Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 174: 174

"Bang!"“ Bang

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A few dull sound, rapid in the courtyard ring. In the courtyard, the terror gradually disappeared.

I saw the tutor Yanyu step back and forth in his life, and his whole body was already soaked with sweat.

"Wow A mouthful of bright red blood, spit out fiercely from Yanyu's life. Yanyu's face was as white as paper, and he forced to stabilize his body with indignation.



On the other side, the two old men beside the second prince Ji Yun coughed at the same time and looked at Yanyu again. Their eyes were also full of shock.

"I'll say it one last time. Let them come out to see me!" The second prince Ji Yun's face was gloomy, and his voice rang out again. At this time, the air was mixed with the air of Xuanli, which made its words clear and resonant in every corner of Jiangnan other courtyard.

"Teacher Yanyu!"

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Su, the tutor, had already flashed forward for the first time and closely guarded Yanyu's side. At this time, the little girl Liu shuang'er who was in a panic on one side also came back to herself and quickly stepped forward to hide behind them.

"Keke, second highness, it's a felony to intrude into the inner court and deliberately make trouble!" Yanyu wiped the bloodstain on the corner of his mouth and straightened his waist. Two never had cold light in the eyes, staring at the opposite second prince Ji Yun, never give in.

"Ha ha, joke! Our second highness is here for official business, and we are looking for them to assist in the investigation! Don't blame us for putting you in the right place if you're blocking me like this The old man with a rickety body is hoarse and reproaches with feminine voice.

Smell speech, Yan Yu life, Su already, and little girl Liu Shuanger, three people heart all at the same time surprised. After all, traceless and nameless swords were mysteriously missing for some time.

"Click!"“ Click

Just when the atmosphere in the courtyard was once awkward, two doors sounded in the rear courtyard at the same time. I saw two teenagers, one left and one right, all came to the center of the courtyard without expression.

"Cough, how did you two come out?" Yanyu frowned and asked in a low voice.

"Teacher Yanyu!" Sword nameless tone does not contain any emotion color, toward the misty rain life bow body then gave a gift. Then, he turned his head and set his eyes on the second prince and others. An invisible sense of killing came out of his body. One side, no trace said nothing, eyes cold scanning the opposite second prince Ji Yun.

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"Bold and unrestrained! Don't be polite when you see your second highness! " The rickety old eunuch, with a hoarse voice, stared at the sword and roared angrily.

"Ha ha, I've seen your second highness before No trace a cold smile, reason also ignore rickety body of the old eunuch. Instead, he just arched his hand and nodded to his second highness Ji Yun.

"Ha ha, you are Liu Wuchen. It's interesting. It's interesting! You are the first to dare to talk to me like that Ji Yun, the second prince, looked up at the sky and laughed. The laughter was full of sarcasm and ridicule.

"The sword is nameless!"

But at this time, the body back Epee unparalleled sword nameless is a bachelor. The pressure root even arched the hand to connect politely, the voice direct cold indifference reported own name.

"Ha ha, the royal family of Penglai in beizhou. Do you really think you're a royal family member when you're surnamed Jian? " The old eunuch spoke again and sneered at Jianming.

"There are three people in Jiangnan other courtyard, but there is another one?" The second prince Ji Yun's face is gloomy, and his eyes stare coldly at his tutor. Yanyu asks again.

"Out, not back! The college has no right to interfere with students' privacy! " Yanyu's face was calm and his voice was indifferent.

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"Ha ha, good, good a big week college!" The second prince Ji Yun sneered and glared at Yanyu. Then, with a sure look, he looked at Wu trace.

"In Liaodong county and Andong City, Xu Jin, the leader of the city, was killed by a thief. The largest family in the city was at home. More than a thousand people were killed overnight. All of them died of arson!" The second prince Ji Yun winked, and the old eunuch spoke again in a hoarse voice.

Smell speech, in the courtyard tutor Yanyu lifetime and tutor Su already, two people both one Leng, gloomy complexion in a twinkling more bloodless.

Little girl Liu shuang'er's eyes obviously flashed a trace of panic, and immediately buried her head lower. A pair of jade hands tightly clenched the corner of their clothes and hid behind Yanyu and Suji in silence.

In the courtyard, there was silence. At this time, I saw no trace suddenly burst out laughing, looked up to the sky and cried out: "ha ha, good, good death! As the saying goes, good is rewarded with good, and evil is rewarded with evil. It's not that it's not time not to report! When the time comes, everything will be reported. Heaven has eyes"Brush."“ Brush. " On the other side, the second prince Ji Yun and other people's faces are cold at the same time, and they stare at Wu Chen's body.

"Boy, it's a charge of losing one's head to criticize the officials appointed by the Zhou Dynasty!" The old eunuch was trembling all over with anger, pointing to no trace and indignant.

"Ha ha, the official of the imperial court? Xu Jin, the Lord of the city, took the people's fat and cream and united with his family to commit crimes in Andong city. If you don't believe me, please send someone to ask in Andong city. If I have half a lie from Liu Wuhen, I'll leave it to you! " No trace cold shake sleeve, the body breath ups and downs. The tone of the speech is not yielding, full of dignified return.

"Boy, you, you dare to talk to my second highness like this. You, you are the crime of disobedience. You should be punished for it!" The old eunuch shivered all over and pointed to no trace again.

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"Second your highness, tomorrow we will fight on behalf of Dazhou college, and the Six Dynasties college will compete for hegemony. If you have nothing else to ask, we will go back to practice. In case we can't play to our due level and spread it to his majesty, it will damage the face of the Zhou Dynasty! " No trace is neither humble nor arrogant. He looks at the second prince Ji Yun again and says.

"Ha ha, you dare to crush me with your father. Your temper is just like my appetite! The prince has only one word to say when he comes here this time. The matter of Andong city is a matter and not a matter. If you submit to me, it's none of your business. If you don't appreciate it, you can't get rid of it

Hearing the speech, the courtyard fell into a dead silence again. All people's eyes are the same, toward the traceless body cage.

"Ha ha, I'm a civilian. I don't mean to be able to take part in the Royal fight. I only hope that his Royal Highness the second prince can achieve his wish in the future and achieve a great success! I'm sorry for my low prestige. I'm only willing to pursue martial arts with all my heart. If you will not give up your second highness in the future, no trace will be for you No trace light smile, toward the second prince Ji Yun gently clasped his fist Gongshou road.

"You mean you won't submit to me now!" Ji Yun, the second prince, turned his eyes and asked coldly.

"Ha ha, if you are addicted to martial arts, there will be more troubles! All kinds of sufferings are not easy. I hope your second highness Haihan will do it No trace again clasped his fist arched his hand, his voice as peaceful as possible.

"Ha ha, good good good, you boy have seed!" His second highness Ji Yun's gloomy face color recovered as before, his eyes always fixed on no trace and burst out laughing. In the courtyard, all the people frowned and carefully gathered their eyes on the body of the second highness Ji Yun< br>

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