Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 169: 169

On such a big empty field, the chill rose again. The surrounding temperature drops suddenly in vain, and the eyes of the people on one side are all quietly looking at Wu Chen and others.

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"Ha ha, seven fights are going on at the same time! If you have the same color of the note in your hand, you can quickly enter the isolated area of the empty array! " The voice of Ji GongDan, the dean of Dazhou college, rings out again and draws back the eyes of the people who are attracted.

At the same time, on such a big empty field, suddenly the seven colors and colors of the circular light column rose. These circular light columns all rise from the ground and are automatically arranged into seven square empty fields.

Each of the seven empty areas is separated by a certain distance, and there are array powers on the circular light columns.

What's more surprising, however, is that. Once you enter the array, there is no possibility that you can vent the Xuanli Qi.

"Hey, little beauty, wait for my brother, he will come back soon!"

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"Ha ha, brother, how can you talk to your sister-in-law?"

Two young men in light yellow long clothes, with obscene faces, looked at each other with a smile. Shuangshuang utters lewd words, greedy eyes scan Ji Ruxue's whole body. Later, they were reluctant to part with each other, and they stepped reluctantly towards the isolated area with the same color as the note in their hands.

"Ha ha, nameless, it's our turn! Don't be polite to these two guys! " Traceless cold smile, turned his eyes, behind him was angry shivering Ji Ruxue. Then, while greeting the sword next to him, he rushed to the array in a fiery red area.

"Nature The sword is nameless, with a straight face and no half smile. With only a slight movement, he can't wait to step into the blue array area.

"Thank you, it's so nice to have you..." a very slight to imperceptible words, murmuring from the cold and beautiful Ji Ruxue. At this time, Ji Ruxue's coldness is completely gone, and a touch of light warmth is in its place.

This time, on such a big empty field, it has been naturally isolated into seven groups of areas with different colors by the array. In addition to no trace, sword nameless and two students of Daliang college.

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Penglai, Dayan, tianque, Jiuli, and the other four imperial colleges were all in a disordered order, confusing and dividing each other.

Within the seven array, seven groups of 14 students are opposite each other. The fierce and violent air of Xuanli all scrambled to rise. In the later stage of the soul state, the cultivation level is clear, and the fourteen powerful forces collide with each other in one place, competing with each other in the seven arrays.

"Ha ha, Dazhou college, Liu Wuhen, please teach me..." in the area of fiery red array, Wuhen's eyes are extremely cold, his voice is full of indifference, and he smiles coldly at the young man in yellow shirt.

"Hey, boy. Listen to me, I'm Gou Fugui, the first person in Daliang college. Over there is my brother, Gou Xiangwang! " The young man in the yellow shirt has a clear mind. He points to another sword beside him, which is in the blue array area. Later, Gou Fugui, who claimed to be the first person in Daliang college, turned into greedy and licked his lips with his tongue covered with fur.

"Jie Jie, as soon as I saw that girl, I knew that she must be a virgin. As long as you're willing to give up now, you'll follow in the future. When I've had enough of that girl, maybe I'll give it to you as soon as I'm in a good mood... "Gou Fu Gui's words are very ugly, and he smiles at Wu Chenjian.

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"Ha ha!" Wu Chen's face was very gloomy, but he didn't talk with gou Fu Gui. But the right hand gently in the waist, a silver light will shine. The silver light came down, and the silver sword was coldly held in the palm of his hand. The light of the sword surged into the sky, and the Qi of the body protecting sword tightly surrounded Wuchen's whole body.

"Hum, boy, you really don't know how to praise me!" As soon as Gou Fugui's complexion coagulates, his whole body suddenly chills. The air was filled with a strong, pungent and erosive air.

"That's enough to kill you a thousand times. For a dead man to come, there is no need to spend more time! I just want to let you understand when I tell you this! Whose hand did you die in, that's all... "The cold face of no trace was full of chill, and the sword spirit released by the silver sword in his hand was fierce. The evil spirit of Gou Fugui was completely blocked in the position dozens of meters away from Wuchen's body.

"Hey, since you want to die, I will help you. Boy, take your life Gou Fugui a burst drink, followed by the body Xuanli gas will not be able to prevent the explosion.

Gou Fugui's shadow flashed out, and his whole body was covered with gloomy evil spirit. All the places I have passed are full of strange Yin wind. In the blink of an eye, the Qi of Yin evil will impact on the traceless body."Hum!" A loud and clear sword came out from the silver long sword body in no trace's hand. The floating sword lights quickly turned into gorgeous flying sword flowers. Scattered and galloping, falling and hanging towards the body of Gou Fu Gui.

"Hum!" At this time, the moment that the Qi of Yin Sha touched the body. The light golden Qi contained in Wu trace's body is shining. However, Yin Sha's Qi was imperceptible. After touching Wu Chen's body, it all turned into rising water vapor and quickly evaporated and disappeared in the array area.

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"Haha, heaven and earth are the ultimate enemies of evil and evil spirit! Now, Wuchen, you have reached the level of perfection. If these martial arts practitioners of the same level want to attack you by this means, they will undoubtedly lift a stone and hit their own feet! " Demon zunhuoxiao's rough voice came with laughter, and it got up happily in traceless mind.

"Ha ha, I see. I said that this guy's attack was useless to me at all!" Traceless eyes full of cold, in front of the demon respect fire Xiao quietly back. The corner of the mouth slightly rises on Junlang's face, revealing a pair of symbolic evil smile.

"Hey, hey, take advantage of his illness and kill him!" Demon respect fire Xiao once again resounding and rise, undisguised and no trace communication way.

Poop, poop, poop

In the fiery array area, the sword flower of sword light falls to the ground rapidly. A remnant shadow retreated rapidly, and the spirit of Yin evil rose rapidly. After the confluence of sword light, Gou Fugui's figure flashed out in a hurry. Then, Gou Fugui's complacent expression was swept away, and he looked at the traceless eyes again, full of incredible eyes.

At the same time, the other six different color array area, fierce fighting is also in full swing. In one of the areas with blue light, the sword is nameless, the double shadow of the Epee hovers around, and the slender white palm is waved. Countless golden lights flew out, and the sound of swords came out one after another. Facing the young man in yellow shirt who came out of the evil spirit on the opposite side, he was mercilessly killed

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