Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 156: 156

The great Zhou Dynasty and the eight princes sent out the invitation at the same time, and the time of the banquet was at the same time. There is no doubt that this is forcing Wu Chen and others to take a superficial stand.

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Since ancient times, factional disputes have been cruel for a long time. Especially for the royal family. Today, the great Zhou Dynasty has always been ruled by Ji Huang, and the small and medium-sized princes of the nine princes never ask about political affairs, and the position of the crown prince naturally falls to the eight princes.

Although the eight princes were led by the first Prince Ji Guo and the second prince Ji Yun, they were divided into two parties. But in the hearts of the other six princes, they never gave up the pursuit of imperial power.

Although the struggle for imperial power is very small, if we can get the support of another court, it will enhance the prestige of the princes.

On the surface, Wu Chen and others are hot and popular, but once they wait for the public to make a choice, they will choose to be enemies with the other seven princes at the same time.

Therefore, no matter what choices Wu Chen and others make, the final outcome will be a scapegoat.

"Teacher Yanyu, what do you think of this?" Traceless complexion dignified, secretly looked at the opposite sitting Yanyu life light asked.

On one side, the sword was nameless, as if no one was eating the food on the plate. It seemed that he didn't pay attention to the hot potato at all. And ice beauty Ji Ruxue is even more at a loss, from beginning to end is not even look at the invitation on the table. It is a small wench Liu Shuanger a pair of worried appearance, the facial expression is concentrating to wait for the reply of Yan Yu's whole life.

"Ha ha, I'm just a poor scholar. It's none of my business how to choose you for the royal family, and I'll take part in it Tutor Yanyu's life is easy to smile, a pair of irrelevant high hanging appearance. All of a sudden, the question of no trace was completely sealed up, which made no trace full of displeasure and displeasure.

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"Brother nameless, sister Ruxue, why don't you two seem to be worried at all? What should we do? " Liu shuang'er's eyes are slightly red, and she asks quietly towards the two people who are still eating.

"Hum, if you want to come, let them come. If you want me to see them, there's no way!" Sword nameless cold hum a, the tone is full of overbearing sharp return way.

"I love you, but I won't choose anyone!" Ji such as snow disdain of white without mark one eye, voice still cold of spread out.

"Cough, cow. You two guys, one is better than the other! Let the eight princes take the initiative to woo us. Why are you so cheeky? " No trace a burst of cough, almost choked to death on the spot in the past. Looking at Ji Ruxue and sword nameless, he was not afraid of heaven and earth. No matter what, he couldn't get angry.

"Ha ha, on the surface, you will die miserably. If you don't take a superficial stand, maybe you can live longer. To be alone is the king's way. However, it's necessary to pay a proper visit... "Yanyu explained to Wuhen and others with a smile.

"Eh, teacher Yanyu, you mean we want to visit the eight princes separately, but we don't take a superficial stand..." Wu trace's eyes turned and asked teacher Yanyu quietly all his life.

"Ha ha, I didn't say anything!" Teacher Yanyu laughed all his life, got up, turned his head and walked out of the hall.

"I'll go out!" Ji Ruxue stands up and leaves everyone behind. Then she rushes out of the hall.

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For a moment, there were only no trace, sword nameless, Liu Shuanger and eight golden Royal invitation cards left in the hall.

Dangdang, Dangdang

Another quarter of an hour passed until the dinner was almost finished. There was a gentle knock on the door, which sounded quietly from outside the hall.

"Who is it?" Liu shuang'er, a little girl, got up quickly and jumped to the side door outside the hall.

"Wow!" As soon as the door opened, a strong young man flashed in. Before Liu Shuanger could react, he quickly closed the side door again.

"Eh, brother Shi Lei, you scared me to death!" After Liu shuang'er saw the face of the visitor, he let go of his heart.

"Brother Liu, where is it?" Shi Lei's expression is obviously a little anxious. He stands at the side door and looks into the hall.

"Ha ha, I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you, brother Shi Lei?" At this time, no trace and sword nameless two people have both walked out of the hall, after seeing the appearance of Shi Lei clearly, they all put down their heart.

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"Brother Liu, there's something important. I think you should know..." Shi Lei didn't smile, but his expression was very dignified. Quietly quickly on the front and back, low voice, mysterious to no trace quietly back.

At the same time, Shi Lei took out a secret letter from his arms and quietly delivered it to the traceless body."Ha ha, what makes you so nervous, brother Shi Lei?" Traceless light smile, gently received the secret letter in the hands of Shi Lei. Eyes gently in the above a sweep, smile expression instant will be rigid solidification in the spot.

"No trace?" On one side, Jian Mingming noticed the strangeness of no trace and quickly glanced at the contents of the secret letter. But after Jianming saw what was written in the secret letter clearly, his face was extremely gloomy and cold.

"Eh, brother Wuchen and brother nameless, what's the matter with you?" Liu shuang'er, a little girl, stepped forward quickly and peeped at the secret letter.

"Brush!" Only a few breath between, Liu Shuanger smart eyes instantly become red up. The hot tears, like no money in general, could not stop a force down to die out.

"Wuwu, no, it's not true, it's not true!" After choking for a long time, Liu Shuanger finally cried out. Liu shuang'er conceals his face and weeps. He looks at Shi Lei in disbelief. And the Shi Lei of one side is full of face apology, dare not go to look directly at Liu Shuang son to ask of vision.

"Brush!" A strange red awn, quietly flying out. Demon zunhuoxiao virtual shadow appears at the side of no trace, staring at the secret letter in no trace's hand, the ethereal body shape is also a sudden tremor.

"Brother Shi, when did you receive this letter?" No trace body is full of chill, voice quite shivering cold voice asked.

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"Well, the letter was written by my father himself, and there is no doubt about its authenticity. When you receive this secret letter, it's time for you to participate in the annual qualifying. After I arrive, you have entered the nameless desert island... "Shi Lei sighed softly, and replied solemnly to no trace.

"Brother Shi, thank you for your kindness! This matter has nothing to do with you any more! Shemei, please take care of it for a while. During this time, I'm going back to Andong city! "

"Brush!" As the voice of no trace fell, the secret letter in no trace's hand quickly ignited a fire. In a flash, the flame burned the secret letter.

"Brother Liu, don't be impulsive! Keep the green hills, don't worry about firewood! " Shi Lei full road anxious color, speak sincerely to no trace comfort way.

"Brother Shi, I've made up my mind. It's useless to say more. Tonight, I will go back to Andong city to find a real one Traceless complexion is extremely ugly. His handsome eyes are full of killing spirit. His whole body is full of killing spirit. At this time, his temperament is quite different from that of the past.

See, Shi Lei no longer more words, once again looked at the traceless eyes, there is a faint sense of fear. And one side Liu shuang'er had already cried for tears, and suddenly fainted on the spot because of grief.

"An Dong Cheng..." the whole body is icy cold, the sword full of killing intention is nameless, the cold light in the eye twinkles, lightly strides to stand side by side with no trace to a place< br>

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