Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 164: 164

3.15 anti counterfeiting

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"The sword cage covers the south of the Yangtze River." No trace a hand sword, continuous Yin cold sword meaning into rain fog, quietly spread out in an instant.

Misty and misty, the sword Qi rose and quickly integrated into the artistic conception of Jiangnan sword. On the other side, Mr. Wang felt a tremor all over, and he fell into the artistic conception of Yanyu Jiangnan sword.,

"Ha ha, boy, I am the Lord of the city granted by the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty. If you dare to kill an official without permission, you will disobey the Zhou Dynasty. If I die, you will be wanted by the Zhou Dynasty. If you let me go now, maybe I can leave you a whole body! " City Lord Xu Jin's eyes are full of fierce light, his eyes are staring at no trace, and he cries like gnashing his teeth. The whole body is covered with gold and stone, which is like the top of Mount Tai. The city master Xu Jin's body cannot be moved.

"Ha ha, Mr. Wang, do you think I dare to kill Lord Xu?" No trace light smile, can't deny shrug. Then, the silver sword in his hand gently swung, effortlessly put on the city master Xu Jin's neck.

"Cough, young people, don't be too angry. Kill the Lord of a city, the Dynasty will not let you go! I'll give you a guarantee. As long as you let the LORD go, I guarantee you can leave here safely, and the Lord will not trouble you in the future! " Mr. Wang grinned and rubbed his hands nervously.

"Ha ha, is it still a young man? And then, why should I believe you? " With a cold smile, Wu trace continued to stare at Mr. Wang.

Seeing this, he didn't start immediately when he saw no trace. On the contrary, there was a breath of activity in his words, which made Mr. Wang's heart move obviously.

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"Ha ha, young man, I've seen you behind you. Why don't you work with me in the future! I am one of the eight Wangs in Wangdu, and I have more powerful backstage support! As long as you submit to me, we will be a family from now on. If you have any grievances, just say it. I promise the Lord of the city will try his best to satisfy you! " Mr. Wang's face was gentle and he spoke carefully.

After listening to Mr. Wang's words, the corners of Wu Chen's mouth were slightly upturned. He turned his head and stared at the fierce looking Lord Xu Jin, holding the silver sword more tightly.

"Ha ha, I just want his head! As for your Wang family, I'd better choose him. You can do it by yourself! "

"Be presumptuous, be partial to the wild village, ignorant children, don't make any promises. How can my royal family be intimidated by you..." Mr. Wang's dress burst into a rage and rebuked Wu trace indignantly with his fingers.

"Ha ha, Mr. Wang, you must have never heard of my taboo! Then, the second prince will not care about such a small person as me! " There was an evil smile at the corner of his mouth, and the silver sword in his hand flashed by in vain.

"Brush!" A fury of Xuanli burst out, and the silver sword instantly turned into a magic weapon. The city leader Xu Jin shook his angry head and fell to the ground with a grunt.

"Poof!" The red blood sprayed out. The city Lord Xu Jin's head fell on the ground and his eyes were wide open. He still kept a look of disbelief, while his rigid body fell to one side heavily.

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"Out!" There was no expression on his face, and the air of Xuanli in his body moved slightly. The ambiguous sword mood in the surrounding courtyards suddenly moved, and the body of the city master Xu Jin was crushed in the cold wind.

"You, who are you? How do you know the relationship between our royal family and the second prince? Are you, are you one of the princes Seeing no trace clean, he killed the city leader Xu Jin, and the confidence in Mr. Wang's heart disappeared. How can a man who dares to kill the Lord of a city in public be afraid of a legitimate son of the king's family. Moreover, it is said that after killing people, they fled. The territory of the mainland of China is vast. If the Zhou Dynasty wanted to find someone to be wanted, it would have been a long time.

"Ha ha, the royal family has nothing to do with me, but your royal family has a lot to do with me!" No trace brow a pick, silver sword in the hand again in vain. Boundless Xiao Xiao kill idea surging out, cover in Mr. Wang's body shape without concealing.

"You, you want to kill me..." Mr. Wang suddenly hit a cold shiver, the killing intention around seemed to have invaded every pore. In the later period of he Hun Jing, the sword marks appeared on the body of the strong under the pressure of no trace. This made Mr. Wang, who had no confidence in his heart, even more frightened at this time.

"Oh, I'm sorry! The Wangs, they all deserve to die! " No trace slightly picked pick eyebrow, whole body breath again big make and rise. The silver sword in his hand turned into a long snake in an instant. He rushed to the opposite Mr. Wang with great momentum.

"Ouch!" A roar like the roar of the tiger and the sound of the Dragon resounded through the silent courtyard. In front of Mr. Wang, a gorgeous tiger with yellow ribs and wings emerged out of thin air."Poof!" There was no sign of weakening the momentum of the snake, which was transformed by the silver sword. It bombarded the gorgeous tiger.

The air of terrifying Xuanli was scattered everywhere, and all the houses in the narrow courtyard collapsed in an instant. Bursts of smoke filled the air, hot waves surging out layer by layer.

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In the distance, all the soldiers in the city Lord's mansion were shocked and came back to their senses. At the first time, they were all armed and rushed towards the destroyed courtyard in the rear.

"Ha ha, Wang family inherits martial spirit. It seems that I didn't kill the wrong person!" My heart moved, and I saw a silver flash in the air. The silver sword was once again held in Wu Chen's hand, and Wu Chen's killing intention increased a lot.

"Ouch!" At this time, I saw the gorgeous tiger full of scars, panting appeared in the center of Xuanli blasting. Mr. Wang in the rear didn't hesitate. He jumped on the back of the gorgeous tiger.

"Suddenly The wings of the gorgeous tiger trembled suddenly, and a gust of wind rose on the spot. Wind convolution of this gorgeous tiger's huge body, with the wings shaking, all of a sudden it flew to the semi suspended.

"Bad!" No trace heart dark to a bad, body Xuanli of the gas instantly gathered. The silver sword in Wu Chen's hand is bright and dark, and it is obvious that it has entered a kind of ethereal realm.

"Unparalleled sword God, unparalleled sword God!"

At this time, in the semi suspended, a low and cold voice came quietly. The shadow of a heavy Epee suddenly shines, as dazzling as the sun and the moon, and as dazzling as thousands of focuses. Epee peeps out as a streamer, penetrating into Mr. Wang's back heart with incomparable accuracy.

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"Poof!" A flash of light, epee unparalleled in mid air hit a circle, then again fell on the back of the sword unknown palm.


After the unparalleled Epee penetrated Mr. Wang's body, it quickly detonated a fury of Xuanli gas in Mr. Wang's body. Mr. Wang didn't even have time to make any response, so he was killed on the spot. And the gorgeous tiger with Mr. Wang on his back trembled and gave out a low cry. Then, the whole gorgeous tiger's huge body gradually became nihilistic. After a while, it completely faded and dissipated in the world, as if it had never appeared before.

"Ah, nameless, why are you doing this? You don't need to do it!" No trace flashed to the sword nameless body, but shook his head and sighed.

"No trace, now you have a big revenge, we'd better leave soon! If someone discovers our identity, it will lead to unnecessary trouble! " Sword nameless lightly patted to have no the shoulder of mark, looking at far away the troops of little come, utter a word to remind a way.

"Go No trace, no nonsense, nodded heavily to the sword. Then, the two figures of Yi Bai and Yi Qing turned into two streamers and disappeared into the dark night before the soldiers came from below

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