Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 157: 157

"The city of Andong has changed dramatically. Yu's family joined hands with the city leader's house to destroy all the Liu's family. Including the ancestors of the Liu family, none of the thousands of people in the Liu family survived. In the swaying wind and rain, my stone family is on the verge of collapse. Laozu decided that our Shi family would withdraw from Andong city temporarily today. I will contact you when the staff is settled down. If you see the letter like a face, please don't go back. Remember that... "

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A secret letter from the stone family in Andong city completely disrupted the traceless mood. Wu Chen thought that after the competition among the six colleges, he would return home with Shuanger to visit his relatives.

At that time, there was the gold signboard of Dazhou college. The Liu family will be able to revive and become the largest family in Andong city.

And whether it's Yu family or Lord Xu Jin, at that time, they will retreat and dare not go forward.

But who would have thought that it was such a sudden secret letter that completely disrupted the overall plan of no trace. Liu's family was destroyed, and more than a thousand people's lives were involved in vain. Maybe for no trace, he can ignore others. But Liu's mother and the ancestors of the Liu family are close relatives. If they were really killed, no trace would not hesitate to go back to the end of the world.

Even if the current Andong city is in danger, even if it's a tiger's Den

"No trace!" Sword nameless body's killing intention gradually dissipates, once again restored to the former cold appearance. Patted lightly to have no mark of shoulder head, slightly take placate of open mouth to call a way.

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"Nameless, even you want to persuade me to stay?" Traceless cold smile, Jun Lang's face is full of cold. The tone seemed to be extremely ironic, and the coldness reached the unknown ear of the sword.

"Ha ha, if you don't go back, I don't think we even have to be brothers in the future! Now that you have decided, I'll follow you on the road! " Sword nameless cold face, unexpectedly a strange smile like self mockery. Think of their own experience, and now no trace is how similar. Think of so, sword nameless heart is a pain, looking at the traceless eyes, eyes more resolute a few minutes.

"Nameless!" Traceless head down with a smile, two lines of tears unconsciously from the eyes. Immediately, the body without trace trembles suddenly a Zheng, the whole person once again restored some normality.

"Eh, no trace boy, I noticed that there was a hidden resentment in your body. Maybe this is the obsession left by Liu Wu trace in his previous life. Perhaps, if you return to Andong city and take revenge for the Liu family, you can get rid of this resentment completely... "The rough voice of demon zunhuoxiao rings out again, and the tone reverberates in traceless mind as gently as possible.

"Old demon, I think you understand! From the moment I came to this world, I am Liu Wuchen, and Liu Wuchen is me! Even without Liu Wuchen's persistent resentment, I will take revenge on Liu's family! " As soon as his face sank, the words in his mind were unprecedentedly solemn. Every bit of the past with Liu's mother and Liu's ancestors, like fermentation, is quickly amplified in the bottom of my heart.

On one side, demon zunhuoxiao's face was embarrassed for a while. The ethereal shadow opened his mouth, but he didn't say a word again.

"Brother Shi, shuang'er, I'll ask you this time!" Traceless slowly back to God, toward Shi Lei solemn bow.

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"Alas, brother Liu, don't worry. I will take care of miss Shuanger. I will never let her leave Jiangnan other courtyard." Shi Lei is aware of the determination of no trace, so he has no choice but to speak.

"Nameless, I'm afraid there will be some danger when I go to Andong city this time..." no trace sweeps Liu Shuanger who faints on the ground and looks back at Jian nameless again.

"Ha ha, it's useless to say more. I only know you as a brother, that's enough! " Sword nameless smile, toward no trace gently shook his head.

"Good!" See, no trace just feel a warm heart. There is no need to talk about a guy like Jianming who is cold outside and warm-hearted at times. A raise of hands, a lift of feet, a look, a brother, enough!

"No trace, when will we start?" Sword nameless shook to shake the whole body white robe on the body, softly utter a speech, once again open mouth to ask a way.

"Leave now!" No trace is not polite. He sweeps the sword beside him and returns quickly. Then, the Xuanli Qi of the two men rose up at the same time, and the momentum of the later cultivation of the combined soul state was released without reservation.

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"Brush!"“ Brush The two figures galloped out as fast as the wind, and disappeared into the dark night like two streamers.

Jiangnan other courtyard, rippling blue waves, very quiet water slightly shaking. In the reflection of the moonlight, the tutor Yanyu's body is clear and visible, and appears on the white jade Pavilion.

In the distance, on the way of the inner courtyard, the two mysterious forces flashed away, which made all the disciples around the courtyard nervous. They let go of their consciousness and began to explore around. For a long time, all the students put away their divine consciousness one after another and got nothing.At this time, Dazhou college and other colleges picked stars and other colleges.

Su Ji, the charming teacher, suddenly stood up. Beside Su Ji's tutor, there is a girl in white with a beautiful face and cool momentum. It is Ji Ruxue who left the other courtyard in Jiangnan before.

"Brush!" Feel the two fleeting Xuanli gas, Ji Ruxue suddenly jumped from the seat. The face of Leng Yan is full of chill, and he looks towards the other courtyard in the south of the Yangtze River with some doubts.

"Well, you also noticed that it must be the two little guys! But strange, there are teachers in Yanyu, they can never have an accident! What's more, the people who can hurt them in the inner courtyard don't exist Tutor Su already full face doubts, stare at Ji such as snow soft voice inquiry to ask a way.

"I don't know! Is it difficult to become eight great princes? Ji is as heavy as snow, quickly pushes the door open and walks towards the courtyard.

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"Miss nine, wait a minute. I'll go with you. We'll take care of each other!" Su, the tutor, moved out of the courtyard.

"Tutor Su Ji, Jiangnan other college is now a sensitive period. I'm afraid it's inconvenient for you to go. Everything will be done according to our previous discussion! Now I'll go back and have a look. If there's anything difficult, I'll let Miss Shuanger tell you! " Ji Ruxue looks very calm and comforts the worried Su Ji tutor.

Smell speech, Su already tutor tiny a Leng, then quickly restore calm. Toward Ji Ruxue nodded in appreciation, eyes full of relief and relief.

"Brush!" A white light, flash away. Ji Ruxue's figure disappeared out of thin air. In such a big courtyard, she was all alone again, leaving Su already with a sad face.

At this time, in the vicinity of the Da Zhou BIE yuan, there were dozens of figures disappeared one after another. All the figures rushed to their respective masters, reporting the changes that had happened in vain in other courtyards in the south of the Yangtze River.... < br > all the figures went to their masters

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