Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 159: 159

All around, the courtyard is continuous and hazy, like misty rain, enveloping the abandoned old residence of Liu family in Andong city.

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The endless meaning of the cold sword filled the whole Liu family mansion. No trace step forward slowly, toward the opposite is locked up liuzongyi cold walk.

"Evil son, you, you can't kill me, I, I'm your second uncle!" Liu Zongyi felt the terror of no trace, and began to beg for mercy.

"Well, you betrayed my Liu family? Will it make the city Lord's house unite with Yu's home and kill our Liu family easily? " No trace face no expression, voice extremely cold echo.

All the people present, including Liu Zongyi, were shocked. An irresistible fear seemed to crush them all. No longer able to bear the strong mental pressure, Liu Zongyi looked soft and plopped down on the ground.

"Oh, yes, it's me! My father oppressed me, and you, the evil son, seized the throne. I, Liu Zongyi, will be elevated by you sooner or later. Unfortunately, my son died. You must have something to do with it. Since I'm going to abdicate sooner or later, it's better for me to start first! "

"Ha ha, you see, all the people of the Liu family are dead now. Liu Zongyi is still alive. I'm the soldier chief of the city Lord's mansion. I'm a member of the official family of the Zhou Dynasty. If you kill me, you'll all be wanted... "Liu Zongyi laughs, and his face is obviously in a state of madness. His eyes were fixed on him, and he screamed, hysterical and ferocious.

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"I only ask you, is my mother still alive?" No trace pressure heart anger, eyes staring at Liu Zongyi, word by word solemnly asked.

At the same time, I saw no trace cold eyes suddenly strange flash across a red awn. The red light flashed away, but the figure of Liu Zongyi on the opposite side was obviously trembling. Later, Liu Zongyi's expression seemed to be a little dull. He opened his mouth like a machine and said, "she is no longer the Liu family. Before he left, the principal of Lingbao business, Shangguan yundun, took her away with him. He said, "yes, someone wants to see her. Only Laozu knows about this. He just told me about it..."

"Hoo After hearing what Liu Zongyi said, the nerve without trace was obviously relaxed. If Liu's mother is really taken away by Shangguan yundun, at least it means that she has escaped the disaster. As for who Shangguan yundun took Liu Mu to see, he will know when he sees Shangguan yundun in the future. Moreover, with the subtle relationship between Wuchen and Lingbao, it is not difficult to find Shangguan yundun.

"Traceless boy, I used my spirit to him. He answered the question after the fantasy I created. There's no need to question its authenticity! " Demon zunhuoxiao voice obviously some tired, quietly echoed in traceless mind.

"Thank you, old demon No trace after listening to heart in vain a warm, learned that Liu mother peace after mood obviously also relaxed a lot. However, when Wu trace's cold eyes swept the thousand people pit in the eye courtyard, the benevolent face of Liu's ancestors echoed in his mind again.

"Don't, don't kill me, I'm your second uncle!" The color of confusion in Liu Zongyi's eyes gradually faded away, and the whole person seemed to come back at once. Two eyes in the eyes drip straight turn, again to no trace sincerely beg for mercy.

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"Well, you'd better keep these words and say them to your ancestors." No trace cold hum, slowly closed the cold eyes. Then, the cold sword in the old house of Liu family moved in vain. Liu Zongyi, including the five warriors who built the soul realm, was instantly engulfed by the artistic conception of Jiangnan sword.

In the misty rain of the south of the Yangtze River, the vitality of the six people disappeared in a flash. Six people even did not have time to hum a, then instantly into pieces, dissipated in the cold wind, leaving a pool of bright red blood.

"No trace, it seems your mother is safe! Maybe that's the will of God, and you don't have to blame yourself too much! What are we going to do next? " Sword nameless tight frown also slightly relaxed some, to the side of no trace quietly voice comfort way.

"Nameless, I'm going to stay at home. I'll pay for my blood debt! You have to work hard. Help me go to the Lord's mansion and keep an eye on the Lord Xu Jin. Don't let the old boy steal away. Also, don't do it for me. I must get it back by myself... "Wu trace thought for a moment, and looked at the sword beside him with a smile. While conditioning clear arrangements, while a long spit in the chest of that group of resentment.

"Well, be careful, then I'll wait for you in the Lord's mansion!" The sword is nameless and doesn't say anything. He nods to traceless. Then, a white shadow galloped up and ran to the direction of the city Lord's mansion.

"Laozu, after I take the heads of the two culprits, I'll pay homage to your old man!" No trace plops a kneel to fall in front of thousand person pit, solemn its matter of utter an oath way. Then Wu Chen stood up with his knees straight. His body turned into a streamer and flew out of the old house of the Liu family.Andong city is the most prosperous and rich core area. It is the home of the largest family in the east city of an today.

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At midnight, a cage of moonlight was covered by a dark cloud. In the depth of the mansion, there was silence. All the servants on patrol and on guard were sleepy. They were all responsible for their duties.

"Boom!" A deafening roar came from the main hall of the mansion. Then, the fire burst out around Yu's mansion, and everyone woke up from deep sleep.

Brush, brush, brush

The air of Xuanli rises in all directions from Yujia mansion. Countless figures all dare to come at the first time, and the strong one of Yu's family immediately occupies the big house of Yu's family.

"Well, who's furtive?"

"Who dares to break into my house?"

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"Bah, thief, get out of here!"

A disorderly cry, in the blink of an eye in the house will be more than a hundred Daowu figure. Most of them are about the strength of the realm of moving soul, and there are no less than ten ways to build soul. Then, a large number of the day after tomorrow's nine within the territory of the family will rush in, will be in the home of the big house to a tight encirclement.

"Cough..." after two light coughs, a confused sound of footsteps sounded. Accompanied by the crowd, Yu Kui, the owner of the Yu family, came to the courtyard without delay.

"Boom!" I saw that Yu Kui, the owner of the family, released his Xuanli Qi without reservation. At the beginning of the soul state, the state of cultivation momentum, thick and thin surging out. In a flash, Yu Kui's divine consciousness occupied the entire Yu family mansion, coldly searching for the location of the intruder.

"Suddenly A sharp cold wind blows, and the figure of a young man in Green comes out without any sign. I saw a flash of cold light on the young man's waist, and a bright silver sword was held in his hand. The handsome face in green clothes was full of cold color, and there was not a trace of Xuanli's air leaking out. Although the appearance of the whole person seems peaceful like water, it always makes people have a kind of fear from the heart!

"You, you are, Liu, Wu, trace..." opposite, Yu's mansion was silent. All of them couldn't believe it. They stared at the young man in green with the silver sword in front of them. However, Yu Kui, the owner of the family, was overjoyed. He looked at the young man in green across the street and cried out with ecstasy< br>

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