Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 154: 154

It includes the great Zhou Dynasty, the king's capital Chaoge, the great Zhou academy and the inner courtyard martial arts training ground.

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At this time, the inner court martial arts arena was silent.

Ji wubing, President of the inner courtyard, and a group of inner courtyard tutors lined up one by one, standing one by one above the central position of the martial arts training ground, and all the surviving disciples of Tiangang 36 other courtyard were included.

As time goes by, all the array powers on the small teleportation arrays around gradually fade away. And since no trace and others sent the college, no college students escaped from the nameless desert island.

Boom, boom

A series of loud roars started from the huge arena. There are thirty-six small teleportation arrays all around, and all of them lose their luster.

The turbulent air of Xuanli gradually melted into the air, and the college tutors guarding the rear of each teleportation array all withdrew the Xuanshi and Xuanli Qi needed to maintain the teleportation array.

"Pa, PA, PA," three short sounds came quietly from the middle of the martial arts field.

I saw Ji wubing, the dean of the inner hospital, stride forward without delay, and smile a little in the face of all the students in the inner hospital. Immediately, slowly open the mouth, the voice spreads out extremely peacefully.

"Keke, the teleportation array is sealed. This time, the annual qualifying competition of the inner College of Dazhou university is officially over!"

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"Wow With the words of Ji wubing, the dean of the inner courtyard, falling, all the students on the scene were in an uproar. Some people are secretly relieved, some people are full of sadness, some people are sighing and greeting, some people are secretly happy in order to survive.

"All personnel, rest for a quarter of an hour. In a quarter of an hour, the final ranking of the annual qualifying will be announced. " A strong tutor stepped forward to take over the president Ji wubing and spoke again.

For a while, the tutors of each other's College returned to the team one after another, waiting for the final result of the qualifying examination and ranking together with the students of each courtyard below.

After a quarter of an hour, the tutor finally summarized the final results to the dean of the inner hospital, Ji wubing. After taking the jade slips in hand, Ji wubing's face was obviously mixed.

"Announce it!" President Ji wubing breathed a long breath, handed the jade slips to the side, and the strong man said softly.

"Keke, the final ranking result of the annual assessment qualifying competition will be announced next!" The strong man rushed forward and took the jade slips with both hands. Then, he scanned the whole room and read aloud.

Wen Yan. All the disciples of other schools and even the tutors at the bottom kept silent. All of them held their breath and concentrated their eyes on the center of the training ground.

"Keke, the final ranking of this year's qualifying competition, in which the first champion is another academy, but Jiangnan other Academy..."

"Wow If you say this, the martial arts field is still. Although the vast majority of people have already had some preparation in mind, when the results are really announced. Jiangnan other courtyard in people's deep-rooted impression, for a while or some people are difficult to accept!

Brush, brush, brush

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All the college tutors and the other 35 children from other schools looked at one place at the same time.

Yan Yu, a tutor dressed as a scholar, is still indifferent to the world. And behind him, traceless mouth always with a faint smile, and the side of the little girl Liu Shuanger quietly talking about something.

Sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, two people are indifferent, both a pair of people with a thousand miles away from the arrogant appearance. They were all white and looked at the center of the martial arts training ground in front of them.


The president of the inner courtyard, Ji wubing, coughed twice, and the restless crowd below quickly calmed down again. All of them were silent, waiting for the result of the examination to be announced again.

"Second place, Xiqi bieyuan!"

"Third place, Xibo bieyuan!"

"Fourth place, Dongbo bieyuan!"

"Fifth place, Nanbo bieyuan!"

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"Sixth place, Beibo bieyuan!"

"Seventh place,..."

With the announcement of Zhuang Han tutor one by one, in addition to Xiqi other hospital, which was originally ranked ninth, was promoted to the second other hospital.

Under the leadership of Huazhou and others, the four old schools in the East, West, North and South have achieved acceptable rankings.

But starting from the seventh place, Wucheng, Qiantang, Yizhou, Chonghou, four old top eight other courts have fallen out of the top ten.Finally, due to the comprehensive strength of the evaluation, the four other schools were ranked 16 to 19.

Gulu, Gulu

When the final ranking of other schools was announced to be over, the tutors and students on and off the martial arts field all sighed. This year, the sudden rise of the other courtyards in Jiangnan and the counterattack of the Jedi led to the confrontation of the original nine courtyards. This also makes the four character signboard of Jiangnan bieyuan once again deeply engraved in everyone's heart.

"Later, please come to Dean Ji wubing to get the final resource award of this assessment." Zhuang Han's tutor announced the result in one breath and hesitated to look at Ji wubing.

"Cough, you have been working hard in the examination! I don't want to take up too much of your time. I'm announcing the last thing, and you can go back to another hospital to have a rest! " Dean Ji no disease clear throat, slowly step out a step, said with a smile.

"Ha ha, next, there are less than a few months. The six colleges competition, jointly participated by the Six Dynasties, will be held in the Zhou Dynasty

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"Wow Hearing the speech, the whole audience was in an uproar again, and everyone swept away the haze before. Each face is excited and listens to the next announcement of Dean Ji wubing.

"Ha ha, our six colleges have always been competing with each other. And the results of all previous years of Dazhou college are well known, and they have been ranked in the third, fourth and middle reaches all the time! "

"This time, according to the comprehensive results of the annual qualifying competition, our college will send five students to the competition!"

"Jiangnan bieyuan, liuwuchen, Jianming, Ji Ruxue, Xiqi bieyuan Qianyu, Xibo bieyuan Huacong..."

"These five students will be the contestants of our university. The contest of the six colleges is related to the rise and fall of the Zhou Dynasty and the distribution of resources in the future! Therefore, in the next few months, the tutors of the above three other colleges must try their best to teach the five students, and go to the exchange office of the college to exchange all the resources they belong to

"Our goal in this fight is to protect the three and fight for the two. If you are expected to make further progress, I hope that all the people in our hospital will do their best to help you. I believe that at that time, even his majesty Ji Huang will personally receive you.... "

A sonorous and powerful words, slightly provocative to reveal the truth. Ji Huang is the supreme existence in the Zhou Dynasty, and is the spiritual symbol of the whole people. I don't know how many generations of Chou students dream of getting an interview with Ji Huang.

Therefore, the words of Dean Ji wubing instantly ignited the enthusiasm of all the students present. All the students of Tiangang No.36 college are burning with envy and envy, and they fall on the top five players who have won the qualification of the competition, such as no trace, sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, Qianyu, Huacong and Yigan.... < br > all the students of Tiangang No.36 college are envious and envious

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