Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 155: 155

Dazhou college, inner courtyard martial arts field.

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After a follow-up announcement, all the major hospitals dispersed. No trace and so on a line of four people, also under the envious eyes of the surrounding crowd, calmly returned to the Jiangnan other courtyard.

In the other courtyard of Jiangnan, Yanyu looked at the three tired people in front of him all his life, but he didn't say a word more. Immediately, Yan Yu nodded to Wu trace and others, turned around and walked slowly towards the other courtyard in the south of the Yangtze River.

"You three little guys, have a good rest tonight. I'll go to the exchange office and get you the reward you deserve. Three days, give you rest! Three days later, you come to see me at the stone pavilion in the courtyard! "

"Eh, three days later..."

"Ha ha, master Yanyu, are you ready to teach us martial arts?"

"Master Yanyu, it seems that he is really hidden!"

Wu Chen, Jian Ming, Ji Ruxue, and the three look at each other and see a smile in each other's eyes. Then, the three men quickly went back to the room to practice, in order to recover and make up for their injuries in the safe area, as well as the loss of Xuanli Qi.

In the blink of an eye, there was only Liu Shuanger, who was witty and clever. She blinked a pair of lovely and smart eyes, and looked at the disappearing figures of the people, sighing softly.

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"Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu!" The purest air of Xuanli between heaven and earth seems to be drawn at this time. It is divided into three surging and majestic air masses, which rush towards the three rooms in the courtyard of Jiangnan.

Due to the gathering of the array, the other courtyard in the south of the Yangtze River is pure and energetic. At this moment, coupled with the continuous influx of mysterious air, fragrance overflows like a continuous Jiangnan courtyard. Today, a hundred flowers are in full bloom and the birds are singing, which makes the courtyard look elegant and unique.

Boom, boom, boom

The sun rises and sets, the tide rises and sets. In the eyes of martial arts practitioners, minutes and seconds are the same as years and years. They are all fleeting existence. Only when they reach the highest level of the legendary realm can they break through the void, never die, never die, and seek eternity.

In the twinkling of an eye, the whole day passed, and Wuhen came back from his crazy practice. After the restoration of the eternal Heaven and earth resolution, no trace has completely recuperated in the room at this time.

"Sa Sa..." was another cry of begging, which came from the bottom of traceless heart.

"Ha ha, little earthworm. You are so greedy With a faint smile, a storage ring appeared on the palm of the hand.

"Sa Sa..." a burst of excited huff and puff came from the traceless room. A golden awn rushes out of the body without any trace. It plunges into the ring and disappears.

"Ha ha, traceless boy, how did you suddenly become so generous and give the remaining Xuanshi to the earthworm?" With the sound of demon zunhuoxiao's ridicule, a red virtual shadow quickly fell on the side of no trace.

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"Ha ha, eat, eat! Money is something out of the body, and living is the most important thing. The strength of little earthworm can be increased, which is the real guarantee for my safety! " With a faint smile, Wu trace hid his storage ring in his pocket again. And on the traceless left hand, there is a rather humble silver storage ring, and in that storage ring, the mechanism puppet runs to hide in it.

"Cluck, brother no trace, teacher Yanyu told me to call you and have dinner!" A soft and beautiful female voice, like a silver bell, came quietly from outside the door.

"Ha ha, it's coming, it's coming!" Smell speech, demon zunhuoxiao quickly remove the house imposed by the ban. No trace then quickly steps to open the door, along with Liu Shuanger came to the living room.

On the living room, the life of teacher Yanyu, sword nameless, Ji Ruxue and the whole hospital are listed. And a table of delicacies, is extremely rich and incomparable. Straight teach a person to take a look will appetite, really want to go up immediately bite!

"Eh, shuang'er, why are the dishes so rich today? Your skill is obviously on the rise!" No trace full of doubts, pulled a chair and swaggered down.

"Hee hee, brother traceless, it's not Shuanger's skill! The dishes on this table are all cooked by master Yanyu himself! "

"Gulu, Gulu..."

As soon as he said this, he was not only surprised, but also shocked by Ji Ruxue, Jian Mingming, who had always been cold to others. Some of them couldn't believe it and looked at Yanyu all their lives.

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"Ha ha, these are the flesh of the mysterious beast, and all of them contain the mysterious Qi of heaven and earth. After eating, not only will it not affect your practice, but it will supplement a certain amount of Xuanqi to give you what you need according to your own absorption degree! " Yanyu's life was like nothing happened, ignoring the surprise of people's eyes. While taking out three storage pockets from his arms, he urged the crowd impatiently."Well, good, good!"

Seeing this, the three of them no longer spoke much. They picked up their chopsticks one after another and began to nibble at the food in front of them, which contained mysterious Qi. With the delicacy of the food, the mysterious Qi swam on the tip of their tongue, and in an instant, it entered the body of the people and was absorbed and swallowed by them. No trace just feel a burst of cool pleasure in the body, and the delicious food in the mouth seems to have become a rare delicacy in the world.

"Hee hee, master Yanyu has taught me how to cook! In the future, brother no trace, you can eat food with Xuanqi every day! " Liu shuang'er's face is full of happiness and winks at Wu Chen and others.

"These are the college's awards for you. Each of you has one!" With that, Yanyu handed the three storage pockets to the three people.

Sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, two people did not look. He continued to eat the food in front of him and put his storage pocket into his bag.

It is to have no trace full face curiosity, probe into divine sense to investigate. A bag of medium-grade basaltic stones, no less than a hundred pieces, impressively reflected into the traceless eyes.

"Keke..." after looking at it, Wu trace coughed a little. His heart moved, and he threw the storage bag into his arms without hesitation.

"Sasa, add food, master, you are so kind to me!" A burst of joyful huff and puff sound came, and the little earthworm triangle head in the storage ring swayed and exulted. Facing the storage pocket that had just been thrown in front of him, he swallowed it up impolitely.

Pa Pa, pa pa pa

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At the same time, the tutor Yanyu Jiangnan took out eight embroidered dragon posts with different colors from his arms.

"Red, orange, gold, green, green, blue, purple, white?" Sword nameless eyebrow slightly a pick, doubt of turn an eye eight posts on the table.

"Oh, my God. Isn't it possible that the eight princes of the great Zhou Dynasty and the eight princes of the great Zhou Dynasty were able to use their own royal calligraphy? " No trace seems to understand what happened in an instant. He looks at the tutor Yanyu in surprise all his life.

"Eight big, Prince..." Ji such as snow complexion a cold, put down the bowl chopsticks in the hand, eyesight, time become a lot of gloomy.

"Ha ha, you three little guys are really hot now!"

"The eight invitation cards were indeed sent by the eight princes! I don't know whether it's a coincidence or an intention. It's all delivered this afternoon! The content of the invitation is the same, three days later, please go to the banquet... "Teacher Yanyu's life is like nothing, gloating.

Smell speech, no trace, sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, including the little girl Liu Shuanger, all eyes at the same time a change, an unknown premonition have poured on the hearts of the four people< br>

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