Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 175: 175

"Suddenly A gust of cold wind blowing, the silence of Jiangnan other courtyard. All of them stood aside silently and focused their eyes on the second prince Ji Yun and the traceless figure.

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"Ha ha, he doesn't want to use it for me. What about you boy?" The second prince Ji Yun's tone was full of disdain. He glanced at the sword with a cold face, and then asked.

"You go your way, I cross my bridge! The well water between you and me does not cross the river. There is no intersection between us. Why force us! " The sword nameless voice is extremely cold, and stares at the second prince Ji Yunhui.

"Ha ha, the students of other colleges in Jiangnan are quite a legacy of their teachers. I really hope you can keep up with this spirit. Don't let me down Second prince Ji Yun is a burst of long smile, turned his head to show everyone one by one.

"Hum!" Then, the second prince Ji Yun gave a cold hum, turned his head and strode toward the main entrance of the Jiangnan courtyard.

As you can see, the two old men next to the second prince have been closely following each other, while the rickety old eunuch, with more than a dozen men, also quickly followed out.

"Congratulations, second highness!" Teacher Yanyu's voice is loud and powerful in his whole life. When the second prince Ji Yun and others are about to leave Jiangnan other courtyard, he speaks coldly.

Hua La, Hua la

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A complex sound of footsteps came one after another. The second prince Ji Yun and others did not return, so he quietly left the Jiangnan courtyard.

"Teacher Yanyu, you are implicated!" Traceless complexion for a while cloudy and sunny uncertain, in front of the misty rain life deep Shi Yili road.

"Well, you just need to tell me whether it is or not!" Yanyu's tone is peaceful in his life, and his eyes are full of soft looking towards traceless.

See, no trace did not speak, but gently nodded. Then, the sword on one side stepped forward and stood side by side with no trace.

"Good! That's enough! Don't worry, I'll do everything for you! However, these two Highnesses are famous for their retribution. In the future, you must be careful not to offend him easily! " Yanyu gently waved his hand to them in his life, and his voice was full of spoiled words.

Smell speech, no trace and sword nameless two people who also didn't say more, say goodbye to Yanyu, life and sword nameless after each return to the room. And the little girl Liu shuang'er is also quietly back to the room, will today's things buried in the heart.

"All my life, it seems that I have to go back to Su Fu!" Teacher Su already eyes is full of sadness, low voice quietly to the misty rain life said.

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"Well, I planned to go back with you after this contest! It seems that all of a sudden, let's go back ahead of time together! " Yanyu sighed softly in her life, patting her tutor Su's weak shoulder, and said affectionately.

"Brush!" The teacher Su has tears in his eyes, and suddenly pours into the embrace of Yanyu's life. They held each other tightly for a long time, then quietly separated again. Then, two people and two figures flashed out at the same time, and disappeared outside the Jiangnan courtyard in the dark.

Chaoge City, the capital of the king, is the residence of the king's family.

At this time, the second prince Ji Yun is sitting in a hidden room, behind a left and a right two old men closely guard.

On the other side, Wang Feihu, the head of the Wang family, was smiling. He looked at Ji Yun, the second prince, and asked in a low voice, "Your Highness, will it go smoothly this time?"

"Ha ha, some people are young and frivolous, so they think they don't know how to do things. Since it can't be used by us, we should get rid of it. Mr. Wang, it's hard for you to make arrangements for the following things! " The second prince Ji Yun drank the tea in his mouth and looked at Wang Feihu's words.

"Ha ha, I understand. I'll do it now! We also take advantage of this matter to build up your Highness's prestige! " Wang Feihu, the owner of the Wang family, was smiling and bowed to give a gift. Then he slowly withdrew from the room.

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In the room, the second prince Ji Yun's eyes flickered with cold light. He whispered to himself with tea: "I'd rather bear the burden of the world than let the world bear me!"

At this time, the two old men who were following the second prince Ji Yun were in the same shape and trembled slightly. A flash of consternation flashed in their eyes at the same time. In a flash, they returned to normal again.

Ji Huang unfolded the memorial, and after reading it, his face turned gloomy. People who are familiar with the emperor know that this means that the emperor is really angry.

Jinluan hall was silent, and everyone was carefully waiting for Ji Huang's final choice.

"Liaodong County, Andong city master was killed, the murderer is now suspected to be hidden in my college..." Ji Huang's voice is extremely indifferent, staring at the contents of the memorial, coldly said.Smell speech, Jin Luan Temple up and down a burst of consternation, all ministers and the other seven princes all at the same time a Zheng. After a long time, all of them recovered from the shock.

"My father, the Lord of the city, is not an important official. After all, it was the official who was appointed by the Da Zhou Dynasty. Now he was killed strangely. No matter what the reason, it is a great challenge to the imperial power of Da Zhou! My son is willing to take orders to find out the traitor and shake the national prestige of the Zhou Dynasty! " The eldest prince, Ji Guo, stepped forward and bowed himself. Fang Zheng's face was full of anger, and his righteous words were full of indignation.

"Father, brother, that's true. However, this matter is under the jurisdiction of huang'er. I hope my father will give him a chance to atone for his exploits! " Second prince Ji Yun rushed out to salute, and asked for orders from Ji Huang, who was calm in color above the hall.

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"You Aiqing, what's your opinion? Let's talk about it together..." Ji Huang casually glanced at the officials below, and asked in a calm voice.

For a moment, the beating in the hall came one after another, and the princes and the civil and military officials all spoke out to reprimand. Unexpectedly, Hou Suhu, who has always been a wise man and never cares about the world, went out to take part in the class this time and told Ji huangwang to thoroughly investigate the matter, for fear that there was something else in the case.

Therefore, Wang Feihu also had a big fight with Hou Suhu in the northern part of the earthquake on the spot, and he blushed and had a rough neck. In the end, or Ji Huang Long Yan angry, this will be two people all of a sudden to pressure down.

"Ji Yun, Wang Feihu and I order you to investigate this matter quickly. If it is true, you can kill the murderer on the spot. If we find out that there is something else in the matter, we will arrest the suspect and ask for the truth before making a decision! " Ji Huang's face resumed as usual, and he closed the memorial in his hand. Glancing at his highness, the second prince Ji Yun and Wang Feihu, he said in a peaceful but meaningful voice.

"Don't worry, my father. My son will investigate this matter clearly. Never appease a traitor or kill an innocent person in vain! " The second prince Ji Yun, with a solemn face, fell on his knees and kowtowed.

"I'll take orders!" On one side, Wang Feihu, the head of the Wang family, fell on his knees and kowtowed to Ji Huang above the main hall.

"Alas..." among the civil and military officials, Su Hu, the northern Marquis, sighed. Looking at the complacent Wang Feihu and the second prince Ji Yun, I can't help but have an uncertain premonition in my heart< br>

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