Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 160: 160

In the middle of the night, it was dark.

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At this time, the lights on and off the house of Andong city were bright, and all the servants, the family members and even the children of the collateral families came to the house, and surrounded the three floors inside and outside the house.

"Liu Wuhen, didn't you go to the king's capital to sing? Why did you come back so soon? Were you kicked out by Dazhou college? Or did you not join the University at all? " Yu Kui, the owner of the Yu family, has an uncertain complexion. He stares at the cold and stern no trace in front of him and questions one after another.

"Well, Yu Kui, let me ask you. Do you and the city leader Xu Jin have any concrete evidence to destroy our Liu family? " No trace cold hum, the silver sword is no trace in the hands of pinch more tightly.

"Ha ha, joke! Ignorant children, in this city of Andong. The Lord of the city is heaven. He said that your Liu family is the murderer of my son. There is the murderer! In other words, no, it has to be! " Yu kuilang, the owner of the family, laughs and makes a noise. On the other hand, the children of Yu's family and some of their collateral branches all showed a sly smile, and their eyes were as fierce as those of Wu Chen.

"Ha ha, good! Yu Kui, it depends on your logic. Whoever has a hard fist in Andong city is the king's law! "

"Ha ha, the law of the jungle is the law of the jungle, and the law of the king is the law of the jungle." After hearing the question, Yu Kui burst out laughing. At this time, Yu Kui's heart is incomparably light. Before, he was worried that one day he would return without trace, which would cause unnecessary trouble to their home and the city master's mansion! But now this trash boy came back in this stall! This is no doubt a trap to send sheep into the tiger's mouth.

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After all, when Wuchen left Andong City, in other people's eyes, at best, it was the middle cultivation realm of moving soul realm. In less than a year, the level of soul building can be reached. However, Yu Kui, the owner of Yu's family, has stepped into the spirit realm and become the existence of the spirit Master of the spirit realm. It's easy to deal with a little boy who builds the spirit realm.

"Ha ha, Yu Kui, that is to say. Today, if I slaughtered your family, you would not have any complaints! " Traceless calm head, a faint smile, indifferent face appears to be extremely dangerous. As if from the hell of the ghost, make all the people at home have no reason to mind a tight.

"Hum, if you want to kill me at home, it depends on whether you are qualified or not!" After hearing Wu trace's words, Yu Kui was obviously a little annoyed. Yu Kui suddenly waved his hand and looked at the people around him.

For a moment, the children of Yu's family, as well as some collateral branches, urged Xuanli to come forward. Dozens of the later martial arts of moving soul realm and the middle and later strong ones of building soul realm attack one after another, and attack and kill Wu trace who is carrying a silver sword on the opposite side.

"Weak, too weak, too weak!" Only a low and clear voice was heard, which spread all over the noisy courtyard in an instant.

"Suddenly A cold wind blew by, and suddenly a misty sword like misty rain appeared in the courtyard.

In the air, dozens of strong men who took the lead in running for no trace came. At this time, they were as if they had been pointed on acupoints. They were so stunned that they could not move any more.

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"Well, is this the power of artistic conception in legend?" In the rear, Yu Kui, the owner of the family, retreated vigorously, and all the guards on both sides were busy retreating.

"Death A voice of indifference echoed in the heart of everyone present at the same time. Then, I saw that more than ten martial artists who were bound by the artistic conception of Jiangnan Yanyu sword in mid air were all hanged by the artistic conception of sword in mid air at the same time.

"Suddenly." Another cold wind was blowing fiercely, and the pungent smell of blood in the courtyard suddenly surged out. The empty space in the courtyard was silent, and all the people couldn't believe it. They stared at the dozens of figures that had been hanged into pieces in the air.

"Boy, look at the people who killed me at home!" Yu Kui, the head of the Yu family, was the first to return to the spirit. At the beginning of the soul state, the Xuanli breath of the cultivation state was released without reservation. Toward the opposite face of indifference on the body of no trace, wish on the spot will no trace to tear into pieces.

After all, several masters in the middle and late period of soul building, as well as dozens of soul moving warriors, are undoubtedly the backbone of Yu's family. In this way, Yu Kui, the owner of Yu's family, will be killed. How can Yu Kui become angry with hatred.

"In the past, you destroyed all my Liu family. Today, I will slaughter you in the family! Blood debt, blood compensation, I Liu no trace at this moment, on behalf of the Liu family came to ask for debt... "No trace words more and more low, the body's killing intention is undisguised release. The terrifying artistic conception of the sword comes out from the silver sword in the hand of no trace.

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"Liu style nine swords, sword rain flying!""Liu style nine swords, streamer flying!"

With the cold voice of traceless sounded again, I saw a green shadow as bright as the stars across the sky. The sword Qi is like the drizzle falling down, which is continuously sprinkled in the courtyard below.

Poop, poop, poop

The light of the sword was scattered, and the continuous and soft Qi of the sword ran everywhere. All the people gathered in the courtyard below just felt a flash of light at the same time. Then, on the neck of every Yu family member, there appeared a sword mark as delicate and sharp as a willow leaf.

Plop, plop

The continuous hazy Yin cold sword Qi is not equal to the reaction of the family. A blood line will rush out of the body, spraying blood splashed in the courtyard.

As the figures fell one after another, more than 100 of Yu's children, who were the first ones in the courtyard, all of them didn't even have time to hum. They fell to the ground one by one, and they were all angry on the spot.

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"Lizi, dare you!" At this time, the most irritated is Yu Kui. Yu Kui's whole body is full of Xuanli Qi. It takes him a long time to catch the trace. But when he came back, the family members in the courtyard had obviously died and injured more than half of them.

"The soul of fish!" Yu Kui's quick wit made him roar. A big fish with a colorful figure of several feet flashed out of thin air and rushed to the opposite no trace.

"Ha ha, I said that if you want to kill your whole family, you will never lose your word!" Without trace a cold smile, did not rush to attack in front of the soul of the fish in the eyes.

"The moon rises with the sword and the morning glow falls with the sword!" It's also a cold and heartless words, resounding in the silent courtyard. The silver sword in Wu Chen's hand was thrown, and a bright light like the full moon appeared in the endless misty rain.

"Brush!" The full moon, like rising on the same river, suddenly burst out with dazzling brilliance. Then, the sword light of the full moon flashed away and turned into a little red glow, slanting down from the sky. A little red light is dazzling like the morning glow, and it envelops every corner of the courtyard in an instant.

Poop, poop, poop

There was a slight dull sound in the courtyard. At the same time, the shadows were penetrated by the glow, and the bright red blood columns began to spray. Then, hundreds of figures fell to the ground, and there were many black corpses in the silent courtyard

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