Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 172: 172

Click, click

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The sound of broken skulls quietly spread out in the red array. All over the sky pungent black gas, in the silver sword light under the piercing, once again be blasted to pieces, full of holes up.

"Suddenly." A strange cold wind rolled up in the red array. The breath of yin and cold spread, and the black fog in the void was blown everywhere. Under the black atmosphere and thick smoke, the two figures gradually showed their true faces.

I saw no trace with silver sword in both hands, and a faint evil smile on his handsome face. And right under the silver sword, Gou Fugui's face was incredible and his knees fell to the ground. On the top of Gou Fugui's head, the silver sword blade has obviously been deeply split into Gou Fugui's head.

"Keke, sword meaning? This, how is this possible... "Gou Fugui's eyes glowed again, coughing with blood in his mouth. Around his body, the black smell, which was originally covered, is also rapidly weakening, and there are obvious signs of fading.

"Death No trace's face is as calm as water, and he doesn't even bother to see Gou Fugui again. In the mouth extremely indifferently spits out a word, on the hand silver long sword instantaneous burst out the fierce intention to kill.

"Click, click..."

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A clear sound came out of the red array. The silver sword is like a sharp weapon. It cuts Gou Fu Gui's head in two when he is upright.

"Poof!" A silver cold light flashed down, and the bright red blood column splashed everywhere. Under the terrible attack of the silver sword, Gou Fugui's whole body is as fragile as a knife cutting tofu.

"Brush!" Another cold light flashed out of thin air. The silver sword turned into a jade belt and was tied on the traceless waist again. The endless sword mood dissipates the nothingness, and the power of the red array gradually weakens.

Pedal, pedal, pedal

Traceless stepped out of the red array with light steps and square steps. The red array ended and dissipated, leaving only Gou Fugui's body, which had been split in two, still scattered on the ground.

In the twinkling of an eye, no trace then took a steady step and went back to the team of Dazhou college. Along the way, the students and tutors of the other major colleges all showed a trace of fear in their eyes.

In particular, the people of Daliang college are itching at the root of no trace hate. Even Zhu Feng, the dean of Daliang college, frowned at the traceless killing.

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"Ha ha, good! Thanks to my students from Dazhou University, I'll do it when it's time to do it! " Ji wubing, Dean of the inner courtyard of Dazhou college, laughs loudly and nods to Wuhen.

"Ha ha, yes, we not only do it when it's time to do it, but we also rush into China." No trace skin smile meat don't smile, calmly back after a sentence. He swaggered past Ji wubing and came directly to the location of other hospitals in Jiangnan.

"Ha ha, when it's time to do it, go into China! Well, well, this will be the training of our inner court in the future! " The president of the inner courtyard, Ji wubing, was obviously in a good mood. He waved his hand and announced to the people around him.

Indeed, Ji Ruxue's first battle was in the air. Sword nameless and easy to defeat the opponent, and now no trace is to give everyone a surprise, unexpectedly rely on their own strength to crush the same level of strength opponent. Moreover, it is not only rolling, but also splitting the opponent into two sections. This not only increases the chances of winning the competition behind Dazhou college, but also greatly encourages the fighting spirit and confidence of the students of Dazhou college.

"Ha ha, I'm in a bad mood. I'm really choking if I don't chop down! You don't control the force, you know! " No trace scratched to scratch a head, dry smile to the side several people soft voice speech arrive.

"Hee hee, brother Wuchen, you are the best. You are the genius of martial arts!" Little girl Liu shuang'er is full of joy. She pulls Liu Wuchen's hands forward and shakes them.

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"That sword is quite powerful!" One side, sword nameless face indifferent, to no trace back to the sentence.

"Ha ha, it's OK, it's OK!" Mentor Yanyu life light smile, patted no trace of the shoulder, extremely perfunctory said so two.

"Damn, is that the right attitude to welcome a winner back?" Traceless turned his eyes and despised the sarcastic people around him.

"Cough, it's unexpected that you can come back alive! For others, how dare we expect too much! " At this time, Ji Ruxue, who has been silent for the first time, said something and said so many words.

"Er..." around, Yanyu's life, the sword's nameless, Liu Shuanger, and all the people glared, as if they didn't know Ji Ruxue. A surprised long mouth, chin is about to fall down.Everyone surprised eyes, make Ji such as snow complexion a while changeable. In the end, he chose to be silent, and the expression on his face resumed the unexpected coldness.

"Ha ha, Ruxue, Ruxue said so much to me! Frost is right. I'm the best. I'm a martial arts genius Traceless hindsight like loud laughter, ignoring the surprise of others. Make one side just calm down Ji such as snow, cool and gorgeous absolutely beauty face is a burst of cloudy and sunny uncertain. But in the face of no trace simple silly, Ji Ruxue heart is not only a touch of spring heart rippling feeling.

Boom, boom

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When Wu Chen and others were talking and joking, the war situation on the front empty field changed dramatically again. In the remaining five arrays, the results of the battle are all reflected in people's eyes.

In the end, only one of the three students in Penglai university entered the next round of competition. In Dayan college, two students were successfully promoted to the next round.

One of the two contestants of Jiuli college has also been promoted to the competition. The most surprising thing is that tianque college, which is the weakest in strength, even has a female student who has entered the next round of competition. What's more, she is faced with a sword student of Penglai college, who is known as the most powerful attacker in mainland China.

Array after array, the breath of array dissipated, and the empty field was in a mess. Ji GongDan, the dean of Dazhou University, came to the middle of the open space with a look of a fairyland.

"Ha ha, this is the end of the fight today! Take a night off and compete in the final tomorrow! Now, please return to your homes and gather here tomorrow afternoon! "

Wen Yan, all the students and tutors in the various colleges all look grim, and they should return the students who have defeated each other.

All the people around the empty field, as well as the forces and fighters from all sides, are still in their minds. They are talking about the fierce fights that have taken place in the field before, and watching the students and tutors of all the colleges in the field slowly move towards the orderly retreat outside the empty field< br>

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