Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 161: 161

"Boom!" A terrible explosion, impressively from the home behind. In a hidden forbidden Dharma array, a terrible mysterious force suddenly rose.

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The smell of terror soared to the sky, and in an instant, Yu's mansion was shrouded in it. I saw an old man with white hair on his temples and wrinkled face like an eagle hook. At this time, he floated out of thin air.

"Puff, puff, puff!" At the moment of no trace's separation, the martial spirit of the fish suddenly opened his mouth. Three red, white, black, different colors of fish bubble, one after another overlap and up, the traceless body to firmly wrapped in it.

"Boy, you dare to kill more than a thousand people in my family. I'm going to hang you on the top of the city with cramps and burn you to death! " Yu Kui, the owner of the Yu family, seems to be in a state of madness. He stares at Wu trace and roars hysterically.

"Willow style nine swords, flying leaves fluttering!" A sound, if there is no, comes from the package of tricolor fish bubble. I saw a flash of cold light in the three color fish bubble, followed by the strange three color fish bubble.

Not only that, but also the sword Qi, which swings and floats like a fallen leaf, penetrates the three color bubbles at the same time. The fierce sword Qi didn't weaken at all. It went straight at the front side of the body, and the big fish's soul flew away.

"Poof!" A sword stabs out, and the flying leaves cross the whole body of the soul of the fish. Without the slightest sign, the martial spirit of the fish, who was just fierce, fluttered for several times in the blink of an eye, and then there was no sound.

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"Laozu, help me!"

"Wow A mouthful of blood was sprayed from Yu Kui's mouth. Yu Kui's face was as ugly as ashes, and he fell on his knees at the same time.

In the early period of Kuihe's soul state, the momentum of cultivation gradually dissipated, and the breath of life from his body quickly declined. The whole person's expression was obviously a little dull, and his eyes were lax for a time.

"Who dares to come to my house and do evil?" The old man who just appeared in the courtyard just saw the scene of Yu Kui's defeat. Looking at the tragic situation of no one living in the four horizontal fields of Yu's mansion, the old man's whole body was locked on the traceless body without any exposure.

"Ha ha, Yu's father? I don't know if you're part of the Liu family Traceless faint smile, eyes staring at the opposite old man. In the later period of the whole body soul realm, the cultivation prestige spread out, and resisted all the killing ideas released by the old man.

"Yes, I'm Yu Ying, the ancestor of my family! No matter who you are, you must die! " Yu's ancestors looked at the corpses of Yu's family, and then at Yu Kui, the owner of Yu's family, who was almost abandoned. The whole body was covered with colorful brilliance, and the whole person was covered by this strange light.

"Brush!" A sense of terror to kill, undisguised from the multicolored light will rush out. At this time, the old man's upper body remained the same, but his lower body was completely transformed into a fish body. The thick and long colorful fish tail suddenly shakes, and the air of Xuanli around the old man is obviously several times higher than before.

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The colorful brilliance sets off the world, and two transparent bubbles appear on the old man's palms in vain. As the old man waved his arms together, strange blisters, like eyes, rushed from all directions to the traceless body.

"Willow style nine swords, catkins all over the sky!" All the sword Qi curled up and turned into pieces of catkins falling down. The silver light flashed by, and the catkins all over the sky turned into a light shield, which covered the traceless body firmly.

Bang bang, Bang Bang

Strange bubbles scattered in all directions, at the moment of touching the light of catkins. The terrible air of Xuanli ignited and burst instantly, shaking the whole Yu's mansion for three times!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

Willow catkins are used to protect the body. There is no trace in the sword Qi. The grain silk is still standing in the same place. And the surging burst of Xuanli's gas, then into a hot red, scattered.

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In a flash, on top of the houses built around the mansion, all of them burst into flames one after another. The fire was extremely fierce. In the blink of an eye, it lit up all the land boundary houses where Yu's family lived.

"Ah, ah

"Run, run

"Fire, fire!"

Andong City, the most prosperous area, is the place where people from home live. As the air of the terrible Xuanli explodes, it rises with the burning flames. Some weak martial arts practitioners in Yu's family, as well as their family members and servants, are all enveloped in this strange flame. Under the air of terrifying Xuanli, without the standard of later cultivation, they can't escape from this sea of fire. This means that it is very difficult for anyone to get the chance of survival within the scope of home settlement.

"Boy, you are so cruel!" On the other side, Yu's ancestors, who had shaped their bodies and fishtails, were staring at each other with red eyes. As the eyes can kill people, at this time of no trace afraid is already dead thousands of times."Ha ha, I'm afraid it's you! I didn't do anything. I was just defending myself! Everything in front of you is based on the premise that you want to kill me! If you want to blame them, blame them for their cruel and cruel ancestors With a faint smile and a soft voice, Wu trace shakes his silver sword. A pure light of the sword flashed out and rushed to the opposite Yu's father, who rushed away fiercely.

"Hum!" Yu's grandfather was full of anger, and his lower body was thick and long, and his fishtail was suddenly thrown. A terrible Xuanli rushed out of the body, and drew the sword Qi from the opposite side.

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Only a dull sound of "pa" was heard, and the pure sword Qi was forced to flash in the air by the thick fish tail. And Yu's father seems to be very satisfied with the immediate results, and his body is even more straight on the traceless body to kill the past.

"Ha ha, show the enemy's weakness and let him get away with it! Then take advantage of its unprepared, at one stroke to kill it! Traceless boy, you are getting smarter and smarter Demon respect fire Xiao Lang voice a smile, in no trace mind to its praise way.

"Ha ha, how can we deal with him as an old man and play a conspiracy? I just want to try his strength. Who ever thought that this guy is really short of people and swallows elephants! " With a faint smile of no trace, the silver sword in his hand came out instantly. The endless meaning of Yin cold sword is like misty misty rain. In a twinkling, he wrapped the air in it, and also wrapped the yujialaozu who came flying on the spot.

"Liu style nine swords, one sword without trace!"

With an indifferent voice coming out, he ran to the sky covered by the artistic conception of Jiangnan sword. A silver sword light flash away, and then a silver sword strange appeared in the home after the father's body.

"Poof!" A slight sound came from the artistic conception of Yanyu Jiangnan sword. The lustre of yujialaozu's lower body, which turned into a fishtail, gradually faded away, and the fury of Xuanli on his whole body quickly melted away. But Yu's eyes were full of shock and reluctance. He stared at the young man in green, but he didn't make any noise.

"Hoo Half hanging in the air, no trace of a long sigh of relief. A silver sword flashed by, and the silver sword went back to the traceless palm again. No trace looked down at Yu's mansion, which seemed to have turned into a sea of fire. He sighed quietly and said: "Alas, my grandfather, I'll get half of the revenge. From then on, Andong city is no longer at home! Next, it's the city Lord's mansion.... < br > the city Lord's mansion is the place to be

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