Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 163: 163

The main residence is in a hidden courtyard.

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At this time, the whole courtyard was enveloped by two terrible forces. Xu Jin, the city leader, and Mr. Wang, who came from Chaoge, the king's capital, both showed their fierce eyesight and locked the breath of white, green and two teenagers in front of them.

But it's strange that the power released by the later cultivation realm of the two soul States has no effect on the two 17-year-old boys.

The two are still as if nothing had happened, sometimes looking at each other, sometimes whispering. This move is undoubtedly the biggest contempt for the two high-weight late masters of he Hun Jing.

"Boy, who are you?" The city Lord Xu Jin was the first to lose his breath, and pointed to no trace and asked.

"Liu, Wu, Chen!" No trace brow a pick, stare at the city Lord Xu Jin a word of say.

Smell speech, city Lord Xu Jin body slightly a Zheng, in the mind rapid rotation, recalling some related information about no trace. While the so-called Mr. Wang was still confused, so he had to step back and quietly observe the city master Xu Jin's every move.

"Ha ha, you are the one who survived the Liu family! It's really hard to find a place to break the iron shoes! Now that you have come here on your own initiative, the Lord of the city will be kind enough to give you a ride! " The city master Xu Jin burst out laughing. He thought it was a family son behind the imperial power of the king. But I didn't expect that it was the Liu family's left son who had been out before, which immediately made the city master Xu Jin give up his worries. No longer any scruples, to no trace showed a pair of ferocious face.

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"Ha ha, I forgot to tell you, Lord. I killed Yu Dingyi, and I killed Xu Yining! " No trace light smile, can't deny shrug.

With this remark, Xu Jin, the city master, stopped laughing. Looking into the traceless eyes again, there were two waves of anger that seemed to eat people.

"Are you serious?" The city Lord Xu Jin is biting his back teeth and stares at the question without trace.

"Ha ha, this kind of thing, where can someone be lazy! I said, "it's me, that's over there!" No trace cold smile, waist jade belt in vain a loose. A white light flashed out, and a silver sword was firmly held in the palm of the hand.

"Hum!" A faint sound of sword sounds, and a series of terrible continuous sword Qi spreads. A spirit of Xuanli at the level of cultivation in the later stage of the soul state spreads, fighting against the oppressive chamber released by the city master Xu Jin.

"You deserve to die, you deserve to die, you deserve to die..." after getting the positive reply of no trace, Xu Jin, the city leader who couldn't restrain his hatred, was furious. The air of Xuanli burst out, and a violent hurricane wrapped the body of the city master Xu Jin in an instant.

"Whoosh!" A cold wind blowing, a hurricane wrapped in a flash out of the virtual shadow. Before waiting for no trace on the opposite side to come back, I just felt that a powerful fist suddenly bombarded my chest.

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"Boom!" A frenzy of momentum surging spread out, in a flash will be in the courtyard of all the houses collapsed. And the whole figure of no trace retreated and flew backward, which was obviously affected by the attack of this fist.

"Kick!" After retreating for tens of meters one after another, traceless legs fell down and suddenly stabilized the body. A dull feeling came from the chest. A yellow fist seal was clearly engraved on the traceless chest.

"Yila!" No trace right hand a pull, will be covered by the chest clothes pulled off. On the Yellow bronze skin, there is a golden light lingering. However, the silver sword in Wuchen's hand was dancing one after another, and the sword Qi floated down and the guards were all around him.

"Cough, traceless boy, this guy can beat back your body with one punch. It seems that he must have combined his own soul to attack." The rough voice of demon zunhuoxiao reverberates again and speaks quietly in traceless brain.

"Bullshit, I'm not blind. Of course I know he used his soul!" Listen to the words of the demon zunhuoxiao, no trace will be angry.

At this time, the violent hurricane surged up again. Countless fists turned into howling hurricanes, pounding toward the traceless body.

Boom, boom, boom

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One after another, there were four turbulence, and hurricane after hurricane. The body protecting sword Qi surrounded by Wu Chen's whole body collapses completely, and the terrible Xiao Sha hurricane never stops bombarding Wu Chen's body.

"No trace?" Seeing this, the expression on the sword's nameless face was obviously coagulated, and the killing intention on his body immediately surged out.

On the other side, Mr. Wang, a middle-aged man, was smiling. He stepped forward and blocked the way of the sword. A fury of Xuanli gas spread out, and Mr. Wang's body moved to attack and kill the unknown sword."Hum, you get up!" The sword was nameless, and the pure sword Qi burst out in a flash. The Xuanli spirit released by Mr. Wang, who was originally attacked and killed, suddenly trembled. A terrible killing intention immediately dragged Mr. Wang's body and threw it out.

With a plop, Mr. Wang fell to the ground heavily. Immediately, one of them turned over and jumped up. Mr. Wang was full of consternation. He couldn't believe that he was staring at the nameless sword. He didn't dare to act rashly any more.

"Liu style nine swords, sword rain flying!"

"Liu style nine swords, streamer flying!"

The sword Qi burst out from the silver sword and turned into pieces of sword rain. Will be in the void of the remnants of the hurricane, a total strangled.

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At the same time, I saw a figure from the smoke of Xuanli in a flash. As dazzling as streamer, and as fast as the wind.

In the blink of an eye, Wu Chen turns his silver sword into a virtual shadow, and skilfully bypasses the road protected by the city master Xu Jin. Just a breath, no trace then killed the city Lord Xu Jin in front of him. And at this time of no trace all over the body is full of scars, appear extremely embarrassed.

"Sa Sa!" A strange scream came out of no trace's body. Closely following, I saw a golden triangle head, leaping out from the traceless chest.

Golden Triangle head slightly move, a golden water line will spray out from the red core. Golden waterlines quickly turned into gold and stone, covering the whole body of the city master Xu Jin.

"Why, what the hell is this?" The golden stone spread, and in the blink of an eye, it covered the whole body of the city master Xu Jin. Around the roaring hurricane momentum gradually weakened, not long time effort will be turned into a wisp of smoke, along the city master Xu Jin's ear, then jumped in.

"What kind of soul are you?" City Lord Xu Jin's body is covered with gold and stone, and only his head is exposed. The city master Xu Jin's eyes were full of fear, and he roared at Wu Chen with fear and hatred.

"Ah, this, this is the talent attack of martial spirit! No, it's impossible. Only the spirit of Dan can awaken the talent of martial spirit. You are just in the soul state. How can this be... "On one side, Mr. Wang, who was originally on guard, was stunned. He stared at the traceless place in the distance as if he had seen a ghost. He screamed and retreated back in a panic... < br > at the same time

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