Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 171: 171

Boom, boom

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On the open field, the sound of turbulence is rising one after another. The fury of Xuanli spread, and the rest of the six battle groups were fighting fiercely.

In the blue array area, only Gou Fu and GUI are shocked. His body flashed back one after another, his eyes fixed on the distant indifferent sword.

Sword nameless see also didn't see Gou rich and noble one eye, still a face indifferent negative hand but stand. There is no double Epee on his back. It seems that nothing has happened to him. He is as cool as a cucumber.

"I wanted to kill him, but I couldn't help it. I'm sorry to save his life... "

"No matter, the soul of the warrior has been destroyed. He is a useless man now. That's enough!" Ji Ruxue's face is still as cold as ice, but silently nods to the nameless sword.

"That's good!" Sword nameless, the same face indifferent, as if self-care murmured.

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"Wangwang?" Gou Fugui in the red array clenched his teeth and set his eyes on the traceless body.

"Hehe, Wangwang? Bah, Wangzai QQ candy No trace felt the killing intention released by Gou Fugui, but didn't pay attention to it. On the contrary, he shook the silver sword in his hand, and the sword light quickly turned into falling leaves all over the sky.

"Shameless person, I will kill you now!" Gou Fugui roared, and his whole body was full of evil spirit. All over the sky, Xuanli's Qi swayed and was instantly covered by the evil Qi. It quickly turned into strong and pungent black smoke, and in the blink of an eye, it rushed to the traceless body.

"The sword is raining!" I saw silver swords flying all over the sky in the middle of the sky, like a little rain. A silver sword light cuts through the sky and pricks the black smoke from all over the sky.

On the other side, I saw the black smoke cut and penetrated by the sword Qi, but there was no sign of decay. But with the surging of a fishy wind, it turned into a black air again.

"Damn, it didn't work!" See, no trace heart is a surprise. Then, the silver sword in his hand waved again, and the swords gasified into catkins, which covered the traceless body for the first time.

"Eh, it seems that this little guy's Kung Fu is not the orthodox magic skill, but more like a heresy that absorbs the evil spirit of men and women. It seems that it is the filthy Qi of these men and women that leads to the weakening of the attack of sword Qi. " In Wu trace's mind, Yao zunhuoxiao's rough voice echoed again.

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"The dog eats the moon!" A roar of anger rang from the black smoke all over the sky. I saw a blanket of black smoke, and instantly covered the whole person without trace. In the pungent black smoke, a strong black dog appeared.

With the fall of Gou Fu Gui's voice. Black dog's virtual shadow and Gou Fugui's figure are integrated in one place. Gou Fugui's body is full of thick black smoke, and his eyes are full of evil spirit. The whole person flew out like a vicious dog, and then plunged into the vast black smoke.

"Damn, old demon, what's this guy's routine?" Shrouded in black smoke, the body of the silver sword without trace retreated. Staring around with vigilant eyes, the divine sense quickly spread within the scope of several meters of the whole body.

"Eh, fierce beast spirits can also be integrated with noumenon. It seems that the integrated black dog spirit has improved the strength of the boy in all aspects to a higher level! " Demon respect fire Xiao light exhort a, while thinking, side secretly to no trace analysis way.

Click, click

A sound of penetrating fragmentation came from the pungent black air mass. An indistinct shadow was extremely fast. In a moment, it chewed the body protecting sword Qi of no trace covered by black smoke.

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"Jie Jie, boy. I will eat your heart and drink your blood A hoarse and low roar came from Gou Fugui's mouth again.

"Brush" black body with channeling longitudinal, constantly changing the direction of movement. Black smoke shrouded in, the dark virtual shadow flash out, full of no trace in the field of vision.

"Wheezing!" There was a penetrating sound, and no trace only felt a pang of pain on his arm. The silver sword in his hand quickly turned a sword flower, and went straight to the shadow on his arm.

"Whoosh!" The quick black shadow reaction is extremely fast, and it will melt into the black smoke and disappear.

When Wu trace came back to his mind again, the silver sword in his hand had been swept away. On the painful arm, however, there was a bright and penetrating impression of fierce animal teeth. Fortunately, no trace's body is as strong as a rock, which was cultivated by the eternal resolution of heaven and earth. This was not bitten by the just blow. But it's just a tooth mark, but it's still a cold sweat.After all, the opponent's speed is extremely fast and can't be caught, and he is haunted by the dark air. God knows where this guy will suddenly come out again. Leng buting will give himself another fatal blow.

"Willow style nine swords, sword cage in the south of the Yangtze River, and continuous sword cover..." a series of silver sword lights rose around Wuchen's body, and the endless sword meaning spread like misty rain.

The endless silver sword spirit interweaves with the painting to form a hazy and lingering sword spirit of Jiangnan. In this artistic conception of sword, everything covered and spread becomes extremely slow and clear.

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"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh," a vague dark shadow gradually shows a round shape under the cover of Jiangnan misty rain sword. In the area of Jiangnan, the speed of the pungent black air became very slow.

"Why?" Feel the cold and continuous sword spirit covering the whole body, and the black figure in the dark smoke obviously pauses. Then, the black figure quickly waved his arms together, and ten cold lights flickered along the fingertips, which opened a gap in the artistic conception of sword around him.

"Come on, traceless boy, now!" Demon respect fire Xiao thick crazy voice is full of joy, in front of no trace secretly quietly command way.

"Ha ha, the dog eats the moon. I'll let you try my dog beating stick now. I'll beat the water dog with pain! " No trace burst out laughing, the continuous hazy sword meaning and artistic conception power instantly restored as before. Then, I saw no trace's figure move, and the momentum of his body was fused with the silver sword in his hand. The artistic conception of the combination of man and sword is like a bright silver, shining through the black air.

I saw a silver falling from the sky, just like the God of heaven coming down to earth. The shadow below just broke away from the artistic conception of sword has not yet had time to escape, so it is locked by the artistic conception of sword. While the shadow had not yet made a response, the air of the sword above his head was like destroying wood and decaying, with the air of destruction from top to bottom.

Gulu, Gulu

In addition to the ten players in the other five regiments, most of the students and tutors in the six colleges who were watching the battle found the terrible mysterious force released by the regiment where Wuchen was. When people were completely attracted to the blue array, the dazzling silver sword was engraved into everyone's heart

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