediately after that, I heard a cry of "ouch", and a blue voice all over the body rushed out of the transmission array.

The blue figure, now full of dirt and dust, is in a mess, which makes it difficult to see its true appearance.

"Damn, I'm dead! His grandmother's, just that group of guys is really too hateful, unexpectedly sneak attack my little master's chrysanthemum, fortunately my little master is wise and powerful, this is proud of my integrity! " Cyan figure full face anger, while rubbing the buttocks, one side as if no one else in general scolded.

Brush, brush, smell speech, originally intended to come forward of the sword nameless and Ji Ruxue two people, all quickly toward both sides around the green figure gallop by.

Two people two white shadow a flash and pass, light float and then fall to Jiangnan other courtyard tutor Yan Yu's life side. At this time, Yanyu's refined face showed a smile and nodded in front of a man and a woman.

"Oh, brother Wuchen, you are so shameful!" In Jiangnan other courtyard team, Liu Shuanger recognized the blue figure at a glance. After hearing the chatter of the cyan figure, the pink face turned red instantly. The red face was full of sorrow, just as the daughter-in-law complained about her beloved husband.

All around, there was silence on the huge martial arts field. All the tutors and disciples of the Dabie college swallowed their saliva and were covered with black lines. His eyes fell on the blue figure who had just regained his mind and didn't know it

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