Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 168: 168

After a fight, the results of the first round of competition among the six colleges were officially released.

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This time, a total of three members of the powerful Penglai Dynasty entered the second round of competition. The Jiuli Dynasty, which is also famous for its toughness, unexpectedly only two people entered the second round of competition. The Daliang Dynasty and the tianque Dynasty, which were relatively weak, each had two men in the next round.

The great Zhou Dynasty and the great Yan Dynasty actually became the biggest beneficiaries of this struggle. Similarly, three students from each dynasty were shortlisted, and they became the strong ones with the same number of promotion as the Penglai Dynasty.

The great Zhou Dynasty, the outer part of the king's capital Chaoge City, and one of the nine forbidden areas are not in the edge of Shenshan mountain.

Around such a large open space, people came to watch the battle all over the major dynasties in mainland China. All of them were stunned for a long time, and then they recovered from the battle that had just ended quickly.

At this time, Ji GongDan, the dean of Dazhou University, was smiling, and his figure appeared in the empty space again.

"Ha ha, the first round of competition is officially over! Next, we will continue to take the rule of fighting in pairs, and fight out seven people to enter the third round! Because of the number of people, one of your 15 will be lucky enough to enter the next round of competition

Smell speech, in addition to each big college this time lead a team to come to the Dean, the rest of the people present at the same time a Leng. Ji GongDan, the dean of Dazhou college, took out 15 slender notes from his arms.

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"Take one of each of you. Activate the Xuanli in the body, and the note will change color with the covering of Xuanli! If they fight each other, those with the same color are the opponents. And only one of these notes will not change color. Those who draw this note will be lucky and will automatically enter the next round of fight Ji GongDan's face was full of smile, and he spoke softly with his white beard on his chest. Immediately, I saw that the 15 middle school note in Ji GongDan's hand floated up at the same time. Unexpectedly, it floated in front of Ji GongDan out of thin air.

"Ha ha, all players, pick your opponents quickly!" At the command of Ji GongDan, the dean of Dazhou University, the fifteen students in the empty room urged Xuanli in their bodies one after another, seized a note nearby and slowly grasped it in their hands.

Tengteng, Tengteng

I saw the air of Xuanli rising, and there was silence in the empty space. The tutors and students of the six colleges, as well as the fighters from all sides who came to watch the battle, all glared at each other and gathered their eyes on the note wrapped by Xuanli in the hands of 15 students.

"Brush!"“ Brush A dazzling light, flash away. The 15 students in each college changed their eyes at the same time.

"Ha ha, this thing is really magical!" No trace looking at his hand has become red color of the note, can not help but sigh from the heart.

"Keke, you can determine the changing eyes according to the Xuanli attribute. It seems that this note is not random. But the note contains some unknown array, according to the tester's foundation, and then decide the same attribute type of warrior as the opponent! " Demon zunhuo Xiao's rugged voice sounded out in a faint voice, and reminded him in his traceless mind.

"Blue!" On one side, the sword with a cold face frowned slightly, holding the note in his hand and whispered.

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At the same time, the other five colleges promoted students, all secretly called strange. And holding the changed color note in his hand, he began to search around for his opponents.

"Oh, white, even white!" At this time, Ji Ruxue, who has always been as cold as ice, even holds the note in her hand and talks to herself.

"Damn, this note has not changed. If the note doesn't change color, isn't it empty? " Traceless eyes instantly stare bean big, looking at Ji Ruxue hands of white note, a force of utter exclamation: "ha ha, Ruxue you can really ah, such a sign, but also by you to draw!"

"Ha ha, Congratulations, Congratulations!" Jian Mingming holds the blue note in his hand, and an imperceptible smile appears on his cold face. Also quietly standing beside Ji Ruxue, whispering.

"Cut, boring, or who will exchange with me?" Ji Ruxue's face is already cold and gorgeous, but there is no cold energy in her words. This slightly cold and warm sound, falling into the traceless ear, is already rare warmth.

"Hehe, luck is also a part of strength! You'd better keep this note like snow! " Traceless silly smile, scratching his head, said excitedly.

"Luck is luck for oneself. All those who achieve great things have great fortune! If snow, this is your chance, we dare not deprive at will! " Sword nameless full face is normal color, lightly nodded a way to Ji Ruxue in one side.

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"Ha ha, little beauty, how about I exchange with you, brother?""Hey, sister beauty, if you don't like my big brother. As a younger brother, I'd like to work hard for you, beauty! "

At the time of no trace and others' low voice conversation, two extremely different male voices. One before and one after resounding, full of adultery smile into the three ears.

In front of the three men, two young men in pale yellow long shirts were staring at Ji Ruxue's face.

"Hum, the students of Daliang university are just like the national ethos of Daliang. They are just like the same. They are barren, rotten and ugly. They are a pool of mud that can't be supported on the wall!" No trace step forward, block in front of Ji Ruxue. The twinkle in the eyes is cold idea, stare at in front of two people coldly say.

"It seems that you are our opponents in the next round!" Sword nameless sweeps the note in the opposite person's hand, then in the first time determined two people this time to gather together to come forward of intention.

"Haha, with such a beautiful woman in mind, no wonder you two white faces are eager to show up! We are all men. We brothers can understand and understand this feeling! "

"Jie Jie, as long as you promise to give that beauty to our brothers, we will leave you a dog's life in the fight. How about that?"

The faces of the two young men in yellow shirt are quite similar, even their expressions and movements are similar. Two people all at the same time face expose fierce light, stare at no trace and sword nameless put down cruel words!

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"To die!" In the rear, Ji Ruxue, who had endured for a long time, had a ups and downs in front of her chest, and the air of Xuanli around her body fluctuated slightly. The ice on my body is even colder, and the temperature in the surrounding air has dropped a lot. If the other party dares to say one more word, it will have to kill at any time and then make a quick decision.

"Ha ha, don't be angry! Believe us, and make sure that they can't take care of themselves No trace turned back to look at Ji Ruxue, Junlang's face was full of spring breeze like smile. Bright eyes flashed a trace of tenderness, half joking with Ji Ruxue said.

"Puchi!" Ji Ruxue, who has a cool face and a beautiful face, smiles, and then turns white without a trace. Then he nodded to Wu Chen and Jian Ming and retreated to the place behind them in silence.

"Wow, what a beautiful woman!"

"Hey, big brother, I'm going to make up my mind about this girl. Don't rob me!"

After seeing Ji Ruxue's gorgeous smile, the two students in light yellow long shirts in Daliang University were even more crazy. Almost crazy, chiguoguo fixed her eyes on Ji Ruxue's icy face< br>

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