Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 158: 158

Zhou Dynasty, Liaodong County, Andong City

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At this time, the old house of the Liu family had already turned into ruins. All around the high walls still stood, but they all became the color of black ashes.

Around the old residence of the Liu family, there are still thirty or fifty people who are idly guarding it. And along the block around the old residence of Liu family, even the passers-by became rare and disappeared. It seems that this place has been reduced to an ominous place, and everyone is deliberately bypassing it.

"Cough, there are fifty-six people in the periphery, all of them are the minions who are less than nine times the day after tomorrow. There are several people in the house who build soul realm and cultivate martial arts, but they are not worth mentioning. One of them, he hunjing, was in charge in the early days. I think he must have been the overlord in Andong city. Although he conceals very cleverly, but still can't escape my divine sense to pursue Outside the old residence of the Liu family, a cold young man in white with a heavy sword on his back whispered to a gloomy young man.

"Hoo Traceless long breath, the cold on the body more fierce a few minutes. Looking at the ashes of Liu's old house, I felt a deep pain in my heart.

"Traceless boy, you've all come. You'd better go in and have a look!" The voice of demon zunhuoxiao is a little low, echoing in traceless mind.

"Brush!" A green shadow flashed out, and the traceless body leaped over the high wall and into the old house of Liu family.

Seeing this, the sword on one side didn't hesitate, and the air of Xuanli in the body moved slightly. The whole person then turned into a white awn, followed quietly into the old house.

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Around the old house, those lazy servants are still leaning against the courtyard wall and looking around with sleepiness.

In the old residence of the Liu family, an eye-catching big earth bag almost occupied the whole courtyard. Obviously, the courtyard at this time seems to have become a grave for thousands of people. The high earth bag was full of ashes, which made people feel a chill in their heart.

"Er, what a big resentment..." a strange red light flashed out, and the demon zunhuoxiao looked at the earth bag in front of him and sighed softly.

"No trace, maybe your family members are all abandoned here..." the sword's nameless face is as deep as water, and the chill on his body is even colder. The Epee on his back trembled slightly, as if in response to the indignation in his heart.


"Who's coming?"

"Who is so bold, dare to break into my home territory!"

A disorderly cry came, and a full six middle and late martial artists of soul building came out of the narrow empty space around the courtyard. While the six warriors appeared, in a hidden dark corner, a burly middle-aged man's figure trembled after seeing his traceless face.

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"Ha ha, Yu's territory?" Traceless cold smile, cold and gloomy eyes swept. In an instant, the bodies of the six people who built the soul realm trembled, and a sense of fear from the bottom of their hearts spread all over their bodies.

"Boy, who are you, exactly?" A middle-aged man with the appearance of cultivation in the later period of building soul realm stammered at Wu trace with courage.

"Well, are you from Yu's family?" No trace cold hum a, eyes dead stare at the opposite middle-aged man sternly ask a way.

"Is..." opposite the middle-aged man's body a quiver, subconsciously speak to open to return a way.

"Poof!" Just a light sound, the middle-aged man on the opposite side of the neck will spray out a blood column. Then, there was a dull plop, and the middle-aged man who had just spoken with his eyes wide open. Obviously, he was extremely unwilling to die on the spot.

All the people on the scene trembled, and a sense of fear surged up and down the whole body. Just a sudden scene, people not only did not see who was the hand, even the opposite two teenagers half of the Xuanli fluctuations are not aware of.

This is the case between people. When the strength is similar or there is a big difference, maybe there will be a fluke. They are prepared to fight hard, but once the gap is widened, it will be far away. People's fighting spirit will be destroyed in an instant, and even a trace of resistance will not arise.

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"What happened to the Liu family? Tell the truth or you may not die! Otherwise, you will end up like him! " The sword, which has always been silent, seems to have changed. Cold eyes stare at the remaining five people on the scene, and the cold voice completely destroys the last defense line of the five people.

"I said," I said, please let me go! "

"Two months ago, the principal of Lingbao business, Shangguan yundun, was urgently transferred to another place. The reason is unknown. So Yu Kui, the owner of my family, discussed with Xu Jin to seize this opportunity! ""The Lius and Lius were exterminated by the city Lord's office and Yujia together. The charges are that the city leader Xu Yining and our Yu family are much less than Ding Yi. They may have been injured by the people of the Liu family... "

"There are more than a thousand people in the Liu family, all of them are dead, no one is alive!"

"Yes, we all saw it with our own eyes. At that time, the ancestors of the Liu family detonated their own spirits, and the Lord of the city and my family were both injured... "

The answer is like a heavy hammer. You are not polite, there is no room, hard hit on the bottom of the heart without trace.

"It's possible..." Wu Chen's face was very gloomy, and his body trembled. After listening to the brief narration of the five people on the scene, Wu trace was more difficult to control the killing intention in his heart.

"Well, shut up! Look at each of you, what's your system With a cold hum, a strong middle-aged man's figure flashed out in the old residence of the Liu family, and a face-to-face confrontation happened to come with the angry traceless.

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"Liu Zongyi?" No trace looked at the middle-aged man, his heart could not help but tremble. Before that, there was a handwritten letter from Shi Lei's father, as well as the confession of five people who were just present. It shows that more than a thousand people of the Liu family died. How could Liu Zongyi, the owner of the Liu family, appear in the old residence of the Liu family at this time.

"No trace, he is the early warrior in the spirit realm hidden in the dark before!" See no trace surprised look, sword nameless fear no trace was angry dizzy head. Hastily whispered sound to no trace, the results of their previous exploration again reminded.

"Ha ha, you dare to come back! Just in time, I'll clean up the door by the way. All this is because of your reasons, will lead to the destruction of my Liu family! Now, there is no Liu family in Andong City, and I am not Liu Zongyi. From now on, I will be the leader of the city, Xu Jin, and the head of the soldiers, Xu Zongyi! " Liu Zongyi burst into a rage, staring at no trace and scolding.

"Bah, clean up the door? You deserve it Smell speech, no trace can no longer hide the anger in the heart, the whole body Xuanli gas crazy surge. Continuous Road, like misty rain, Jiangnan misty rain sword artistic conception released without reservation.

The soft and piercing chill blocked every corner of Liu's old residence, so that Xuanli could not escape.

On the other side, Liu Zongyi's body shakes, and he is bound by the invisible pressure released by traceless. He has no ability to move if he wants to resist. The five members of Yu's family in the courtyard were all shocked, too scared to say a word, and stupidly stunned on the spot< br>

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